Be warned this isn't very long and doesn't contain sex, I thought it'd be best if I explain who that woman was. xD

Please enjoy.

He ran as fast as the jealousy struck his heart, and just his luck it began to rain.. Rain as hard as his tears could fall, like the sky was crying with him. He collapsed in the nearest alley way, turning to snap himself out of it.

"Izaya stop this.. stop this crying, it's not you.. not over that brute. Why him.." He cried to himself, hitting his switch blade into the wall.

The girl managed to get Shizuo to Shinras.. she really didn't know how but she'd panicked for the blonde. Worried about everything.. did Shizuo actually love her? Or was this set up.. she cried in the bathroom not able to watch Shinras actions.

Piercing the neddle in and the back of the rough skin, trying to steal the deep cut up. It made Shinra nervous for once.. nervous for why this even happened. Until he saw the blonde furrow his eyebrows, his eyes twitching awake.

"Izaya I told you not to go.." he mumbled before fully coming through, seeing his doctor friend through his honey-brown eyes.

"Whe-where is he.. the flea" he breathed out his nose, a concerned look on his face mixed with anger and confusion.

"Haha~! Shizuo, he's at his house, Celty took the man home" he tried to relpy with a smile.

He grumbled something out then continued to speak.. "He got the wrong idea, that darn flea! WHY WOULD HE EVEN GET JEALOUS.." He tried to keep his anger under control sitting up.

He mumbled to himself, rambling on as usual "She's only an a arranged marriage that I did say yes too, but now I can't find myself being with her.."

Meanwhile at the smaller ravens house, Izaya was crying against woman trying to regain himself but it really wasn't working. He had no words for Cetly.. no words that could explain these fucking feelings, let alone who the fuck that woman was. He just felt as if he was tearing apart.

So, Celty tried comforting the man; not saying anything, just being there for him. Knowing fully well the relationship between the smaller and the taller man.

She sighed to herself wondering when Shizuo will be here.. Izayas whole body jumped from the very loud bangs on the door

"LET ME IN, DARN FLEA.. I don't get this, explain yourself.. fucking stabbing me" the man contiued to growl to himself, cursing at his anger for being so strong against his own will.

The raven simply nodded letting Celty go, and wiping his tears away.

As she got up before typing [You sure you'll be fine.. if I leave?]

He simply nodded whispering a thank-you.

Making her way toward the door, she unlocked it letting the flustered angry blonde stare at her.. before she walked away, leaving the door open for Shizuo.

Shizuo glanced at her walking away "Tsch" he walked inside, slaming the door shut hearing Izayas whimping from the bedroom.

Izaya curled up underneath the blankets needed the warmth he just had. Once again, the jealousy struck his heart.. stinging and ripping throughout him, he really didn't know how to cope with these fucking feelings. He wasn't this emotional!

His whole body jerked hearing the door open once again..

"Izzzaaaayyya-kun~" His voice was angry.. yet not about to kill angry.

Hearing the other mans voice made the male end up angry again.. the tears starting to stream out bursting out "WHY'D YOU EVEN COME HERE.. WHY.. YOU HAD THAT BIRD RIGHT? SHE LOOKED YOUR FUCKING TYPE, YO-YOU WERE HAPPY!"

Hearing a very loud bang into the wall, one that would cause a dent. Surely enough showing the raven.. he pissed Shizuo off more.

Grumbling.. "fucking Izaya and his conclusions.. making me more confused from all these shitty feelings being brought up. WHY AM I HERE, SHIT.. and then the arranged marriage soon, not wanting that. Everything pissing me off!"

His tears came to a stop.. as his face goes red from such words.. Shizzy-chan feels the feelings too.. arranged marriage.. was he in the wrong? No-no! He was laughing with her.. making her happy. They BOTH were happy.

".. You were so happy.. something I've never seen before.. you looked like a perfect couple.. I-I just!"

Shizuo simply ripped the warm covers off and as he did, he felt Izaya wrap his arms and legs around his own body.. his head was buried into the hook of the ravens neck, such warmth and the smell.. breathing it in more.

While Izaya simply clutched onto him for dear life, just savouring this one moment.. The moments they could never had.

Shizuo felt his hair get damp.. from something dripping onto it.. Izayas body was trembling..

He didn't feel like he could say anything.. anything to make this alright. Leaning his head up and away from the ravens shoulder, he looked down into the ravens red eyes full of tears.. stroking his chin gently. He was.. and was more gentle than Izaya ever thought he could be.

Pressing his bigger lips against the smallers, leading them to a tongue twisting immense kiss. Trying to lap up as much taste of the raven that he could, exploring the small cavern with his bigger tongue.

Izayas tongue tried desperately to keep up with the other, but enjoyed his tongue being pushed off by the taller man.

A few seconds later they both pulled away only a trail of dribble connecting them~

Both breathless in the moment.

Breathing out his mouth Izaya whispered "Shizuo.. stay like this just for a bit longer.."

Enjoying the contact and the warmth, just knowing he was the only one that got treated in such a way was enough for him.. enough to heal over the jealousy.

Something deep inside told him he needed this blonde, needed him for something...

The other just simply nodded at him, nuzzling into the neck again with his hands stroking the ravens arms.