A/N: I apologize for the longggg, unannounced hiatus this story has taken. Lots of things happened in life and then I'd been away from it for so long I didn't know how to go back. I have no idea if anyone will still read it, but if you do, I hope you enjoy, and I promise to update more regularly until the story ends.

"This won't last long," Kurama said to Akiko.

"I know," she said, smiling. "I didn't think he would come."

"Neither did he." Kurma chuckled. "May I ask what you plan to do once this is over?"

"Rule in my brother's absence, of course." She turned to look up at him. "As long as the winner shares my blood, I stand in power."

"So you intend to stay with these people, even after they tried to seize power and take your life?" I see no sense in that.

"These people are my people," she said simply. "My father's people. They need me to protect them, whether they admit it or not." She smiled at him again.

"I see." For some reason, the idea of her staying in those woods, with the hostile eyes of the clan always on her, left him feeling uncomfortable. It's none of my business.

"May I ask you a personal question?" she said suddenly.

"Hm?" He raised his eyebrows. "I suppose."

"The woman you love-" he flinched. How did she find her? "Is she beautiful?"

"Huh?" That wasn't a question he had expected.

"It's a woman, right? The person in the human world?" She looked up at him innocently. "I'm just trying to imagine what kind of person would motivate you to leave your entire world behind."

He smiled tenderly at those words, evoking memories of his human childhood. "She's incredibly kind," he said softly, almost to himself.

Akiko waited for him to say more, but when he remained silent she turned her eyes back to the impending battle. "Well of course she is."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, but his voice was drowned out by screams from the crowd as Hiei effortlessly decapitated his opponent. The head rolled to a stop at the feet of the female fire apparition that stepped in earlier, and the massive body fell lifeless to the ground. Quick work, Kurama thought calmly.

Blade dripping with blood, Hiei turned to the elderly demon. "Are there any other traditions I need to uphold?" he asked smugly. Mutely, she shook her head. Chuckling, Hiei turned to the rest of the clan. "Anyone else?" he asked, raising his arms in challenge. The men squirmed, but no one stepped forward.

It's all over, Kurama thought, unsurprised. He watched as his friend wiped the dirty blade clean and returned it to its sheath. He turned to the younger fire apparition next to him, who was running her hands through her hair with an unconcerned expression on her face. She's so calm in the face of Hiei's incredible skill and ferocious killing intent.

"Brother," she called out to Hiei, slowly moving in his direction. "You have upheld our bloodline's honor. I thank you." The sudden formality in her tone stuck Kurama as out of character.

"Hn." He replied. He then turned back to the men of the clan. "If any of you attempt to usurp my sister," he began, his tone low and menacing, "my jagan will find you, and I will kill you. And I won't give you the mercy of a quick death like this." He kicked his victim's head to illustrate his meaning.

The clan murmured and shifted uncomfortably, but no one spoke. Nodding in approval, Hiei turned to his half-sister.

"Don't ever say I didn't do anything nice for you, brat," he told her. "Kurama, we're leaving."

"But you just got here!" Akiko said, dropping her formal act. "You won't stay for the feast?"

Hiei scrunched up his nose in distaste and glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes. Always with the attitude, Kurama thought.

"Fine, fine," Akiko said, waving her hand. Kurama noted that no one else in the clan had spoken, or so much as moved. "I'll keep the throne warm."

"Hn." Hiei looked back to Kurama and raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"Well…" Kurama said loudly, addressing the whole group. "We appreciate your hospitality." He bowed. "And now, we take our leave." He turned to Akiko, and delicately took her hand. "If you need anything, you know where to find us." His lips brushed the back of her hand softly.

And then they were gone.

Hiei didn't speak for a long time during the journey. Kurama hadn't really expected him to, and made no attempts at conversation. Finally, after several hours watching trees and desert whizz buy, Kurama sighed audibly.

"Don't start," Hiei growled.

"Start what?" Kurama said innocently.

"You know what."

"Why Hiei, I haven't the slightest idea what you could possibly mean," Kurama said.

The flame apparition glared at him. "What was that back there, anyway?"

"What was what?" This time Kurama really wasn't feigning ignorance.

"Inviting her to just come around again," Hiei said impatiently. "Where do you get off doing that? I did my job – I don't need that whelp dropping in whenever she pleases."

"That really bothered you?" He's always so difficult. "It just seemed like the appropriate thing to do."


Kurama recognized that the conversation was over. I really didn't intend to irritate him…

Two days later, Kurama popped his head in to check on his mother. They way Akiko had asked about her left him with a burning desire to see her and make sure all was well. He wasn't in the mood for a lengthy explanation about where he'd been or why his clothes were so dirty, so he watched her from outside a window.

It was always a comfort to see his mother. She always made him appreciate how precious and elusive human life was. He watched how her slender hands moved as she chopped vegetables for dinner. Kazuya came in and put an arm around her. Kurama liked the little smile on her face.

Satisfied with the condition of things, he began walking back to the small apartment he now called home. He felt the need for a hot shower.

There are few modern conveniences I appreciate at much as this, Kurama thought as the hot water spilled down his body. His thoughts turned to all he had just experienced.

It's strange to think these tribes still cling to such out-of-date customs. He squirted out a handful of shampoo and began to massage it into his head. I'm not sure why I felt the need to get so involved, thought.

It wasn't like Kurama to be easily swayed by emotion, but he kept hearing Akiko's words about love echoing in his head. He remembered the stubborn pride on her face when she spoke of the clan as her father's people. I suppose her decision to stay is no different than my decision to stay here…a woman driven by love and bonds.

The thought seemed poetic, but Kurama couldn't help but be amused by his own use of the word woman, which was a stretch.

Willful…but still a child…He wasn't trying to be mean – he found her decision to stay admirable. But there was something about the way she spoke, and the look in her eyes that made Kurama feel like Akiko's words were empty, like she was playing the role of a hero when she was really in desperate need of a hero herself.

What nonsense…Kurama told himself. His hair was now clear of shampoo and he began on the conditioner. Look at Yusuke and Kuwabara – she's not that much younger than those two, and they've done just fine for themselves in the long run.

But a nagging voice in the back of his mind reminded him of all the guidance that had been given to the boys from those with far more experience than their own.

I've done my part, he told himself. The water was again running clear, so he turned it off and reached for a towel. It's best not to meddle in the lives of others.

Still, as he lay in bed, he couldn't help but wonder if Akiko was as strong as she pretended to be.