The Berserker Saga reading order:

Daddy-Daughter Issues – One-Shot – Shifu and Tigress have a discussion on the events of KFP2… (Completed)

A Completed Collection – One-Shot – Tigress notices something missing from Po's action figure collection… (Completed)

Father's Day – Two-Parter – Mr. Ping helps teach Shifu to be a better adopted father for Tigress while Tigress goes to Po for help with a gift for Shifu… (completed)

Confidence and Courage – multi-chapter – A horrible "accident" shakes Po's confidence in himself and his Kung Fu… (Complete)

Today is a Gift – multi-chapter – An ancient artifact sends Tigress on an amazing yet horrifying adventure… (Coming soon!)

Mist of Pandaria - multi-chapter - The Heroes of the Jade Palace receive a call for help that will lead to Po learning far more of his history than he ever thought possible… (Coming soon!)

The Claws of the Berserker – multi-chapter – The Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five face their greatest enemy yet, a monster, a Berserker that does not want power, wealth, or rule, but to watch all of China burn… and why is Master Shifu determined to keep Tigress out of the fight? (Coming soon!)

After the Storm – multi-chapter – the Masters of the Jade Palace and the Valley of Peace try to heal the physical and emotional wounds left by the Berserker… (Coming soon!)


KUNG FU PANDA: Confidence and Courage

Save me just in time

Save me just in time…

Who's going to fight for what's right

Who's going to help us survive

We're in the fight of our life

And we're not ready to die

Who's going to fight for the weak

Who's going to make them believe

I've got a Hero

I've got a Hero living in me

I've gotta fight for what's right

Today I'm speaking my mind

And if it kills me tonight

I will be ready to die

A Hero's not afraid to give his life

A Hero's going to save me just in time

"Hero" - Skillet

Chapter 3: The Return of the Dragon Warrior

Tigress' head felt like it was going to explode. She wasn't sure where she was, when it was, or what was going on around her. All she felt was an intense pain directly behind her eyes.

"Good morning, Master Tigress," Shen's silky voice filled her ears, and her eyes snapped open.

She tried to attack but found heavy chains on her arms and legs keeping her stretched tight. "Someone isn't a morning kitty," Shin said from atop a canon beside her.

She settled a moment to look around and she froze. She, Shifu, and the rest of the Five were chained in the main street of the Village, and there were Gorillas everywhere.

"You've got what you want, take us and go," Shifu snapped from where he was restrained right beside Tigress.

"Oh, but I haven't just yet," Shen chuckled, "Not until the Dragon Warrior has twice as many physical and emotional scars as me. No more no less."

"I committed Genocide to break the so called Warrior of Black and White," Shen shot insanely, "And what did he say? 'It Doesn't Matter'? IT DOESN'T MATTER?"

"Someone's a few noodles short of a bowl of soup…" Mantis whispered to Monkey.

"I've thought this through as I recovered, and it clicked finally," Shen said, pacing on the canon, "He was too young to truly be affected by the death of his people, but now… now it's different… now he has a whole new family for me take away from him…" he said, turning his crimson gaze on the Five and Shifu.

"You won't get the chance," Tigress spat, glaring angrily at the bird, "The Dragon Warrior WILL come. He'll be here any time."

"Dear Tigress," Shen ran his wing across her cheek, dragging the natural and metallic fathers through her fur, "Was that supposed to be a threat? The Dragon Warrior coming to save the day? HA! I'M COUNTING ON IT!"

"Don't look so surprised, of course he'll come for his teacher, allies and girlfriend," Shen chuckled.

"Stop saying that, he's just my friend like all the others," Tigress frowned deeply.

"Oh, really, just your friend… I clearly remember your reaction when I blasted that stupid Panda…" Shen cleared his throat then reached out dramatically and yelled in a feminine tone, "NOOOO!"

Tigress snarled and glared daggers, "Actually…" Mantis piped in, "I think it was a lil more higher pitched…"

Viper tried to bop Mantis, but couldn't reach with her restraints. "Ha, ha!" Mantis laughed, but yelped when Crane popped him with his beak. "No fair!"

"Anyway, if my set up didn't quite take away his so called Inner Peace ability I've heard so much about…" Shen stated.

"Set up?" Shifu narrowed his eyes as they all glanced at him.

"It was so easy, just had to make sure that I placed the body under a wall the Panda broke," Shen whispered to the group.

"It was you!" Shifu growled as Tigress began fighting her restraints with newfound vigor.

"If you rude people would stop interrupting me!" Shen smacked Tigress on the cheek, jerking back when she snapped at him. "Let me introduce you to a new friend of mine…" Shen snapped his feathers and a gorilla came out with an odd mass of small metal balls stuck together. "I like to call this… the Dragon Slayer…"

"I custom designed it just for our friend the Dragon Warrior…" Shen was interrupted by another gorilla. "Again with the interruptions!"

"One of the villagers refused to leave his shop…" the gorilla explained.

"Oh?" Shen turned to see a pair of Gorilla's dragging Mr. Ping out into the open.

"He also had these in his shop…" the Gorilla handed him a few paintings of the goose with a baby panda.

"Awe, baby pictures… you must be the adopted father?" Shen turned toward the flustered goose.

"My Po is gonna kick your butt!" Ping snapped.

"Well, I was going to start with the Grand Master but… gotta make sure he really hurts when he gets here…" Shen readied a blade and tossed it quickly at the goose.

"NO!" Tigress yelled as Shifu and the Five watched helplessly as the lightning fast blade flew toward Mr. Ping, and the goose flew backwards off his feet. A pin drop could be heard as Ping laid silently on the dusty ground.

"No…" Tigress shook her head in disbelieve. Mr. Ping was always nothing but nice to her. How could anyone even consider hurting him?

"Dude, you are so dead, you are so dead you don't even know it…" Mantis growled.

"Oh, we're just getting started, little cricket," Shen said, "TAKE AIM!" Shifu, the Five, and the rest of the captured villagers watched in horror as the cannons were turned and aimed directly at the Jade Palace. "You Kung Fools made me blow up my own ancestral home. Well, it's payback time. Fire!"

The Five, Shifu, and the town people watched in horror as three iron balls exploded from the cannons. For hundreds of years the Jade Palace has stood as an untouchable beacon of hope for the Valley of Hope. But now, all throughout the Valley of Peace, people stopped and watched in terror and awe as the cannon balls exploded through the majestic palace.

"Our home…" Viper whimpered, tears forming in her eyes as smoke bellowed from the devastated Jade Palace.

"One more should do it…" Shen smiled, hopping on the central cannon, "I'll do the honor… reload!"

"Please, just kill me if you must but don't do this," Shifu shouted to the peafowl.

"Sorry, you're not who I want," Shen smirked at Shifu before turning to his gorillas who were getting out of the way, "Ready?" He glanced to the five, "If something happens you don't die today, Furious Five, I'm certain your loyal town people will put you up for the night… FIRE!"

The cannon exploded and the ball flew toward the front entry way of the central palace. "NO!" Shifu cried, but then a voice that only Shifu and Tigress' much stronger hearing could hear said a single word. "Skadoosh."

"Wha?" Shen barely jumped off the canon when the ball slammed back into it, crushing it in half. "Ah, he's finally shown up…" He said as they could faintly see the black and white Dragon Warrior standing at the top of the Jade Palace steps.

He shouted something down toward them, pointing and making exaggerated arm movements while they all watched. "WHAT?" Shen yelled up toward him.

"What? What's he saying?" He looked around, then to the Furious Five.

"He's going to break you in half…" Tigress glared.

"That's what he said?" He tilted his head.

"No, just what I say…" Tigress snarled.

"He'll have to get to me first… READY THE DRAGON SLAYER!" He ordered and Shifu, Mantis, Crane, Viper, and Monkey began to fight their restraints with renewed vigor, Tigress though, her eyes simply dilated on the custom cannon ball.

"I'm comin' guys, hang on!" Po shouted and tried to run dramatically down the steps… he made it four before he began bouncing down the quick way.

He slammed into the street before the gathered hostages and small army of gorilla thugs before climbing to his feet. "That did not play out like I saw it in my head…" Po mumbled as he dusted himself off.

They were all dead silent staring at the Dragon Warrior. Tigress followed the cannon on out to where Po was standing. Her eyes went from cannon to Po and back again several times before she broke the silence. "PO! RUN!"

"Sheesh, Tigress I'm getting here as fast as I can…" He said, running toward the group.

"Just a little closer…" Shen smiled as the Panda came closer. Tigress' face snapped to him before she looked back to Po in pure horror.

"NO! PO! STOP! THE OTHER WAY! RUN AWAY!" She yelled, struggling so fiercely against her restrains that her skin broke and blood ran down her arms from her wrist shackles.

"Alright, Shen, it's time to feel the… oh no…" Po stopped when he spotted his father laying face down in the street. "No… Dad NO!" Po dropped to his knees and rolled his father to his back, who simply fell limp beside him. Po tenderly touched his shoulder where the dagger was in deep. "Dad…"

Tigress watched her friend cradle his father. Two thoughts circled her mind: getting to Po and comforting him and ripping Shen limb from limb, but unfortunately she could do neither.

"It's a shame your family always dies so easily, Panda," Shen commented, "or else I'd have gotten more enjoyment out of killing them."

"Why?" Po asked as he rose to his feet. "It's one thing to hurt your enemies… like me, but … but he never hurt anyone…"

"Why?" Shen looked thoughtful for a moment, "Eh, Why not?"

"That's it, I went easy on you the last time because the Soothsayer told me what was going on with you, but now, now you've gone too far," Po stomped toward him with a ferocious look that would put Tigress to shame.

"Too far? Please, do you really think he mattered? That any of these villagers truly matters? They're all sheep, Panda. You just have to know where to hit to make them go where you want them to? Like which child to have killed to make them turn on their hero."

Po stopped cold. "All you have to do is offer overfed cowards more food and they'll sell out anyone, children and Dragon Warriors," Shen laughed.

"It was you…" Po whispered as he entered the cannon's firing range.

"Yes and No," Shen smiled, "Yeah, I'm unashamed to say I killed the yelping rabbit brat… but there's another player on the field panda, one bigger than you… both figuratively and literally."

"I'm not going to let you hurt anyone else," Po shot back, standing taller and prouder than anyone in the village, including Shifu and the Five, had ever seen him.

"He'd be so cool right now if he wasn't about to get blown to pieces…" Mantis mumbled.

"I give you one chance to stand down, let my friends go, and surrender, "Po warned, starting his Inner Peace movements."

"Sorry, Panda, I never surrender, especially to the likes of you…" He said, "Now… catch this one…" He said, lighting pulling the firing cord of the canon.

"Please no…" Tigress whimpered as she watched and it was like the world slowed down. "Not again…" She said, screaming for her eyes to close but they stayed fixed open as the cannon fired in hundreds of flying pellets.

The road exploded and a large cloud of dust rose where Po was standing. All was silence through the village and Tigress fell limp in her restraints, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Actually glad he survived the first time, it was just as much fun to do it twice…" Shen laughed, "The Panda was courageous, but foolish to come alone."

"Who said I came alone?" Po said directly behind the peacock.

Shen turned just in time to receive a belly slam from the Dragon Warrior, sending the peacock flying off the cannon.

"Po! How'd you…" Shifu gapped.

"Brought a friend," Po thumbed back as the cloaked leopard pounced on a pair of gorillas. All present from the Valley of Peace gawked as Tai Lung threw off his cloak. "Thanks for the save there, Tai," Po smiled at the Master of the One Thousand Scrolls of Kung Fu.

Shifu and Tigress especially gawked at the leopard as he tightened his bracer, forcing his limp paw into a fist. He let out a feral growl and glared toward Po. "PO! LOOK OUT!" Tigress yelled as Tai Lung dove toward the Panda.

Tai Lung with his free hand shoved Po the side and slammed his bracer arm hard into the face of the Gorilla coming up behind him. "You drop focus way too easily, Dragon Warrior," Tai Lung growled toward Po.

"And you're always too focused," Po roundhouse kicked the goon about to get Tai Lung from behind.

"Don't just stand there, you fools! Kill them!" Shen yelled, pointing to the two fighters.

"Looks like I get to show them all how much better I am then you," Tai Lung smirked.

"Yeah, right, be prepared to be blinded by my awesomeness," Po shot back with a smile.

"Bet?" Tai Lung full out smiled.

"You're on." Po nodded.

"Then let's bring the thunder…" Tai Lung popped his neck.

"This is battle is going to be legendary!" Po replied as the two rushed the gorillas.

Shifu especially watched in shock as Po and Tai Lung fought against the gorillas effortlessly. He couldn't believe his eyes his long lost son was defending the valley alongside the Dragon Warrior. Yet again it seemed the Dragon Warrior succeeded where he had failed.

"Better catch up, Panda, I'm on twelve," Tai Lung barked, grabbing two gorilla thugs and slamming their heads together. "Make that fourteen."

"Oh yeah?" Po smirked, grabbing one and swinging him around to throw him into a wagon full of gorilla bandits. Po smirked back at Tai Lung.

"That only counts as one!" Tai Lung huffed.

"This isn't going according to plan…" Shen mumbled as he watched his forces dwindling. "My Lord won't be pleased…"

Not wishing for a repeat of his last encounter with the Panda, Shen turned and tried to sneak off from the fight. "Dragon Warrior, he's getting away," Tai Lung caught sight of the retreating warlord.

"Oh no he isn't," Po said, belly flopping the gorilla he was fighting.

Lord Shen almost made it outside the gates of the village when a booming voice caught his attention. "Only cowards run away from battle, Shen…"

"M-My Lord…" Shen stuttered as the armored tiger stepped out of the shadows. "I wasn't running away… I was… it was a tactical retreat…"

"Intriguing…" the tiger drawled looking down at the peacock. "All according to play yes?" he asked, and Shen nodded rapidly, "Because you know the punishment for failure, Shen."

"My Lord, of course, I would never fail you…" Shen shook his head, "Not after all you've done for me…"

"Let me grant you a friendly reminder…" the tiger said coolly before Shen yelped and fell to the ground with deep claw marks across his face.

"There he is," Po said, he and Tai Lung running toward them, "Wait… who're you?"

"Khan…" Tai Lung breathed as he came to a full stop.

"You've grown, Tai Lung," the tiger said turning to the pair, "I must ask… You truly allowed this panda to take your title from you?"

"I've learned that title never belonged to me nor did I need it," Tai Lung replied, "Master Shifu told me of your mind games, Khan, I won't fall for it."

"Alright, I'm bringing the thunder," Po said, popping his neck and rushing the tiger.

"Po, wait!" Tai Lung tried to warn.

"Nonsense, Tai Lung, let me see this Thunder," the tiger smiled behind his mask.

Po barreled toward the tiger and prepared his belly smash attack, but gasped loudly when the tiger's foot slammed into his gut just below the ribcage. Po fell to his hands and knees. The Tiger stood never taking his arms from behind his back.

"Wow… this guy kicks … harder than Tigress…" He coughed and spat some blood on the ground.

"The Dragon Warrior…" the tiger looked down on the panda, "I am… unimpressed…" he said kicking Po hard in the jaw sending him flying backwards into Tai Lung.

Po and Tai Lung shook it off and got back to their feet and found both the Tiger and Shen gone. "Ok… I take back that about him not getting away…" Po scratched his head.

The two made it back to where the Furious Five and Shifu were restrained. "You take care of the Five and Master Shifu," Po said to Tai Lung, "I've gotta… I've gotta do… what…"

"I know," Tai Lung patted his shoulder. "We'll be there to help soon."

Tai Lung went to Tigress first. "Hold on, I'll have you all down in a moment," He ripped off the shackle on her right arm, and she instantly gave him a right cross.

Tai Lung rubbed his jaw tenderly and nodded, "I admit I had that coming…"

"Why should we trust you?" Tigress growled.

"You have no reason to and I don't expect you to, but I am here to help you and right now the panda needs you," Tai Lung glanced back to the Panda who was kneeling next to his father. "So what will it be, let me help you down and you go to him, or do you want to keep hitting my face?"

Tigress simply growled and allowed Tai Lung to finish removing her restraints. "Go, I've got this, take care of the Panda," Tai Lung urged moving to the rest of the Five.

Tigress snarled for a moment before she quickly ran to Po and Mr. Ping. "Po…" Tigress whispered, kneeling beside her friend.

Po gave her a sad look before his gaze went back to his father. "I just… I can't believe he's gone…"

"Po, I'm so sorry…" Tigress said, placing an arm around his shoulders. Both of their eyes widened when a low moan came from Po's lap, Tigress and Po looked down to see Ping's eyes flutter open.

"Ow…" He groaned.

"Dad! You're not dead!" Po exclaimed.

"WE NEED A HEALER OVER HERE NOW!" Tigress stood up and yelled to the crowd.

The crowd quickly split: half was going to help Po and Tigress with his father, while the rest watched the source of many of their nightmares release the Furious Five and Grand Master Shifu.

Each of the Five stood battle ready and staring at Tai Lung as he went finally to the restrained Master Shifu. Silently the Master of the One Thousand Scrolls ripped open his restraints, and helped him to the ground.

"Tai… Tai Lung?" Shifu asked, his eyes wide and his brows far into his forehead.

Tai Lung reached for his bracer, and the four remaining students were prepared to counter attack. Not what they were expecting, Tai Lung released the buckles letting his injured paw loose from its fist. He then went down to his knees, on to all fours, before placing his face to the ground. "Grandmaster, I know I have committed crimes against the Valley and against you. I am not worthy to ask forgiveness. I will accept whatever punishment you see fit. Strike me down now. Place me back in chains, or even make me a slave to the Palace and the people of the village. I fully submit to your will."

Crane's beak fell open with a creak sound as all stared in shock.

Shifu's jaw worked silently for several moments as Tai Lung remained at his feet. "My… My…" a tear appeared in the corner of the old master's eye. "My Son…"

"I am not worthy of you calling me that, Grandmaster," Tai Lung replied, closing his eyes. "Please, chose my punishment quickly…" he requested softly.

"Wo Hop!" Shifu called out, "Wo Hop are you here?"

The bunny chef bounced through the crowd. "Yes, Grand Master?"

"We will begin repairs of the Palace tomorrow," Shifu proclaimed, "Wo Hop, prepare the finest meal you can! We will celebrate here in the village center! Get the finest robes in Tai Lung's size! Call everyone in the Valley!" Shifu trembled as he touched Tai Lung's shoulders. "My Son has come home!"


The celebration went well into the night. The Valley of Peace had much to celebrate. Lord Shen had been defeated again, the invaders pushed back, The Dragon Warrior had returned to them after his weeks-long self-exile, and he brought with them a redeemed Tai Lung. Po had intended to stay at his father's side at the healer's clinic, but the old goose had shooed him out to the party.

Tai Lung laughed softly as he watched the Dragon Warrior dance with a group of pigs and rabbits. He then tilted his head slightly when he spotted Mei Ren… Master Tigress (he still had trouble referring to her as this even in his mind let alone out loud) sending irritated glares toward those who had the Panda's attention. He didn't recall ever seeing that expression on the tiger's face before. He'd have to investigate this further at a later date.

"Tai Lung," He glanced to the side to see Master Shifu standing, overlooking the party at his side.

"Grandmaster," Tai Lung bowed, "again, I thank you for your mercy…"

"I meant what I told you," Shifu said with a slightly tremble in his voice. "Two years ago…"

"Grandmaster?" Tai Lung frowned.

"I've always… I've always been proud of you," Shifu said, glancing up at him. "Always. Even when… Even when you did… what you did… I've never stopped being proud of you. Please, never forget this…" Shifu glanced down to the Panda who now had three rabbits and two pigs on his shoulders as he danced around the bonfire. "Yet again I owe the Dragon Warrior much for whatever he did to bring you back to the light… back to me."

"He was part of it, Grandmaster, but he was not the most important part of my redemption," Tai Lung took a seat. "I… I met a new master, far north of here. His daughter found me after the Panda did his faulty Wuxi Finger Hold. He and his family nursed me to health and helped me to learn humility and peace."

The party went on well into the night, before the inhabitants of the Jade Palace were each given a room in the local inn, while Po stayed with his father.

"We will speak more in the morning," Shifu said, walking Tai Lung to his room.

"Yes, I look forward to it, Grandmaster," Tai Lung bowed humbly.

"We have a lot of work to do," Shifu said, glancing to the window to the damaged Jade Palace. "And morning comes early. Goodnight… my Son…"

"Goodnight, Grandmaster," Tai Lung said, awkwardly walking into his room, and going to his bed. His ears turned as someone the door closed behind him. He turned to see Tigress leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and a glare on her face.

"Hello, Mei Ren," Tai Lung gave a small smile.

"My name to you is Master Tigress," Tigress snarled letting her arms drop to her side, baring her fangs slightly.

Tai Lung turned full to face her, and he stared into her red eyes. They were burning with withheld anger, rage, and something else, something he couldn't identify. "You may have fooled the Dragon Warrior and Grand Master Shifu, Tai Lung, but I know you better. I know you."

"I fear I don't know what you're talking about…" Tai Lung replied.

"This game of yours, this supposed redemption," Tigress snarled, "Kinda convenient wasn't it? Shen broke Po's spirits and then you just happened to come along to pick him back up? A little too convenient…"

"Paranoia never did suit you, young one," Tai Lung smiled, but dropped it when she released feral growl.

"Fine, for Master Shifu and Po's sake, I'll play along for now," Tigress narrowed her eyes as rose on her toes to be as close to nose to nose with the leopard as she could. "But listen to me and listen to me very closely," She instructed with a harsh, final tone. "I'm watching you. If you slide one claw across the line… if I think for one instance that you're a threat to Po… I will end you."

A cocky smirk crossed Tai Lung's face, "You seemed to have some trouble doing that the last time we met…"

"I've watched Po almost get killed twice in the last few months, Tai Lung," Tigress snarled, "I can't… I won't let it happen again. I may not be able to stop you… but you will have to go through me to hurt him. And when it comes to the Dragon Warrior, his life is more important than mine. You will have to kill me to get past me."

"Luckily that won't have to happen," Tai Lung replied after a moment of awkward silence.

Tigress snarled before turning and storming from the room. "Goodnight… baby sister…" Tai Lung laughed softly once he was sure she was away. "I never would have expected you to fall for a Panda, Ren, but if you're happy…" he shook his head and turned from the door.

The leopard padded to the table and pulled out a parchment, ink and a pen. He stared for a moment before he began to write out in kanji. To my Beloved Dao Ming …

He sighed and rubbed his face, "Ming… I wish you had come with me… I could use your advice… how do I tell the Grandmaster that the Tiger King is in the Valley of Peace somewhere…"


Ping tisked and glanced to his boy who was seated next to his bed. "You should be sleeping, son, not watch an old man snore…"

"I'm ok Dad…" Po smiled, "I'm just glad you're ok."

"You had us worried, son, very worried…" Ping looked away sadly, "I was afraid you never would return… Shifu and the Five were just as worried and saddened… especially Master Tigress."

"Wha? No way, Master Tigress probably knew I'd get my head on straight and come back," Po shook his head, "If not she'd come and knock the sense into me. She's too hardcore to worry like that."

"There's a lot more to her than that, my boy," Ping smiled at his son. "Under the muscle and hard features, she's still a woman. Tread carefully son, especially with her. She's… you're going where she's let few if any others come even near. Respect that and respect her, Son."

Po looked thoughtful as Ping looked behind the panda. "Speaking of which…" Po followed his field of vision and saw Master Tigress standing in the doorway, looking slightly miffed.

"Hey…" Po stood up, and walked out into the hall with the Tiger. He gulped loudly when she placed her paws, claws slightly extended on his neck.

"If you ever… EVER… do another stupid stunt like that again… if you even CONSIDER running away without telling us where you are going and when you are coming home I will skin you alive and toss you off a cliff!"

"I'm sorry but I… I had to get away to… ya know… think and stuff…" Po said awkwardly, "I… I was really messed up, Mei Ren…" He stiffened when she moved her arms around his arms and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Just don't do that to me… us again, ok?" Tigress whispered against his fur. "You scared… Viper…"

"I guess I'll have to make it up… to Viper…" Po said with a smile as Tigress pulled away.

"It might take a lot," Tigress broke contact completely, giving him a sly smile. "Viper…was pretty upset."

"I'll start first thing in the morning then!"

"Go on and get some rest, Panda, there's something… I need to do…" Tigress glanced toward Mr. Ping's bed.

"Huh… can I help?" Po asked excitedly.

Tigress laughed softly, "No, this is something I need to do… alone," Tigress replied, but placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'll help you cook breakfast for the Five and the workers on the Palace in the morning."

"Awesome!" Po nodded with a large grin.

"Get going, Panda," Tigress nodded, and Po quickly went down the hall. "Hello, Mr. Ping…"

"Master Tigress…" Mr. Ping replied, feeling a chill run through his body at the odd look on the Tiger Style Master's face.

"You know, Mr. Ping… I've waited over a year for this day…" She smiled as she approached his bed.

"Ahuh…" He replied awkwardly.

"So…" Tigress placed her hand into the bag hanging from her belt and pulled out a familiar hand puppet. "What's your name, little boy?" She asked in a high pitched voice, working the puppet's arms.

"Oh… oh no…" Ping's eyes widened and pure horror.


Today is a Gift

Coming soon…

Another story in the Berserker Saga has come to a close. Coming soon, maybe even this weekend, will be TODAY IS A GIFT which will star the feline leader of the Furious Five: Master Tigress! Beginning to doubt her place among the heroes of the Jade Palace, an accidental journey will let her see just how much of a pull she has over not only the Heroes of the Valley of Peace but the Valley itself… And behind the scenes the Berserker continue to set his pieces into play. What is he up to and why? Find out soon as we continue toward the main event. KUNG FU PANDA: CLAWS OF THE BERSERKER

Disclaimer As always, Kung Fu Panda and all related characters are owned by DreamWorks. Dao Ming is the only character who is fully OC so far, and will make an appearance in a later story… who the Berserker truly is and the disclaimer for him shall come with his reveal…