Someone pointed out how this is impossible in a review; I would just like to warn you that yes it is a slight AU, so yeah it is impossible. The Pikachu Ash was playing with was a girl, the one Ash has is a boy. They also pointed out that how could Giovanni's mother force him? Simple, it's AU for one, and two, his mother is called Madame Rocket, a women who wants money and will stop at nothing to get it, put Giovanni in a situation with that person then it's no wonder he turned out that way!

I would like to thank that person for the constructive criticism, very helpful to the continuation of this, I will try and keep it close to canon even though it's AU because I like to try and make sure the story sort of makes sense.

In case you didn't guess, yes this is going to be continued, I'm going to do a one-shot/drabble collection, but don't expect frequent updates!

Wow…that was a long Authors Note…sorry…lets get on shall we?

Disclaimer: Pokémon belongs to Nintendo, not me!

Summary: "Daddy, how come all your Pokémon are all so nice to you?" Giovanni explains his relationship with Pokémon to his six year old son Ash. Also insight in Giovanni and Delia dynamic.

Ash, now six, was running around the garden at top speed, chased by a large Persian.

"Haha, you can't catch meee!" Ash called back.

The Persian purred and let out what sounded to be a sarcastic roar as if to say 'You're on kid'.

Giovanni couldn't help but laugh when Ash was caught unaware by the large cat Pokémon as it jumped on him and started licking his face.

Ash was squirming under the weight, "No, no! Please Persian, I'll do anything just stop licking my face."

Giovanni was happy to see Ash happy like this, he'd been a bit down after a bully had made fun of his name and called him unloved by his dad. Ash had obviously fought back and said that yes his dad did love him, but no one believed him because he couldn't tell everyone that his dad was Giovanni Rocket the leader of Team Rocket one of the most active criminal groups in the Kanto region, now could he?

So Ash had spluttered before his anger had gotten the better of him and he had jumped on the kid. The kid had caused him more damage but as Ash had started the fight Ash had gotten suspended.

"No good stupid little runt." Giovanni muttered under his breath as he recalled his telephone conversation with Delia.

"Vanni, are you there?" Delia asked, sounding close to tears.

Giovanni felt suddenly very protective, "Yes, what's wrong? Are you okay? Do you need me to come and sort something out?"

Delia laughed tightly down the pone, "You don't need to come you big worry wart, no, Ash got into a fight in school."

"Is he okay?" Giovanni demanded immediately.

"Yes, Ash is fine; he just hurt his head a little." Delia informed him.

"How much is a little?"

Delia laughed, "You're quite the worrier! He just bashed it on the playground tarmac and grazed it badly, that's all. But he is suspended."

"Suspended?" Giovanni yelped in surprise, "He didn't hurt the other child did he?"

Delia sighed slightly, "No, but he did start the fight…it was about his name. A child said that his dad didn't love him if he got his name changed. Ash disagreed with this statement but couldn't walk away with someone insulting him like that."

Giovanni nodded, that was understandable, he wouldn't be able to stand it either, "Well, I guess we know where his hot headedness comes from."

Delia laughed, "Yes, you were always quick with that temper of yours."

Giovanni laughed as well, "Yes, we could spend all afternoon discussing the times I protected yours or my own pride with my sharp tongue or you can tell me what I can do."

"You're already doing it." Delia laughed, "Your talking to me…that's all I needed."

"Did Ketchum leave?" He asked, knowing that would be one of the only reasons she would call.

You could hear the slight hesitant note in her voice as she said, "Yeah, he left a few weeks ago…can I send Ash to you? I need some time…"

Giovanni didn't even give her a chance to continue as he stumbled on the words, "Yes, send him. Whatever you need, I'm happy to help."

"Thanks, Vanni..."

Giovanni picked up his mobile and sent a quick text to his chauffeur and helicopter driver, "He'll be out of your hair in less than ten minutes. Helicopter will probably land in the garden."

"I don't think I'll ever be able to rep-"

"You don't need to, bye Deli…" And he hung up. Not half an hour later Ash was outside his house asleep in a limo.

"Daddy?" Ash called for what seemed like the millionth time, "Daddy, are you awake?"

Giovanni jumped at the voice of his son, "W-what? Oh Ash, I was just thinking, sorry. Are you okay?"

Ash nodded, "Yes daddy…but I do have a question."

"Go ahead, Ash. What's on your mind?"

Ash seemed hesitant in his question, "Well…umm…it's just you have so many Pokémon…and I was wondering…did you steal them all?"

Giovanni laughed, trust his son to ask the question, shaking his head he replied, "No Ash."

Ash seemed genuinely shocked, "But daddy, you steal loads of Pokémon!"

"Ah, but, Ash, all the Pokémon here I strove to capture myself." Giovanni explained, "Persian that you're playing with was one of the first I captured." Persian walked over and nudged his hand that was rested on his knee, he absently started to stroke her head as she purred and continued, "I captured her as a Meowth and trained her up big and strong. She evolved and now she my pride and joy."

Ash seemed to be so confused, "But daddy…with your job." Then he stopped and reconsidered his question, "Daddy, how come all your Pokémon are so nice to you?"

Giovanni laughed, "Why do you ask that?"

"Well, they say that Pokémon are the best judge of character, and you're supposed to be evil, so why would your Pokémon be nice to you?" Ash explained and asked at the same time.

Giovanni ruffled Ash's hair, "When did you get so smart?" He asked then continued, "Well, I believe that if you befriend your Pokémon you can get the best out of them. They're stronger because you're nurturing them making them feel safer and happier around you. That's why Persian doesn't like Grandma."

Ash laughed, "It was funny when she jumped onto Grandma at that party last year." He managed in between giggles.

Giovanni laughed to, it had been a funny event seeing his Persian bound across the room and jumping straight onto his mother, "Not many Pokémon really like Grandma, because she's not kind to them, only using them for evil. I use mine in gym battles and all sorts. Really Pokémon are like people, they just want to be friends."

Ash smiled, "Wow, daddy. I want to make loads of Pokémon friends too!"

Giovanni nodded, "I'm sure you will Ash." Ruffling Ash's hair Giovanni stood up. "Should we go get some lunch?" He asked the slightly confused child.

Ash nodded, "Yes please…can I feed Persian her lunch as well?"

Persian mrowed in approval, food was definitely on her list of things to do.

"Sure Ash, how about we have pancakes?"

"Only if we have chocolate on them."

"We wouldn't have anything else." Giovanni said, leaning down to pick Ash up.

Ash giggled as Giovanni picked him up, "Do you still make pancakes better then mummy?"

Giovanni laughed, "Yep, they're still my secret recipe."

Persian walked through the back door, as Giovanni shut it to keep the house warm.

Maybe Ash will turn out good. Giovanni thought to himself as he watched him pour out the food into the bowl while happily stroking the head of his trusted Pokémon.

Bit of a pooey ending I know and a lot more Delia and Giovanni talking than I expected…thanks everyone for the awesome reviews last chapter.

Basically Giovanni is trying to make sure Ash turns out good not like him.

Had to get the pancakes in…sorry xD

Giovanni loves his Persian so much I just can't see him having stolen it! So all his personnel Pokémon are therefore not stolen because they're too loyal and love him too much! :D

Review if you want to, they make my day and it you make an interesting point I will review. I take all constructive criticism to heart and try to build on it.
