For Services Rendered

By: Bunny

Rated: Teen 15 and up

Genre: Romance, Comedy, AR

Summary: RyoSaku, AR. Ryoma is a world famous tennis player, but at 22 years old, the world has noticed his deficiencies in the romance department and they demand some action. Enter Ryuzaki Sakuno, a girl normal enough for him to tolerate as his pretend girlfriend.


Ryoma, Sakuno, Horio, Tomoka and Karupin traveled to California for the BNP Paribas Open Indian Wells. Ten days later, they flew to Florida for the Sony Ericsson Open Miami. Of course, Ryoma won both tournaments. That was, despite the hounding of paparazzi chasing them down, trying desperately to snap pictures of "the newly engaged couple." There hadn't been any statements from the couple or their managers, but there was no missing the large rock that had appeared on Sakuno's finger after Dubai.

Oh, but what they didn't know, was that the couple were in fact, already married.

Indeed, after sharing their happy news with their closest friends in the famous Dubai Mall, they had quickly decided to head back to Japan and send in the family registry papers before traveling on to California. Neither Ryoma nor Sakuno had been interested in the fanfare of a large wedding ceremony, especially considering Ryoma's celebrity status. With all the traveling required of Ryoma to keep up with the ATP World Tour, they didn't know when they could even do a small ceremony with family and close friends; so they'd decided to simplify things and get their marriage registered and worry about doing something more formal later. It had simply made the most sense to them. Why wait? Why wait for who knew how long?

What mattered was that they were going to be together.


So while the American press speculated on what Sakuno's wedding dress would look like and where the couple would go for their honeymoon, Ryoma and Sakuno had enjoyed knowing the media had no idea what they were talking about.

What the press also didn't know was that Sakuno had a smaller diamond ring set that she intended to use as her real daily wedding ring after the media parade was over. What they also didn't know was that Ryoma's manager, Horio Satoshi was also newly married, to his long-time girlfriend Osakada Tomoka.

After the Sony Ericsson Open Miami, they stayed in Miami for a few days as Ryoma was busy filming commercials and modeling for ads. The girls had been thrilled, as they'd loved the warm climate and beautiful coastline in Miami. Their consensus was that if Ryoma was going to have endorsement work to do in April, they couldn't think of a better place than Miami for him to do it in.

Soon enough after the Sony Ericsson Open Miami the group were taking the flight up the east coast of the USA to Ryoma's house in New York. Ryoma was anxious to show Sakuno their other house there and introduce her to his mother.

Sakuno liked New York a lot. It was a beautiful exciting city, and she loved the breathtakingly wide port, it reminded her a bit of Tokyo and she liked that very much. Flying in on Ryoma's jet had granted them some great views of the city before they'd landed and she was looking forward to exploring it with Horio and Tomoka the next week before they had to leave for Monaco for the Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters.

Their first day in New York, they headed over to Ryoma's parents' house for a visit. As it was of course that, Mom had demanded it. Ryoma had been fairly surprised that his parents hadn't cropped up in California or Miami after all their nagging about getting married they'd been giving him since they'd heard they were dating.

Parents. Go figure.

Arriving at the Echizens' house Sakuno was engulfed in a hug by Echizen Rinko at the entryway, "Sakuno-chan! It's been years my dear girl! How I've missed you, and all this time Ryoma was just keeping you all to himself!"

Sakuno hugged her mother in law back and mouthed over her shoulder to Ryoma, 'What is she talking about?'

Ryoma shook his head and made a gesture indicating he thought his mother was crazy.

When Sakuno was finally released from her hug, she gave a polite bow and said, "Nice to meet you."

Rinko stepped back and put a hand over her heart, "Meet me? What are you talking about? I've known you since the day you were born!"

Say what?

Startled and confused, Sakuno shook her head, "I-I don't understand."

Rinko suddenly looked horrified. Keeping one hand on Sakuno's shoulder, she whipped around to look at her son, "Ryoma. What is this?"

Ryoma shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest, "Mom. I told you I don't know what you're talking about."

Rinko's eyes narrowed as she swiveled her head back and forth, "How can that be?"

The newlyweds gave each other puzzled looks.

Distraught, Rinko yelled out for her husband as she corralled Ryoma and Sakuno into her living room. She sat them down on the plush couches while she muttered under her breath. As they sat, to Sakuno's surprise Rinko asked her how her grandmother was doing, and the two briefly engaged in some light chit-chat about Ryuzaki Sumire.

As soon as Ryoma had finally settled into a seat, Nanjiro appeared in the living room. Rinko stood back up and put her hands on her hips shooting her husband a look, "Nanjiro, the kids are saying they don't remember."

Nanjiro crossed his arms, and looked at Sakuno suspiciously, "Sakuno-chan...surely you were joking with me in Melbourne."

Oh...Ryoma's parents were so intense! Sakuno shook her head vehemently, and nervously exclaimed, "I-I'm very sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Nanjiro looked at his son, "Seishounen! You don't remember?"

Ryoma was fed up with the whole crazy trip his parents had been on since they'd heard he started dating. All this crazy talk, all these demands, and well, sure things had worked out in a good way, but they really needed to either drop it, or explain themselves already. He crossed his arms over his chest and asked, "How many times do we have to tell you we don't know what you're talking about?"

Nanjiro and Rinko looked at each other for a second and froze in stunned silence. A minute later, they simultaneously bolted from the room.

Ryoma and Sakuno looked at each other, both of their faces clearly implying, 'What the...?'

A couple of minutes later, Rinko came back into the room with a large photo album already opened in her arms, "To think, you don't remember and the two of you are already engaged anyways! I can't say I'm surprised about that since you were always so inseparable, but I can't believe you kids don't remember."

Ryoma shot Sakuno the smirk of a shared secret as Sakuno bit her lip to keep from giggling.

Ryoma hadn't even told his parents they were married yet? Oh my...

Rinko sat next to Sakuno as she furiously flipped through pages of the album. Finally she stopped and putting the album in Sakuno's lap she pointed to a large picture in the photo album.

Sakuno leaned forward and took a good look at the picture and gasped. Her head shot up, and she locked eyes with her husband, "Ryoma!"

She looked back and forth between the picture and Ryoma a few times, shaking her head as Ryoma moved over to the couch Sakuno was at and sat on the other side of her. He pulled the photo album off of Sakuno's lap and held it up to the light, inspecting the large framed picture in the middle.

It was two young children, a boy and a girl. He instantly recognized himself as the boy. The girl had chestnut hair woven into twin braids that reached past her shoulders with flower clips on the ends. They were cuddling together, Ryoma's small arms wrapped around her possessively as they slept in shaded grass, probably under a tree, though it was hard to tell since the picture was a close up of the children.

Directly under the photo his mother's handwriting labeled, 'Ryoma and Sakuno' with a date next to it.

They'd been five.

Ryoma slapped a hand over his face as flashes of long forgotten memories came to him.

Oh for the love of...

No wonder he'd been so drawn to Sakuno! He rolled his eyes and berated himself for his stupidity at not putting it all together sooner.

With a rueful chuckle he shook his head. Resting the photo album on his lap, he yanked on a strand of Sakuno's hair and deadpanned, "Sa-chan."

Sakuno, who'd been having her own trip down memory lane with the stunning realization of why she'd been so comfortable with Ryoma from day one gave him a happy grin at his old address and asked in a stunned whisper, "Ryo-kun? Really?"

Rinko clapped her hands triumphantly, "See! You do remember! You two have been crazy about each other since you met the day Sakuno was born! Even then we couldn't separate you without you crying for each other."

"How did we not realize before?" Sakuno wondered out loud to no one in particular.

Ryoma shook his head and held up the picture again to examine it, "We were so young. I don't think I knew your real name was Sakuno though."

"Yes, I mean...I only knew Ryo-kun, not Ryoma, but I always thought those memories were fake, like memories from a dream I had. It seemed so...unreal,, I guess it wasn't," Sakuno trailed off her rambles before she gave Ryoma a knowing smile.

He smirked at her knowing what she had to be thinking because well...he remembered too.

They were always going to get married.

He didn't even remember how old they'd been when he'd first informed her that she would be with him forever, but he remembered the glowing smile and the soft "okay" she'd given him when he'd told her. After that, it had been a very matter of fact topic of discussion for them. They always talked about it with excitement, that when they grew up, they would always be together and Sakuno would travel with him for tennis tournaments around the world. They'd live at the temple in Tokyo. Everything. It had all been part of the plan.

He'd forgotten it. All of it. They'd moved away from Sa-chan to Los Angeles, then on to New York and he'd been focused on nothing but tennis, so all he'd really remembered was that he didn't want anything to do with girls and he'd stuck with that.

Until he'd seen Sakuno and like a moth drawn to the flame, he'd approached her across that concrete hallway in Ariake Coliseum.

He should have realized something at the Coliseum. He never approached girls and talked to them.


It was a wonder he'd let her walk away that afternoon, though now that he was thinking about it, he did recall a fleeting thought during his match of hunting down the bun-girl's ramen shop. At the time of course, he hadn't made the connection. Hell, he hadn't even recognized her at first when they'd arrived at her apartment and her hair had been down from the buns she'd had in the Coliseum's hallway. Thinking about it now though, he knew, he just knew that if he hadn't ended up in her apartment that night, somehow he would have ended up at that damn ramen shop and not even know why.

Sakuno's mind was similarly spinning as she turned through the other pages of the photo album. It was filled...filled with pictures of the two of them. She really had been in love with him her whole life and there really was no other guy for her...what do you know, there really is more truth said in jest. To think...after all this time they'd been separated that they'd both refused to date until they'd somehow found each other again.

It was crazy!

She'd remembered it. All of it. Ryo-kun and her, how they'd been crazy in love as children. They'd spent every moment they could together when their families visited and protested continually every time they were separated.

As she'd grown older she'd dismissed the memories as girlish fancies, after all, where was this Ryo-kun? Surely, they must have been fake memories she'd fabricated from dreams to make her life more interesting, otherwise she'd have still known him. The thought that Ryo-kun could have been a real person that had simply moved to another country had never even occurred to her as a possibility. By the the time she was entering middle school she'd convinced herself that Ryo-kun was no more than an imaginary boy.

Though, Ryo-kun had been part of the driving force behind her 'no dating' policy. Even though she'd thought for certain he was nothing but a dream, her childhood love of Ryo-kun was incomparable. She hadn't been ready to let him go, he could never be replaced. She'd never meet a guy that cherished her that much.

Or so she'd thought.

Then Echizen Ryoma had come along, the world famous sexy tennis prince, and he'd swept her off her feet and into his life, effortlessly. Just like Ryo-kun she'd been unable to resist doing everything for him. In hindsight she should have figured it out sooner. Though, connecting her childish fantasies (as she'd thought they were) with the reality of the world tennis champion (even if they hadn't been fantasies) had been so astronomically impossible to her that she hadn't even thought of it. Not to mention Ryo-kun had never been a nickname for Ryoma to her and Ryo-kun was from Japan, not America like Ryoma.

Ryo-kun was Ryo-kun. Ryoma was Ryoma. Putting the two together as the same person was...overwhelming.

Noting Sakuno's pursed lips, Ryoma swept an arm across the back of her shoulders and placed a kiss against her temple as his mother cooed in approval.

"So you two really haven't kept in touch all these years?" Rinko asked.

They both shook their heads no.

"I'd thought...we met at Ariake Coliseum a few months ago when Ryoma was there for his exhibition match," Sakuno shared.

Rinko shook her head in disbelief before she quickly recovered her confusion. Clapping her hands together in excitement she said, "As usual you two are so romantic! You kill me! Sakuno-chan, tell me about how you two met again as adults! Did he sweep you off your feet right away again?"

Sakuno flushed as she briefly recounted their meeting and how Horio had brought Ryoma over after the match to escape the paparazzi. Leaving out the details of their initial arrangement she explained instead that Ryoma had asked her to be his girlfriend and she'd accepted.

Rinko shook her head in wonder, "I can barely believe it. Ryoma, I'm so sorry we've been pestering you so much about getting married. We had no idea you didn't remember. It seemed so obvious. You called us up and said you were moving back to Japan and then right after that I see a picture of you two kissing. After Sakuno's cute little speech in Melbourne, which by the way she sounded just like she did when you two were kids, well, we just assumed the two of you had stayed together from when you were little. We should-"

"Mom," Ryoma interrupted. "It's fine." He fought back a smirk. After all, he still hadn't broken the news to them that they were already married.

It was their punishment for being crazy pestering parents!

Rinko tsked, "Well, I guess we're happy you two found each other again, though I'm sure your father would have made a point of it sooner or later, he was always your biggest supporter. Did you know-" She paused as Nanjiro reentered the room with an old camcorder.

"Oh!" Rinko exclaimed.

"What's that, Uncle?" Sakuno asked, curious at her mother in law's reaction.

Nanjiro grinned and let out a mischievous snicker, "Oh Sakuno-chan, since you and Ryoma are getting married, you can just call me Dad. Heh heh..."

Sakuno blushed.

Ryoma frowned. That laugh was never a good sound from his old man. It almost always lead to something horribly embarrassing. Before he could stop him though, Nanjiro had turned on the television and hooked up the camcorder to play on it.

Ryoma and Sakuno watched in confusion as Nanjiro collected his wife and left the room. Turning their heads back to the television they caught the very beginning of the video.

It was a wall. The picture wobbled a bit as the camera slowly went around the corner. A very young Ryoma was sitting on a sofa, his baseball cap was slightly askew because it was too large for his head and he held a big brown tennis racquet that wobbled in his two handed grip until he set it down next to him with a frown. Suddenly, young Sakuno appeared running into the room full speed, and she crashed into the couch Ryoma was sitting on. She was wearing a little pink dress, her hair in it's typical braids down her back, though it was not as long as it had eventually grown out to.

"Ryo-kun! Ryo-kun!" She greeted, crying.

Apparently startled by her frantic appearance, young Ryoma exclaimed, "Sa-chan!" He jumped off the sofa and hugged her close.

"Is it true? Are you really leaving?" Little Sakuno asked, still frantically wailing.

Just watching it, Sakuno's heart constricted. Her younger self looked like her world had just shattered. This...she didn't remember it. The goodbye. Maybe that was why she'd always chalked the memories up as pure fantasy. Unconsciously, she placed her hand over her heart and scrunched the soft fabric of her dress.

Back in the video, young Ryoma took his hat off and placed it on the table and then put his hands on Sakuno's face, wiping her tears away he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.


He placed his forehead against hers and it was obvious he was saying something, but he was talking too quietly for the camcorder's mic to pick it up.

Sakuno closed her eyes for a moment, unable to watch the stricken expression on her younger self's face for another second.

Ryoma leaned closer and whispered into her ear, "Mom has very important work in America, so we have to move. When I grow up, I'll come get you and we'll always be together, just like we promised."

Sakuno opened her eyes again as tears began to pool in them. She watched her younger self grasp onto the younger Ryoma on the video, and suddenly she knew...

Unconsciously, she woodenly whispered back, "I know Ryo-kun will be the number one tennis player in the world. I promise when you come I will go with you to stay by your side. Always." She looked away from the TV to Ryoma and was immediately met with his warm hazel eyes. From nowhere she felt shy and embarrassed and put her hand over her mouth as she watched him break out into a big grin.

She shook her head and began babbling, "I can't believe you remember! I didn't...until you said, and then I knew what I said, and then..."


Both of their gazes whipped back to the TV set as his mother's yelling suddenly blasted through the television's speakers. On the screen, a young Ryoma and Sakuno were giving startled looks in the direction of the camera. The camera got wobbly for a second as they both heard Ryoma's father curse.

The video ended, cut to a blue screen and then TV snow.

Their moment ruined, just like in the video, Sakuno stared dumbfounded at the TV snow as she thought about it. now that she was thinking about it, she couldn't believe Uncle Nanjiro had been taping them! How much other stuff had he secretly taped when they were kids? They'd always been together and they'd had all sorts of plans they talked about.

Even if they were little kids...that stuff was...private!

"So the kissing in your apartment wasn't the first time," Ryoma quipped, breaking the silence.

Oh, he said it. No shame, this man of hers, none. He'd even risked kissing her in public in Dubai, even though, granted they'd been in semi-privacy in a secluded alcove. She'd kissed him back too, even though she'd known better because well, they'd just...and well, thankfully nobody had seen them. Still, Sakuno's jaw dropped, and she turned back to him, "We already knew that, but back then was just little pecks."

Ryoma smirked, "Well you know..."

Sakuno giggled.

"That video wasn't the first, though."

Sakuno shook her head in wonder, "I do remember it all too, you know." Was it possible he was teasing her? Again? He would never stop, would he?

She wasn't sure she remembered exactly when the very first kiss had been, but she remembered well enough that they'd kissed plenty as children. It was the primary reason why she'd always attributed the memories of 'Ryo-kun' to some dreams or an over-active imagination. After all, little kids didn't exactly fall in love and go around kissing like that, did they?

Well, apparently, they had.

She glanced at the photo album again and wondered if any of her childhood photo albums were filled with pictures of the two of them as well. Was that the reason Grandma was always pestering her to look through them? Why hadn't she ever listened and looked at them? She could have known about Ryoma and traveled to go meet him years ago if she had! To think all this time Ryo-kun...

"Horio's going to be happy. We finally have a statement for him...our families are old friends and we've been engaged since we were little," Ryoma said.

Suddenly overcome with happiness, Sakuno gave Ryoma the glowing smile that only comes from a girl looking at the boy she's hopelessly in love with, "At least you finally came back for me."

"Yeah." He thought about Sakuno's grandmother's words to him when he'd first 'met' her.

...Nanjiro and I always agreed that the two of you make a cute couple.

...Don't you remember?

...Hmmm, well consider it that you have my blessing.

He didn't usually agree with his old man about anything non-tennis related, but on this thing, he totally agreed.

She was an old hag!

Why hadn't she said anything months ago when she knew he didn't remember?

Now that his mind was going, he started wondering if there were other things he'd forgotten. Had all those visits back to Japan really not included seeing Sakuno again? Their families were obviously old friends. His mother had even said they'd been there the day Sakuno was born - which was just crazy, he had to have been only what? Three weeks old? Still even if they hadn't visited the Ryuzakis on their visits, the temple was in the neighborhood she'd grown up in. He could have seen her several times and not even known it!

Sakuno had her cell phone out and was snapping pictures of the pictures of them in the photo album. He watched as she set the large photo his mother had first shown them as her phone's wallpaper and grinned up at him in triumph.

"Childhood sweethearts. You know the media is going to go crazy for it," He said.

"We were cute kids," She added.

Ryoma smirked, "So you're saying we're going to have cute children then?"

Sakuno flushed, "I..."

"They'll all play tennis just like me, you know..."

Sakuno scowled, "They might want to be a ramen chef like me!"

"You mean a professional tennis player's wife, like you? Well, maybe the girls, but they'll probably just play tennis instead."

"Ryoma! Our kids can be whatever they want!"

"Mada mada dane," He said as he snickered. Teasing her was so much fun. He'd never get sick of it, even when they were old and gray and had great-grandchildren that played tennis.

"You know what? You get ramen for dinner tonight."

He stood up and Sakuno stood as well, "Let's go home, wife."


Okay. That...was perfect. No where is home. Just okay. She finally knew where home was.

Home was with him, wherever in the world they were.

The couple spent a few minutes saying goodbye to Ryoma's parents. Ryoma immensely enjoyed breaking the news to them that they'd already added Sakuno to the family registry. The mixed joy and annoyance he received from his parents almost made their months of harassing worth it. With a promise to come visit again soon the two left and made their way back to their own house there in New York.

"Sakuno. There's something else you need to remember," Ryoma said as they entered the front door.

"Really?" Sakuno asked. She was half expecting him to tease her about something else she already remembered, but she couldn't think of anything specific.

"When we were in Venice, that last night-"

He stopped as Sakuno slapped her hand over his mouth, her whole body flushed red as she gave him a shocked look, "Are you saying?"

His eyes said it all.

Sakuno took her hand off of his mouth and covered her cheeks as she flushed a deeper red thinking how that explained a lot. "But I-I thought it was just...a dream," She confessed.

Ryoma shook his head, "Mada mada dane. You think a lot of things are dreams, don't you?"

Sakuno shrugged sheepishly, and said somewhat pathetically, "I guess I do."

Well, at least she remembered...the first time...and now...she knew it was real.

He leaned over and gave her a kiss. Taking her hand he began to lead her up the stairs, "Have you seen the bathtub here?"

Ten years ago in Tokyo...

Ryuzaki Sakuno (12 years old) has fallen into a very awkward position. Is it possible to safely get off at the next station?

What do I do?

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! You idiots still don't know the rules for gripping! To hit the top spin it's the western grip, ya know? I'm telling you, keep the racquet like this and hold it like you're shaking hands."

"OH! Of course Sasabe is different!"

"Stupid! This is common sense!"

Sakuno cowered out of the way as the racquet once again flew quickly past her face. WHOOSH, WHOOOSH, WHOOOSH went the air around her.

"Yo, can't you keep it down?"

Ah...? Sakuno looked up in surprise at the cute boy her age across the aisle that had spoken to the older boys on the train. WOW. What a cool guy! How had she missed seeing him across the way until now?

Was he saving her from these boys?

...Hello again all my friends! So...that's it for this fic. :) I hope you all enjoyed it, and I hope the epilogue that I've been fighting with for months was worth it and hopefully it wasn't too cheesy. shot... Next up is Coming Home, which I will begin posting up immediately, please look for it. I'd be thrilled to see you all there. Muah!

Important A/N Added 2/29 updated 3/16 ~ I do have a bit of news on this story...I never thought I would even think up writing anything more for this fic, but now that it's all been posted up and I've been reading everybody's reviews from the epilogue, I got a muse going to do some "afterthoughts" type of drabbles - little snippet stories from within this AR. It's occurred to me that there's quite a bit more that I could write about this fic, expanding on it. I do want to say again though, for anybody that got confused by the ending - Ryoma did NOT go to middle school in Japan - this is not only told at the beginning of the fanfic, but it's also mentioned by Nanjiro when he visits Ryoma in Melbourne - that didn't change. The ending snippet is to show the missed opportunities when they had indeed SEEN each other momentarily when Ryoma had visited Japan in the time between when they were 5 when he moved to the USA and before they reunited at 22. There is now a "sequel" series of drabbles to this fic called "For Services Rendered Afterthoughts" if you're interested in reading non-chronological mostly self contained drabbles that add to this story plot hit up my profile by clicking my author name at the top of the fic and look for For Services Rendered Afterthoughts. I hope you all enjoy!

...This next part is for all you reviewers of this fanfic. I only included reviewers after the previous party, so if you aren't in here, that's why, but you'd have been in the 100 reviews party in chapter 10 if you aren't in here. As it is I think there's close to 100 different people for me to get you all in this, (which is so awesome thank you love love love) so get ready for some serious crack fic!

Be forewarned everything after this point has nothing to do with the fanfic and is just fandom crack fluff for my reviewers! xoxo ~ Bunny

So now, without further ado since hell, I know this is going to be long just trying to fit you all into it...

~ The For Services Rendered Final Reviewer's Party ~

Our author Bunny sped down the freeway in her Acura ZDX with the sunroof open and the speakers blasting Skrillex. She lamented the lack of winter in Los Angeles this year, but enjoyed the warm February day for what it was - the perfect weather.

Her new cell phone blipped, indicating she'd just received an [at] reply via Twitter. Since she's a bad, bad, Bun-chan, she took a second to quickly glance at the phone.

MeezahGee [at] littlemoonhime - Where are you? There is chaos! Why did you update, start a party and then leave? [scared face]

Bunny looked back at the road and blinked for a second in confusion. Update. Party. Leave. Party? Update?

Blink. Blink.

As a light bulb blinked on in her mind, she made a face of terror.

OH NO.'s no way she...

Had she actually updated the epilogue of For Services Rendered and started the after party in her sleep?

But...but..she had WORK to do today, she couldn't possibly have a party...right?

In a bit of a panic, Bunny pulled up the phone menu on her navi and instructed her car to make a call.



"Ah! Ryoma! Are you at home?"


"Can you go home? I think I might have left a party..."

"You. Did. What?"

Bunny laughed nervously, ""

"Mada mada dane - click."

Bunny watched her call disconnect. Well, she still needed to go pick up anime restock, so she couldn't really go to Ryoma's place

She pulled up her phone book on her navi once again and dialed out.




"Cinpii! I need help!"

"I'm at work!"

"Ah...sorry, sorry I forgot you don't have a car either! Forget it!"

"Bunny, what's wrong?"

"Don't worry, I will call up Cookie-chan, there's a party at Ryoma's okay? Make sure you get there after work!"

"Wha-" But she didn't hear what Cinpii was about to say because her call dropped as she was driving through a tunnel.

Oh well...she dialed up Cookie, "Hey Cookie!"

"Bunny! I'm in class right now, I'm going to get in so much trouble!" Cookie said in a bit of a panic.

Bunny sweatdropped. Everybody was so busy today! Sheesh!

"Sorry Cookie-chan, I'll text message you later when I'm not driving!"

"Okay, bye Buns-chan!"


~ Meanwhile at Ryoma's House ~

SoshiGee, CathLuvbear, Maria-Reynne, SinfulEmerald, foureyesfreak27 and Strands of Ivy and Sakura were in Ryoma's room. CathLuvbear was meticulously searching through everything trying to find something suspicious or secret while foureyesfreak27 watched her, laughing maniacally. Maria-Reynne was swinging around in Ryoma's desk chair hitting her feet against the side of his desk every few seconds as she pushed off of it to swing the chair back in the opposite direction. Strands of Ivy and Sakura was opening up the windows, trying to get some fresh air in the room, complaining about how stuffy it was in there to the others. SinfulEmerald didn't rightly care about anybody else in the room as she laid out on Ryoma's bed and rubbed her face against his pillow, "Ah, Ryoma-sama!"

SoshiGee looked away from her cell phone after sending Bunny the 911 Twitter message and wondered how much Ryoma would kill them when he returned home. Especially SinfulEmerald and CathLuvbear since they were...well...

Hearing a loud crash from downstairs SoshiGee exited the room with Maria-Reynne right on her heels.

In the living room they found ILoveSxS jumping on top of Sasuke and Sakura while squealing, "OMG, I love you guys! I love you! I love you! I can't believe Bunny got you to come to this PoT party! When will you get married and have babies? Can I come to your wedding?"

"Wha-" SoshiGee was about to interrupt the commotion when Maria-Reynne grabbed her arm and tugged her into the kitchen.

"Did you get a hold of Bunny yet?" Maria-Reynne asked in a frazzled voice at the discovered the cause of the crashing sound.

One of the cupboards was hanging open with Kikumaru Eiji hanging off of the top of it. There was broken glass surrounding him and a horde of PoT fans.

"Oh no!" SoshiGee moaned. Ryoma was going to kill Bunny!

mae, saratiger, and JulieBookLover21 entered the kitchen loaded up with heaps of food and also took in the mayhem.

saratiger put her hands on her hips and began scolding, "ohsobrilliant, bowlfullofcherries, dani-h, The Kookie Monster, Muddy Writer, Kelli, Jasmini, ryosakuislove00913, nayuta, Cata06, and gchik! What did you all do to poor Eiji-kun?" She began herding the group outside towards the backyard and the temple as she berated them as they began tossing excuses at her.

"We didn't do anything!" gchik exclaimed in alarm.

"Yeah, he's crazy!" Jasmini added.

"We were just trying to say hello to him," Muddy Writer said.

"Really, saratiger, we don't know why he did that!" bowlfullofcherries added.

"Maa, maa, save it for Bunny and Ryoma!" saratiger said.

Immediately more protests from the others came and so quickly that she couldn't even make out what any of them were saying.

Good grief, there was no way the food was going to be handled at this rate! She pulled out her cell phone and shot a quick text message off to ELIZABETH-of-Darkness: "HELP ME!"

Back in the kitchen, JulieBookLover21 was shaking her head as she began to sweep up the broken glass and mae climbed up on to the counter to try to help down a sheepish looking Eiji.

"They were so scary! Nya!" Eiji confided to mae.

"Ah, they're harmless," mae said.

Eiji gave her wide eyes as he moved away from her and began to cling once again to the kitchen cupboard's door, "You weren't there mae-chan! Last time, last time, you see they...they! And then Cinpii came and...OH THE HORRORS mae-chan!"

JulieBookLover21 looked up at him, "Don't be such a scaredy-cat Eiji-kun, you'll never get a girlfriend!"

Eiji's mouth dropped open again as he exclaimed in indignation, "What? Nya! Girls love me, they love me, they do! I have to - hey why are you rolling your eyes at me, nya!"

As JulieBookLover21 threw her hands up and began to leave the room, Eiji scrambled down from his perch and gave chase after her.

mae gave SoshiGee and Maria-Reynne a sorrowful look, "Now what are we going to do? Where is Bunny?"

Maria-Reynne began snickering as SoshiGee moaned again with frustration, "I don't know where Bunny is! I've been trying to get a hold of her, but she hasn't responded yet!"

"I used to have her number, but I lost it when I lost my old phone, I need to get it from her again," Maria-Reynne confessed.

mae's eyes widened, "Oh no...wait, wait I think SinfulEmerald has Bunny's cell phone number!"

Maria-Reynne shook her head, "She's currently trying to make out with Ryoma-kun's pillow, so that's NOT going to happen."

mae's eyes widened again, "She's what?"

SoshiGee coughed nervously, "Uhm...anybody else that might have Bunny's number?"

1wingedangelX popped out from one of the cupboards under the kitchen's large island, "I have Bunny's number."

Maria-Reynne blinked, "You DO?"

1wingedangelX blushed slightly, and shifted her eyes to the side, "Well...yeah...I got it from Tezuka Kunimitsu, but I'm not telling you why I was with him, okay?"

Maria-Reynne's eyes instantly narrowed, "Oh really? What were you doing with Tezuka?"

1wingedangelX looked around again and mumbled something under her breath about rubbing him in places.

"Oh! MY! GAWD!" ELIZABETH-of-Darkness exclaimed as she entered the kitchen, catching the tail end of 1wingedangelX's comment, "You were rubbing Tezuka where?"

Unfortunately for the curious group, Tezuka himself was entering the kitchen right behind ELIZABETH-of-Darkness and heard her exclamation and question. His eyes shifted to 1wingedangelX, "That was you, 1wingedangelX?"

1wingedangelX disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Tezuka grabbed a bottled water off the counter and exited the the room, looking rather put out.

"Okay, what just happened?" ELIZABETH-of-Darkness asked.

SoshiGee shook her head, "I don't know, but seriously you guys! We gotta get hold of Bunny! What if Ryoma-sama gets here and she's not here yet?"

ELIZABETH-of-Darkness put a finger against her mouth in thought, "You know, I'm pretty sure Samantha Fleur has Bunny's phone number. Anybody know how to get a hold of her?"

Strands of Ivy and Sakura had just joined the group in the kitchen finally completing her mission to get all the windows in the house open and jumped in, "I do! Me and Sam go way back!"

"No kidding?" mae said.

"Yup," Strands of Ivy and Sakura said as she fished her cell phone out of her pocket and pulled up Samantha Fleur's number, giving her a call.

~ Meanwhile at the Anime Distributor's Office ~

Bunny was leaning against the shipping table as she logged into the fanfiction website on her kindle fire using her cell phone's wifi hot spot capability. Pulling up her profile she clicked on her traffic stats and noticed that she had in fact updated the epilogue of For Services Rendered.

"Oh my...I don't even remember..." She muttered to herself.

"Is that everything for you today, Miss Bunny, or do you have any additions you'd like to make?"

Distracted, Bunny nodded her head as she noticed the massive amount of messages on her cell phone.

Realization began to dawn on her of what exactly was happening and that even though she had work to do today, being at the anime distributor's warehouse was NOT where she needed to be right at that moment!

Opening up her text message program she began to file through all the new texts:

Ryuzaki Sakuno: I'm so excited to go to Ryoma's house for the party! Thanks for everything Bunny! Should I bring anything?

Inui Sadaharu: I would like for you to email me the guest list for this party of yours. It's very important to my data.

Kawamura Takashi: BURNING PARTY! Should I bring sushi?

Oishi Shuichiro: Bunny, not to alarm you, but there is something funny going on with Tezuka and your little stalker 1wingedangelX. I just ran into foureyesfreak27 in the me.

Cinpii: Bunny, how in the world did you convince Ryoma-kun to have a party at his place? How am I supposed to get there? Can't you come pick me up?

Cookie: Don't forget to text me back about your phone call. Is it the fanfic? Is it done now? Kyaaa!

SinfulEmerald: Bunny...I'm so happy...

CathLuvbear: You'll NEVER GUESS WHAT I FOUND in Ryoma-sama's room! Guess! Guess! Guess!

Samantha Fleur: 911 from SoshiGee, Maria-Reynne, mae, ELIZABETH-of-Darkness and Strands of Ivy and Sakura. I don't have details, but it's something about Ryoma-kun's house? I'm heading over there to check it out, call me when you can okay, Bunny?

Bunny quickly scribbled out a business check and dropped it on the table as she grabbed the box there for her and ran back towards her ZDX. Putting the box in the trunk she ran around the car and jumped into the driver's seat. She started the engine and put the car in reverse. Looking up into her review mirror she screamed.

1wingedangelX was sitting in the backseat of Bunny's ZDX with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What are you doing in my car? You scared me to death!" Bunny exclaimed.

1wingedangelX shrugged, "I told you I was your stalker, you didn't believe me?"

Bunny shook her head.

"So you need to get to Ryoma's house about an hour ago," 1wingedangelX informed Bunny.

Bunny blushed, "Ah, yeah, I know, I was just going to head over there..."

1wingedangelX socked Bunny's arm, "Well get on with it then, what are you doing just sitting here?"

"Right!" Bunny exclaimed before she began backing out of her parking space.

Pulling up the navi on the phone she dialed out.

"Hello?" LunaxXmoongoddessXx's voice came through the car speakers.

"LunaxXmoongoddessXx! Do you think you could pick up Cinpii on your way to Ryoma's?"

LunaxXmoongoddessXx sighed, "Aww, Buns-chan I totally would have loved to do that, but I'm already here. By the way, there's some problems so you should get here soon."

"Problems? What kind of problems?" Bunny asked.

"Well, you see jerui and Fuji have been locked up alone in the guestroom for a couple of hours-"

"I don't care about that!" Bunny interrupted.

"Oh, but Ryoma-"

"Ryoma will deal with it! What else is going on?"

"MadClover-chan and Momoshiro snuck alcohol into the non-alcoholic drink when ELIZABETH-of-Darkness wasn't looking and now everybody's getting drunk. LeyCoo, Sunshine-smile, Diana Coronado, animecouplelovers123, Kuro-Neko Nightmare, Reikaiser Aikiemoto and ricagrace19 filled up the kiddy pool and they're all mucking around in it with their clothes on. LeyCoo and ricagrace19 caught Kaidoh Kaoru and dragged him into the pool with the whole group of them. I haven't even seen Kaidoh since they pulled him into their circle, but I'm pretty sure at one point, I heard him scream like a girl."

Bunny bit her lip as she and 1wingedangelX listened while they drove up the street back towards the freeway.

"Hmm...I think Kaidoh will live, but we might want to have Oishi look into that."

"I already thought of that, but Oishi is drunk already and last time I saw him he was sitting on the couch in the living room with hurrr, RikuDai, Darlene, simply-cheeby, Valyruie, kapera, anon, SakuraGirl1, Yuka Muntou, TsukiUsagi13 and lovelyjude07 surrounding him."

"I see..."

"That's not everything either Bunny, after Momo and MadClover-chan spiked the drinks they-"

"LunaxXmoongoddessXx?" Bunny asked. "LunaxXmoongoddessXx?"


"You have full bars, so it wasn't you, but she's gone," 1wingedangelX said, now sitting in the front passenger seat.

Bunny rubbed her hand over her face for a second as they were stopped at a red light, "This is such a mess, and I still need to find someone to pick up Cin. I gotta get over to Ryoma's before he arrives, he might owe me big time for getting him and Sakuno-chan together, but ugh...he's still going to kill me if things are really that bad!"

Bunny tapped into her phone book once again and had her car call up DarknessFlameWolf.

"Hey Bunny," DarknessFlameWolf answered.

"DarknessFlameWolf, do you think you could pick up Cinpii for me on your way to Ryoma's?"

"Ah! I would have loved to get Cinpii, but my car is already full!"


"Yep, I already got VersarFfion, Ryo-kun, dyingbreed003, whispered25, sakura950, and A random reader."

"Wow, you have a big car," Bunny commented.

"It's one of those nice 7 passenger SUVs, yanno? Well, anyways, I'm really sorry I can't help you out Buns."

"It's cool, I'll try some other people, see you soon!"

"K, bye!"


Bunny sighed and called out yet again.

nertz picked up almost immediately, "Hi Bunny!"

"Hey nertz!"

"Just finished reading the epilogue, I'm so excited about the party! The last couple of parties have been really great!"

"I'm so happy to hear it!"

"So what's up? Aren't you too busy to be calling me up right now?"

"Ah, actually, I was hoping you could help me out and give Cinpii a ride?"

"Cinpii, huh?"

"...Yeah..." What that a problem?



"Yeah, no problem. Just send me the info."

"Okay, I will thanks so much nertz! I can always count on you!"

nertz laughed, "All right, all right, stop embarrassing me. I'll see you soon, Buns."

"See you!"

As the call disconnected, Bunny suddenly started feeling better about the whole mess. Everything would be okay.

"Yosh!" She exclaimed, "Now it's time to call up Samantha Fleur, but you know, before that...1wingedangelX what's up with Tezuka?"

1wingedangelX started laughing before in a puff of smoke she disappeared.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Bunny exclaimed to the smokey air.

~~ Meanwhile back at Ryoma's house ~~

2lazy2createAnAccount, wendydarling29, RockPrincess410 and Black Rose were lounging under a shaded tree in the front yard reading through the For Services Rendered epilogue on their personal tablets. There was a calm hush in the front yard were the readers were that was decidedly not present anywhere else on the property and it was thus how Ryoma first came upon the party at his house.

Ignoring the quiet girls lounging under the tree reading, he made his way to the front door and into the entry way where he kicked his shoes off.

There was someone giggling and they were getting closer...

"EEEEK!" kawaii-witch181 squealed as she was followed by Ryo-senpai giving chase with what appeared to be some sort of water gun.

"Bwahahahahaha!" Ryo-senpai laughed in front of Ryoma before chasing after kawaii-witch181 again.

"NOOOOOO!" kawaii-witch181 screamed and ran faster while giggling.

Ryoma blinked at his once again empty entryway. Was that a water gun he'd just seen in his house?

Before he could take another step forward, the thundering of someone running down the stairs at full speed assailed him and a second later, SinfulEmerald had crashed into him, "Ryoma-sama is heeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeee!" She seemingly announced to the whole neighborhood. Really, it was so loud Ryoma's ears had started ringing. Disoriented and confused, Ryoma rubbed at his ear as SinfulEmerald released him from the sudden glomp. Taking a step back, she flashed him before laughing hysterically and running back up the stairs.

"I'll be on your bed, Ryoma-sama!" She called back.

Ryoma blushed. That girl had just...

Where was Sakuno though?

Taking a step forward, he stopped as he was suddenly surrounded by I'llgetyouback, ryosaku90, igbinosun12 and Ryosaku12.

I'llgetyouback was pushing a drink into his hand while igbinosun12 informed him that Sakuno hadn't arrived yet and ryosaku90 and Ryosaku12 gave him polite welcome home greetings.

Ryoma took a large gulp from the drink I'llgetyouback had pushed into his hand and almost choked.

It tasted like it was straight alcohol!


Ryoma grimaced as he swallowed the bitter liquid and then bellowed, "BUNNY!"

Instead of getting Bunny though, Ryoma's yell only served to attract more RyoSaku fans. sweetchill, sashlee 14, khausmiley, kianacullen, sapphire-bubbles, m0m0-hImE, [blank], imaplaygirl, AnimeCoupleLover, Rubygarciarosa and Janine appeared, surrounding the group of I'llgetyouback, igbinosun12, ryosaku90 and Ryosaku12 that were surrounding him.

Ryoma cursed and turning on his heel, he ran back out of the front door. Back to the peacefulness of the readers under the tree on his front lawn, Ryoma flung himself down at the base of the tree next to 2lazy2createAnAccount.

"My house has too many people," He complained.

2lazy2createAnAccount looked up from reading the fanfic to see Ryoma himself sitting right there.

"Ryoma-kun!" 2lazy2createAnAccount exclaimed.

Ryoma rolled his eyes. Please, not another one.

"Hey," He said.

Before 2lazy2createAnAccount got to say anything more to him, SoshiGee and Maria-Reynne appeared from within the house.

"Oh! Ryoma-kun is here," Maria-Reynne observed.

"Hey, Ryoma-sama, have you talked to Bunny?" SoshiGee asked.

"Yeah, that girl called me," Ryoma answered.

"What did she say? When did she call you? Do you know when she's getting here? Have you seen Sakuno?" SoshiGee asked, bombarding the poor prince with questions.

"Sakuno's here?" Ryoma asked, ignoring all the other questions that he deemed as clearly not as important as Sakuno.

Maria-Reynne, waved her hand around, "I think I saw her going around saying hello to everybody not that long ago."

"Oh yeah," wendydarling29 piped up as she shut off her tablet, having finished reading the epilogue. "I remember, she said hello to us before she went into the house."

"Thanks," Ryoma muttered as he got up.

"Hey Ryoma-kun?" wendydarling29 called out to him as he began to leave the group.

Ryoma turned back, and she said, "You did pretty good, with Sakuno-chan."

Ryoma smirked, "Hell yeah, I did."

"KYAAA!" 2lazy2createAnAccount, Black Rose, SoshiGee and Maria-Reynne all had fangirl moments for a second.

"Ryoma-kun is so cool!" RockPrincess410 added while wendydarling29 suddenly felt embarrassed over the whole conversation blushed and looked down at the grass, giving a few grass shoots a nervous tug.

"Ah! Ryoma!" Sakuno exclaimed as she appeared in the front yard from around the side of the house.

Ryoma smiled at his girlfriend, "I was just coming to find you."

Sakuno gave a slight flush of pleasure at his words, "I'm found."

Ryoma was already onto the next point as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a hug. He gave her a quick kiss, "I missed you."

2lazy2createAnAccount, Black Rose, RockPrincess410, wendydarling29, SoshiGee and Maria-Reynne all held their breaths and froze as they anxiously watched the couple, hoping to see and hear more wonderful things.

Sakuno had instantly relaxed into his embrace, "Mmm, I missed you more."

Ryoma nuzzled his face into the side of her neck as she let out a sigh of happiness, "No way," He said.

Wrapping her arms around Ryoma's shoulders, Sakuno pulled him closer. Completely unresistant, Ryoma also squeezed her closer as they started kissing.

Maria-Reynne and SoshiGee's grasped each other's hands for a second in shared excitement.

Ryoma and Sakuno were kissing! Right there! Right in front of them!

Only a few seconds passed before Ryoma was positioning Sakuno to sit on the grass as they continued kissing. Sakuno laid back on the grass, her loose wavy locks splashing out around her.

Ryoma paused for a second to admire her as he knelt over her, "I love you."

SoshiGee fainted, RockPrincess410 and Black Rose scrambling to catch her. 2lazy2createAnAccount and wendydarling29 bit their lips to keep from screaming out in pure happiness while Maria-Reynne slowly stepped sideways to get a better viewing angle of what the couple were up to.

She was pretty sure she'd just seen Ryoma's hand snake underneath Sakuno's sweater.

"Oh for heaven's sake, get a room!" Bunny's voiced pierced through the air in exasperation.

Ryoma slowly pulled away from Sakuno and shot Bunny a dirty look.

"Oh no, no, by all means continue, I'm completely at my leisure," Maria-Reynne said as she made to sit down next to where RockPrincess410 and Black Rose had laid down the fainted SoshiGee.

Bunny crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, "Whatever. I'm going inside to say hi to everybody."

"Wait for us, Bunny!" Yelled Yusuki Mazui from behind her.

Bunny turned and observed a few of the party stragglers like herself that were just arriving.

"Oh. Hi Yusuki Mazui, nyaggerz, Vengeance, sixfeetunderthestars, Ranju, 15meynanne and Tsukiei! I'm so happy to see you all made it to the party!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Vengeance exclaimed.

Bunny grinned, "Awesome!"

As the group made their way into the house Yusuki Mazui said, "So Bunny, about your RyoSaku website, what kind of help were you looking for exactly?"

"Oh, we just need a few users to come over and start submitting stuff so we can test out the site's functions. For staff Cinpii and I already have Cookie helping out, and Beriath is planning to help out where she can too. The fanfic archives and the forums are already live, by all means come over and play with us. It's pontapair dot com."

"Cool!" Yusuki Mazui said, "I'll come by and talk with you guys and test some stuff out, sounds like fun."

"Speaking of Cinpii, I wonder if she made it yet?" Bunny pulled her phone out to look through her text log to see if she'd heard back from Cinpii or Cookie or anybody else. She frowned at the lack of contact, and wondered if maybe it was because everybody had already arrived.

"Bunny!" Cookie exclaimed as Bunny entered the kitchen.

"Cookie! Yay! You made it!" Bunny said as the two hugged. "Sorry I forgot it was a school day and called you at school."

"Naw, don't worry, it was kind of exciting getting a phone call from you!" Cookie said before she laughed.

Bunny's eyebrows rose in interest, "Have you see Cinpii or nertz?"

Cookie shook her head, "No. I thought Cinpii was coming with you?"

"No, I had to get back right away, though it looks like I was almost the last one here anyways. How annoying."

"Awww, yeah, well, I've been trying to keep an eye on things, but everything was already pretty out of control by the time I got here, so I'm sorry if Ryoma-sama kills you."

Bunny laughed, "Oh that boy? Don't worry. He's too busy making out with Sakuno to care about the house."

Cookie squealed in delight, "Really?"

Bunny waved her hand towards the front yard, "By all means, go watch, they already have a crowd."

Cookie ran off towards the front yard as Bunny gave the now empty kitchen a sigh, "I'm going to need a drink."

As she was loading up her glass with ice, MadClover-chan and Momo walked in through the kitchen's back door.

"Hey Buns!" Momo exclaimed as he leaned over to give Bunny a quick kiss on the cheek. "Long time no fanfic action," Momo complained.

Bunny frowned, "I'm sorry Momo. I promise, I still love you and all my boys tons and tons."

Momo blushed and scratched behind his ear, "I know, I know."

"Say...are you making a drink Buns-chan?" MadClover-chan asked.

"Yup," Bunny affirmed as she grabbed the large bottle of rum off the counter.

"Awesome!" MadClover-chan said before she began giggling. Momo started laughing too and then Bunny remembered that they were the drink spiking culprits.

"So you two plotted to get everybody drunk?" Bunny asked.

"Naw, naw, we were just having some fun!" Momo said.

"Sure," Bunny said.

Whatever. What was done was already done.

It was then that kawaii-witch181 and Ryo-senpai barreled into the kitchen with a water gun and much screaming from kawaii-witch181.

"Kyaa! Bunny!" kawaii-witch181 exclaimed as she glomped onto Bunny's side. "SAVE ME!"

"Wha?" Bunny said before her face was hit with the water shooting out of Ryo-senpai's water gun.

"Oh my god!" Ryo-senpai yelled as Bunny blinked the water out of her eyes.

"No lemon for you!" Bunny yelled.

"NOOOOOOO!" Ryo-senpai protested, already starting to pout.

"Hey Bunny, next time you travel all around the world, take me with you okies?" kawaii-witch181 said.

"I haven't traveled that much though. I mean, a little, but-"

"What? How do you know so much about all these places?" kawaii-witch181 asked in shocked horror.

Bunny shrugged, "Google, Google earth, wikipedia and friends."

"NO WAY!" kawaii-witch181 said.

Bunny took a big drink of her rum and coke, hoping the alcohol would start working just as Cinpii and nertz walked into the kitchen.

"BUNNNNNNNAAAAAAY!" Cinpii yelled.

"Cin!" Bunny exclaimed and then..."hic."

"You have the hiccups?" nertz asked.

"Hic, I guess, hic, so."

Momo started laughing and Bunny slugged him in the arm, as she hiccuped again, "Don't, hic, laugh at me! Hic!"

"How did you get the hiccups?" Cinpii asked as she sided up next to Bunny and began making a drink for herself.

"I, hic, have no idea, hic," Bunny said with some frustration.

She never got the hiccups, dangit! How annoying! She started holding her breath and counting to 30 to get rid of them.

"By the way, I caught Ryoma and Sakuno making out in front of a crowd in the front yard," Cinpii shared conspiritorially.

Bunny let out the breath she was holding. "Oh yeah. That. That's a lemon in progress, for Maria-Reynne."

"WHAAAAAT!" Ryo-senpai yelled as Cinpii muttered, "Oh, lemons are good."

"I said no lemon for you, Ryo-senpai, you shot me in the face with your water gun!" Bunny teased.

"But that was an accident! I was trying to get kawaii-witch181!" Ryo-senpai whined.

"Naw, it's cool, I'm just kidding," Bunny said before taking another swig of her drink.

"I think I'm going to uh...go outside then," Cinpii said as she looked in the direction of the front door longingly.

Bunny waved her hand, "Go, go, enjoy it. The reviewers party is for the reviewers after all. Anybody else want anything else?"

Bunny was suddenly surrounded with RyoSaku fans with requests in all forms from plot bunnies to review requests to crack reviews party requests. Ah...all in the name of RyoSaku love love fanfic.

And that was that.

See you on the next fic everybody! xoxo ~ Bunny