Dear Clive,

Nothing! Nothing is the answer to your riddle! Sorry for the written outburst, but that one took me quite a while.

I would love to know the story you've got running in your head. I can't begin to imagine how bored you must be. Do you think I could send you some books? Or would they be confiscated? I just finished an amazing mystery, and I'd love to know what you think about it (and see if you're able to solve the mystery earlier than I did!)

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to disclose my location… I will say that I am off on another mystery. Maybe it would be more entertaining if I kept you guessing?

Please tell me if I can send you a few books. The entire time I was writing this letter, I was thinking of what I'd like to send you, and now I've got a whole list in my head!

Eager for your response,


Dear Flora,

Correct! I knew you would get it.

I've asked the warden and he said it would be fine for you to send me a few books, although they'll be going through each book to see if there are any "illicit" messages or hidden contraband. I hope you don't mind your books getting scuffed up a bit, I'm afraid not everyone here has a respect for literature.

I understand if you can't tell me. The puzzle of your mystery location has definitely helped to keep me preoccupied. Judging by the number of stamps, I'd venture a guess that you're across the pond?

As for the story in my head… well, it's a silly little story I came up with when I was a kid involving talking animals and- I can't go on! I can almost hear the guards' laughter already.

Blushing with a pen in hand,


Dear Clive,

I've already sent off the first book. Don't you dare send me a letter before you finish it! I want your opinion as soon as possible. I'll send the next book to you tomorrow so you'll have something to read after you finish it.

You're right. We're in the Americas right now, although probably a little more south than you were thinking. If you're a good boy and finish the book I've sent you quickly, I'll tell why. (It should be fine… it's not like you'd tell anyone… right?)

A story about talking animals? It sounds delightful. I'd like to know more.



Dear Flora,

As soon as your book arrived, I rushed to my favorite spot in the library and sat there for hours to finish it. You're right, it's splendid. I had no idea who the thief was until the reveal, so I guess you've got me beat. Now that I've finished… please tell me where you are! And why! Of course, I won't ever tell (and neither will the guards).

Alright, I'll tell you a bit more, but only because you've promised to tell me your location. It truly is ridiculous, but I imagine the other prisoners and guards as talking animals. I used to do it when I lived with Constance, whenever my tutors would anger me...

Oh boy, I'm blushing again…



Dear Clive,

Yes! I knew you would love it. To be honest, I didn't figure out the thief before the reveal either. I never try very hard to solve the mystery though. I'd much rather have it unfold before me. I like to get caught up in the words, instead of laboring over the details and trying to figure out the culprit. But maybe that's just me. Hopefully you enjoy the next book; it should have arrived by now. It's about two soldiers transported into a magical realm. It's very well-written- I felt as if I were there myself.

Since you finished the book so quickly, I will tell you that Layton and I are in South America, investigating the ruins of an ancient civilization. We're specifically looking for the burial grounds of an emperor. Supposedly, the man was buried with many interesting artifacts, one of which is supposed to be a mirror that shows a person their future. So far, no luck. We've been joined by some of Mr. Layton's archaeologist friends and even little Luke, but no one has unearthed anything.

Reading over this letter, I can't help but feel I've let you down. Hopefully next time I write to you, we'll have found a lead on the mirror.

