Disclaimer: Burn Notice still doesn't belong to me unfortunately.

Rating: T

Summary: Can the past always be forgiven? Michael and Fiona's relationship is tested to the limits when someone they know tries to split them apart

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has reviewed my previous stories. This one started as a chapter that was going to be in coming apart at the seams, but it took a different direction and turned into this story.

As always a huge thank you to Purdy's Pal and Daisyday for the read through, suggestions and for making me laugh every day

Fall from Grace

Agent Kim Pearce sighed heavily when she walked into her silent apartment and closed the door behind her. Her head was pounding as she walked further inside and threw her bag onto the table. It had been a very trying day and she had almost let her personal feelings get in the way of the job she was assigned to do.

Shaking her head in frustration she cursed herself for being so foolish. Michael and his team were extremely tight, tighter than Raines had led her to believe. Pulling open the drawer in the kitchen she bent down to retrieve the file that was taped beneath it and regarded it with caution before she took it across to the table. Sitting down heavily she lifted her fingers to her temple and attempted to rub the ache away with circle motions. This assignment wasn't going to be easy.

She let her eyes drift over the closed paper file before she finally reached down to flip it open, her gaze once again dropping to the photographs attached to the document. Pulling the first two out from under the paperclip she regarded them closely. A pang of jealousy struck her through the heart and she once again questioned why she had even agreed to take this assignment.

She knew how it felt to be in love with your asset and have him cruelly ripped away. So why had she agreed to inflict that pain on someone else? Maybe there was some buried hostility hiding in the shadows of her heart. Or maybe she was just bitter because this woman had the life she had lived once.

She ran her fingertips over the grainy photograph that she's placed on the table. Michael looked younger in the picture and she could only assume it was taken several years before his burn notice. Fiona too looked younger but she had a totally different appearance from the one she had now. The two were obviously very much together even back then and she could see now why Raines wanted them ripped apart. But she quite liked Fiona Glenanne despite her animosity towards her, and the bond she shared with Michael Westen wouldn't be an easy one to break.

Pulling out the other two photographs from under the paperclip she looked down at Fiona in a passionate clinch with another man whose dark hair was pulled back into a small ponytail. It too was taken some time ago judging by her appearance. The second photograph was more up to date. She recognised the man from the first photo as he stood on the balcony at the loft, Fiona by his side. There was nothing remotely romantic about it but it was incriminating enough to throw doubt in Michael's mind.

Stacking the photographs together she placed them back under the clip and closed the folder quickly before she could talk herself out of it. She had agreed to this assignment before she had even met either party but now that she had it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to remain focussed. She'd lost the love of her life eight years ago and up until this day she had never recovered from his loss. He was gone forever, ripped away from her within seconds, tearing her life apart. Could she knowingly do essentially the same thing to Michael and Fiona?

Raines was very clear in his orders. Michael Westen was in too deep to think clearly. He'd lost his sharpness and developed a conscience, something that his relationship with Fiona Glenanne had caused. If Westen wanted his burn notice lifted and his job back in with the CIA, then his girlfriend had to be eliminated by any means necessary. Closing her eyes, Kim Pearce tried to push the guilt away from her mind. Orders were orders after all.


Fiona lay awake and listened to the rain hitting the windows of the loft. Michael was sleeping peacefully beside her and part her was infuriated with him for his ability to close himself off.

They had hardly spoken since he and Sam had tracked the bomber which effectively ended with Michael getting injured. She'd tried so hard not to let her personal feelings cloud her judgement but she couldn't stop the burst of words exploding from her mouth before she'd had a chance to think.

She'd suggested Armand as the man to help find out the identity of Michael's bomber so she had to shoulder most of the blame. But he hadn't questioned her once. He hadn't asked her about this mysterious man who may be able to help, and that was partly her fault too. She should have told him, or at least divulged the information, but he'd been more concerned with running off on a CIA mission with Agent Pearce. Something he'd been doing a lot of lately.

Michael shifted in his sleep and slipped a hand over her stomach. Her breath hitched in her throat when his touch sent waves of sorrow throughout her heart. She loved him more than he could ever know, but she often had to question whether he felt the same way. Armand's words echoed inside her head and she suddenly found her eyes stinging with tears. Was she happy? She didn't really know anymore.

Turning her head she scanned Michael's sleeping face and felt her heart clench inside her chest. There had been so many night's when she'd watched him sleep but never because she was worried about whether they could survive this. She'd never been entirely confident about her place in his life whether they were together or not. There were times when he was distant and pushed her away but no matter how hard she had tried in the past, she couldn't eradicate him from her mind.

Swallowing hard she slid her fingers over his arm and took comfort from the warmth of his skin. She heard his breath even out when he shuffled closer towards her. His hand reached for hers, threading their fingers together before he kissed her shoulder in his sleep.

Turning her head away Fiona felt the first tear break free and roll down the side of her face to drop onto the pillow beneath her. In sleep he showed her just how much he loved her, so why did she feel so desolate in the waking hours? Closing her eyes against the moisture building there, she willed sleep to come and claim her. Just for a little while she wanted to feel free.

She must have dozed off at some point because the next time she opened her eyes daylight was streaming in through the windows. Reaching out a hand she spread her fingertips across the mattress expecting to come into contact with Michael's warm body, but the bed was empty. Pulling the sheet with her she sat up and looked around the loft to see if she could see any signs of him but he wasn't there.

"Michael?" She asked aloud, hearing her voice echo around the open loft but she was greeted with stone cold silence.

Sighing heavily she reached across to grab her watch off of the night stand to check the time before shifting towards the edge of the bed to lower her feet to the floor. So many different emotions bombarded her at the same time and she suddenly felt so incredibly alone.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. When she first moved in with him she felt as if she was living her dream. The man she loved was showing her that he wanted them to be together just as much as she did, so where had it all gone wrong?

Pulling herself out of the bed she picked up Michael's discarded shirt from the floor and held it in her hands, regarding it silently. With a heavy sigh she traced her fingertips over the material before slipping it on. His scent surrounded her and she was suddenly transported back to that day all those years ago when he'd run away from her in the middle of the night. Dark fear gripped her but she pushed it away as she padded bare foot towards the bathroom.

Walking over towards the mirror she caught sight of her reflection, shock as well as sorrow causing her to draw in a ragged breath. She barely recognized herself anymore. Her features were pale and her eyes held a haunted presence. Every day she was losing more and more of who she was, and it was now becoming obvious, even to her.

The tears came before she had a chance to prepare, their powerful onslaught consuming her body as she sank down to sit on the toilet seat. Wrapping her arms around her stomach she released all the worry and all the fears until she had no more tears left to cry. Taking a deep shuddering breath she wiped her eyes with the palms of her hands and told herself not to be so foolish. She wasn't a crier, she was a Glenanne. If her brothers could see what a quivering wreck she was right now she would never hear the end of it.

Standing up she turned on the shower and watched numbly as the water sprayed into the shower tray to billow steam into the room. Shaking herself out of her reverie, Fiona allowed the shirt to slide down her arms and fall to the floor before stepping beneath the hot sprays to let the water encompass her body.

When she stepped out of the bathroom ten minutes later she was greeted by the smell of coffee looming in the air. Pulling the towel tighter around herself she moved further into the loft before she saw him. Relief flooded her when he slowly looked up to meet her gaze as a wide smile spread across his lips.

"Hey," he greeted warmly, unable to hide the love in his eyes. "I brought us breakfast."

Fiona swallowed the lump in her throat as she suddenly propelled herself forward to move towards him, moulding her body to his. Her arms snaked around his back, holding him to her as she laid her head against his shoulder.

Michael's arms came around her and pulled her closer, he too feeling the strain of their distance slowly seeping away. Neither of them spoke, both of them content to draw from each other's warmth. Michael leaned down and kissed her temple, letting his lips linger over her skin before he slowly drew away to frame her face in his hands.

"Fi…about Pearce…and working away…I..." his words trailed off as he watched her intently, hoping to convey everything he wanted to say to her in his gaze

Fiona lifted her fingers to his on her face to pull his hands away. Standing on tiptoes she placed a gentle kiss onto his lips before drawing away to smile up at him.

"I'm sorry too," she told him softly. "I know you want your old job back… and I should have told you about my past with Armand…"

"It's okay," he shook his head and squeezed her fingers reassuringly. "It's in the past."

"It is. What I had with him was over before it really began," she sighed before lifting his hand to her lips to kiss his palm. "I'll go and get dressed."

Michael nodded as she pulled away from him to make her way towards their closet. He knew she had been awake for most of the night. He'd heard her stifled sobs when she thought he was asleep and he had just lain there beside her keeping up his pretence. He knew she would be mortified if she knew he'd heard her, so instead of holding her like he'd wanted to, he'd just kept silent, feigning sleep as he'd rolled into her side to clasp her hand.

He knew his association with the CIA and mostly Agent Pearce was wearing on their relationship. They never seemed to be able to have a night together without some kind of interruption. At first she'd been very vocal about their lack of together time but over the last few weeks she had just seemed to accept it, becoming quiet and withdrawn. He didn't like to admit it but he was afraid that she was slowly slipping away from him.

When she returned a few minutes later he could hardly take his eyes off of her. She stood before him clad in a simple blue sundress but she looked a vision of pure beauty. Stepping towards her he reached for her hand, unable to keep the adoration from his gaze.

"I think I need to explain about Agent Pearce," he started, keeping his voice soft as he spoke. He saw the flash of worry in her eyes and he instantly reached out to take her hand.

"Explain what exactly?" she asked him dubiously as she slowly allowed him to lead her towards the table where he'd placed their breakfast.

He waited for her to sit down before he walked around the table to sit opposite her, all the while keeping a close eye on her reactions when he mentioned his contact's name.

"I know I've been spending a lot of time away lately," he started cautiously as he looked down at his breakfast tray.

"With Agent Pearce," she finished for him. Shaking her head she couldn't hide the small smile that graced her lips when she saw the apprehension in his eyes. "Don't worry Michael; I know as your agency contact you have to go off on missions with her. I just wish…"

Michael looked up when her voice trailed away. He watched her dig her fork into her omelette and push it further around the tray and he couldn't help but worry about what she was thinking. Reaching across the table he laid his hand over hers and squeezed her fingers.

"What, Fi?"

She shook her head and looked up at him feeling completely inadequate. She knew she would always come second to his job, that's how it had always been, but she refused to go down his list of priorities when it came to another woman. Swallowing heavily she tried to keep her voice steady as she looked him squarely in the eyes. "It doesn't matter what I wish for Michael…it never has…"

Her words forced his breath from his lungs as he tried to process what she'd just said. How could she think that her opinions didn't matter? Shifting in his seat he pushed his breakfast aside and got up from the table to come and stand beside her. Giving her a gentle tug he pulled her out of her seat so he could pull her into a tight embrace.

Fiona melted into him and relished the feel of his arms around her. Their private times together had slowly become so few and far between that sometimes she wondered if he wanted this life at all. As if sensing her thoughts Michael smoothed his hands over her back before moving slightly so that he could look down into her eyes.

"Fi," his voice came out on a whisper as he tried to put into words the feelings she evoked inside him.

"Shh," she told him softly when she sensed his unease. Reaching up she pressed a finger to against his lips, "kiss me before your damn phone rings."

His eyes met hers again and he found himself drowning in her gaze, willingly falling down into her depths. She had an amazing effect over his heart, causing him to feel like a teenager again on a first date. Pressing his lips against her finger he placed a kiss on it, delighted with the smile that crossed her face as she pulled away to focus on his lips.

Leaning closer, he pressed a soft kiss on the side of her cheek, almost touching her mouth. His heart raced wildly inside his chest as they lingered together, their breath becoming laboured and slow as he lost all rational thoughts and found himself kissing the same spot with another delicate kiss.

A loud knock echoed throughout the loft pulling them apart. Michael tried to catch his breath as he rested his forehead against hers before the knocking sounded again. With a heavy sigh Fiona stepped away from him and squeezed his hand before stepping across to the table to gather up their hardly eaten breakfast.

Michael watched her for a few moments before he walked towards the door, intent on telling whoever was there to go away. Grabbing hold of the handle he yanked the door open ready to hurl his anger when he came face to face with Agent Pearce.

"Michael," she spoke his name softly as she peered behind him to see his girlfriend watching her with barely hidden annoyance. "You're not answering your phone."

"I turned it off," he told her abruptly, keeping her at the door. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"Actually there is," she told him coyly. "Can I come in?"

"Can't it wait?" He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I only got back last night."

"I won't keep you long," she told him as she waved a file in front of him. "I just need to go over some things with you and I thought it might be easier to do it now."

"Well arrange a meeting in your office and I'll come by tomorrow," he snapped.

"This can't wait."

Michael thought for a few moments before he reluctantly stepped back to allow her to enter. He knew there would almost certainly be fireworks erupting when the two women faced each other and he suddenly felt compelled to flee. Closing the door he turned around and made his way towards the kitchen to stand beside his girlfriend portraying in some ways that his loyalties would always remain with her.

"Miss Glenanne," Agent Pearce nodded her head in greeting as she surveyed the take out cartons on the counter. "Did I interrupt anything?"

Fiona took a breath and was about to tell the annoying agent that she had indeed interrupted something but Michael's answer of 'no' stopped her in her tracks. Turning her head she shot him a look that bordered on betrayal as she slowly took a step away from him.

"I'm sure you two have top secret missions to discuss so don't let me stop you," she growled, moving away from Michael before he could stop her. She looked towards Agent Pearce as she moved passed her to walk towards their closet at the back of the loft. Her whole body shook as she pulled out a pair of shoes and pulled them on. Movement beside her alerted her to Michael's presence and she turned her head to watch him standing stock still beside her.

"I'll be out of your hair in a minute Michael," she seethed as she turned her gaze back to her shoes and began to lace them.

"You don't need to go anywhere Fi," he told her quietly, "she just wants to go over some files."

"Then I do need to go don't I?" she asked with a heavy sigh. When he didn't answer she stood up quickly and watched him quietly before moving to push passed him.

"I'll call you when we're done," he told her apologetically. "I'm sorry Fi, I'll make it up to you."

"Whatever," she snapped angrily. "Say goodbye to your friend for me."

"Fi…" his soft voice caused her to stop in her tracks and she slowly turned around to face him, watching him expectantly.

"I'll book us a table at the Forge," he told her hopefully as he waited for her reaction. He didn't really know what was going through her mind but the look of sheer scepticism in her eyes almost took his breath from him. Stepping towards her he reached out to wrap his fingers around hers and smiled hopefully, waiting for the edges of her lips to turn upwards into a smile.

Fiona swallowed heavily and bit back the answer that had already formed in her mind. Instead of telling him she'd believe it when she saw it, she just nodded silently and untangled their hands to move towards the door.

Michael watched as she disappeared out of the door and felt his heart sink when she didn't look back. No matter what he did lately it always seemed to upset her. Taking a deep breath he plastered a false smile to his face and turned around to walk back towards Agent Pearce who already had the files open on the table.

"I'm sorry about this Michael, but it couldn't wait," she told him as she placed two photographs on top of the files. "Have you any idea who your girlfriend is associating herself with?"

"Fi?" Michael asked with irritation as he stepped towards the table. "What are you talking about?"

Pointing towards the photos, Pearce allowed her fingers to linger over the incriminating images and felt a pang of guilt inside her when she saw the light fade from Michael's eyes.

His eyes focused on the most recent photograph and he slowly reached out to pick it up. Swallowing heavily his eyes scanned the image of Fiona on the balcony with a dark haired man standing by her side. Shaking his head he tried to form a coherent sentence but his words seemed to tangle in his throat.

"He goes by the name of Armand," she provided helpfully, half expecting him to begin ranting but to her surprise he didn't.

Placing the photograph back onto the table he looked down at the other one and immediately felt a wave of jealousy course through him. Reaching down, he picked up the older photograph that showed Fiona kissing the same man some years before. Throwing the photograph back onto the table he stared down at her angrily.

"They're friends," he told her dismissively. "What I want to know is why you have someone watching my girlfriend."

"Michael, no one is watching Miss Glenanne. You know that the CIA takes working with assets seriously and even though you are still officially burned and a CIA asset, you're still not totally trusted. It's company policy."

"Well it stops right now," he told her abruptly as he picked up the older photograph and held it between his fingers. "I get why you had this place under surveillance, my question is where did you get this?"

Agent Pearce held her breath for a moment before she forced herself to remain unfazed by the hurt in his eyes. Keeping to her objective she closed the file and stood up, careful to leave the other incriminating photograph on the table.

"I came across it in Miss Glananne's file," she lied as she picked up the folder from the table and held it against her chest. "Just remind your girlfriend that she's keeping your burn notice in force because of the people she associates herself with."

"You're blaming this on Fi?" he asked in disgust as he threw the photograph in his hand onto the table. "Fiona didn't burn me, the people associated with the government did…and while we're talking about Fiona my time with her is private, so I suggest next time you'd better have a damn good reason to come here…"

"Noted," she nodded with a tight smile as she moved around him to walk towards the door. "I'll leave you the evidence. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

Michael's jaw twitched in anger when he watched her step outside and pull the door closed behind her. His gaze dropped down to the photos on the table and silently seethed. He trusted Fiona with his life; he knew there was no way she would ever betray him no matter how unhappy she was with him. So why hadn't she told him of Armand's private visit. Sinking down onto the chair beside the table he pulled his phone out of his pocket and pressed in a number he knew by heart and waited for the person to answer.

"Sam," he sighed as he rubbed his fingers over his forehead. "Can you meet me at the loft…I have something to show you."
