Hi everyone, I hope you've had a fantastic week so far! And here's an update finally! I'm really sorry for the time it took me to get this new chapter up, but I had lost inspiration for the longest while, and when I finally got it back, it happened to be my birthday, so I was really busy that day. And by the end of the day, poof! The inspiration was gone again. But I got it back on... Monday, I think and I got this up as soon as I could! So I really hope you like this one. It's already up on my S&C(flirtatiouswarbler) if you want to read it there.



Kurt watched as the sky was slowly filled with little yellow lights, gaining in number. They were so gorgeous. Kurt was staring at the sky, now growing lighter with the presence of the bugs. He lifted his hand up, trying to catch one, disappointed when it flew right past his fingers. A low chuckle sounded next to him, and he swiveled his swing to the side to see Blaine grinning at him.

He turned his attention back to the sky. The reality of the situation started to sink in. Blaine Anderson was actually taking him on a date. Even if Blaine was just trying to have sex with him, he was doing a hell of a job getting there. But Kurt somehow couldn't shake the feeling that told him Blaine cared about him.

There was no way that was true, though.

He shook his head and smiled to himself. If Blaine didn't care about him, he would be okay. Sure, he would be hurt for a while, but eventually he would get over it. For now, he could just enjoy his date.

"They're so beautiful," he sighed out, turning to his head whenever a fly flew past him.

"Yeah," Blaine responded, and there was something in his voice. What it was, Kurt wasn't sure. When he looked back to the other boy, he wasn't looking at the sky like he had been, but right at Kurt. As soon as Kurt caught him, Blaine glanced down. Kurt could have sworn he saw him blush.

He was blushing himself now.

Unaware that he was moving, Kurt stood and moved to approach Blaine on his swing. When Blaine met his eye, he smirked and bent down the brush their lips together. "Thanks for taking me out," he whispered against the other boy's lips, eliciting a sharp gasp. Blaine reached his arm out to grab Kurt by the neck and try to crash their lips again, but Kurt pulled back right before he could. "But it's getting cold, so maybe you could drive me home?"

Blaine knew it was a lie, mostly because it was actually seventy degrees, and also because he could see a glint of mischief in Kurt's eyes and the small grin on his lips, but he decided to let it go. Huffing, he placed his hands on his knees before hauling himself up out of the flimsy swing and standing. "Sure thing, babe."

They walked to the car, and Blaine opened the car door for him once more. When Kurt leaned over to slip into the car, he may have just taken his time. He could hear Blaine gulp audibly behind him and he chuckled when the door closed with a bit more force than necessary.

During the car ride, Kurt would glance at Blaine, watch his hands clench the steering wheel, his arm muscles flexing with the movement.

Blaine didn't turn the radio on, so Kurt settled for looking out of the window at the passing trees. In the quiet, Kurt started thinking. He didn't know what had gotten into him.

You're such an idiot, why on Earth would you actually flirt with him? He's out of your league, and- and a badass for crying out loud. Why did you start this, why did you encourage him? He's so bad news and would never actually love you. And he probably is laughing at you right now because of your sad attempt at flirting and he knows how innocent you truly are and is going to just leave.

His mental berating had Kurt now curling into himself subconsciously, not escaping Blaine's notice. "Hey," he started gently, and the tone didn't make Kurt feel any better at all, though it normally would. Now it only made him more embarrassed. "You okay there?"

Kurt thought he should lie and just tell Blaine he was fine, but his head shook before his brain could catch up. Damn.

"Well what's up? Did you not have fun?" Blaine's eyes flicked from the road to Kurt twice and then back.

"Well I might have if you hadn't eaten all the popcorn," Kurt huffs out immediately on impulse, crossing his arms. "No, that's not it."

"Then what is it?"

"I am so dumb," Kurt muttered, more to himself than Blaine. "I was trying to be sexy but it was probably just really embarrassing for both of us and God, I'm sorry-"

The car turned into the side lane next to the road and screeched to a stop, startling Kurt into silence. Blaine turned and looked at him like he had grown three heads. "K-Kurt," he stuttered, and Kurt was honestly really confused. "Kurt are you, are you joking?" Blaine narrowed his eyes before unbuckling his seatbelt.

He climbed over to Kurt's side of the car, and straddled him. Before Kurt could object (not that he was going to), he pressed their mouths together, immediately exploring Kurt's mouth with his tongue. When he pulled away, leaving them not even a couple of inches apart, he shook his head with disbelief, before kissing him shortly, multiple times in fast succession, speaking in between each kiss. "Are you- kidding me- you are so sexy- my god- Kurt-"

He rolled his hips down against Kurt, and did it again when Kurt keened lowly against his lips in response. "You drive me fucking insane, Kurt," he was thrusting down constantly now, moving desperately. Kurt's had was spinning and he kept raising his hips, blood boiling under his skin.

"Please, please, no- no wait," Kurt gasped out, and when Blaine kept going he spoke louder, "Blaine, Blaine stop."

Immediately all movement against him stopped and Blaine practically hopped from his lap into his own seat. "Shit," Blaine muttered, rubbing a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry," Kurt said, still breathing a bit heavily. "I- I'm just not ready for- for that yet."

Blaine looked angrily to him. "So you're just going to fucking tease me then leave me hanging? What the fuck Kurt? God if I'd have known you were so difficult I wouldn't have bothered." And it was true. Usually he would have already fucked the guy and been out of their life. But Kurt was different.

As soon as he said it, he regretted it because now Kurt was curling into himself again. "Hey, hey no wait, I didn't mean that." He reached out a hand to take Kurt's, and squeezed. Kurt looked to him, eyes shining, and Blaine honestly wanted to punch himself in the face.

"No, I know, it's okay, I know it was my fault," Kurt actually looked guilty, and Blaine couldn't have felt worse.

"It was not, I shouldn't push anything," Blaine assured him. Kurt's eyes flashed.

"So why did you then, Blaine?"

"'Cause," Blaine started, flustered at the question. He let go of Kurt's hand to start the car again and merge back onto the road. "Because you drive me crazy."

Either Kurt didn't hear him or he decided not to reply. They were silent the rest of the car ride. When they got back to Kurt's house, Blaine still got out, helping Kurt out of the car. He didn't like catering to anyone, but like with everything else, Kurt was different. He actually wanted to do these things for him.

Kurt stopped at the front door and shuffled his feet, looking down as if he were watching them move. "So," he said quietly.

Blaine smiled and grabbed him by the waist, tilting his chin up to kiss him. Kurt's arms automatically placed themselves on Blaine's biceps and he sighed. Blaine pulled away and stepped back. "You're too cute for me, sorry I can't see you anymore." Kurt might have been worried if he didn't see Blaine chuckle on the walk back to his car.

"Good night!" He called out before stepping into his house. Burt, of course, was waiting for him.

"Please, save me the embarrassment dad, I had a good time, we went to a movie and the park and yes we kissed." He didn't even stop in his stride, kissing his dad on the forehead. "Night dad."

Blaine unlocked the door to his house with the spare key, before dropping it back into his pocket and stepping inside. "Hey," he called out. "I'm home." No response. "If anyone even cares," he added.

The whole house was dark, probably meaning that his parents were out; maybe on another one of their trips, leaving him all alone. He walked into the kitchen to see- ah, he knew it- a note left on the counter. Picking it up, he read it, not even really caring what the scribbled words said.


Your mom and I are going on a cruise. Be back in a week. Don't cause trouble.


Sighing, Blaine crumpled the note and tossed it in the trash. "That's fucking awesome," he muttered into the silence. Dragging himself upstairs, Blaine made sure to grab a bottle of something, anything with alcohol in it, from his parent's liquor cabinet. He walked up, taking a swig before even reaching the top.

"Fucking parents," he said, drinking more with each sip, sitting on his bed. He glanced around his solemn room. "Fucking room." He kicked off his shoes, barely hearing the dull thud as they hit the wall.

Soon, the drink started to kick in, making him feel lightheaded. He smiled. He was feeling much better now about being left alone, again. Though there was still an underlying sadness about the situation, it was downplayed by the soothing buzz that came with being intoxicated.

The bottle was gone within minutes, and he laid back onto his bed. Suddenly, he had an idea. He grabbed his phone, pressing two on his speed dial.

