Well it was bound to happen anyways. But until Disney Interactive or Square Enix gets to work, this would have to be the next best thing. Okay, start the fic.




We see space, were a big fight was taking place between two being and a stone covered ship. One of the men looked the most human. He had caucasian skin and short wavy blonde hair. He wore red spandex with black boots, gloves, groin, and a cowl that covered his face (but left his hair, ears, eyes and mouth exposed), shoulders, and upper chest with a yellow eight-point star on it. On his gloves were gold wristbands. He was Captain Mar-Vell, galactic enforcer of the Kree Empire.

The other was humanoid, but his was entire body was covered in a platinum-like substance that made him look like a athletic trophy. He didn't have any hair or clothes (not that anything inappropriate was showing), and unlike his partner who flew around Superman-style, he rode a surfboard that was made of the same material he was. He was Silver Surfer, Space faring Adventurer and Explorer.

The spaceship they were fighting was very spooky looking. The front of it formed a face with a skeleton grin, and had three stalactites forming what looked like a beard.

It was a heated battle. Mar-Vell shot yellow burst of energy from the palms of his hands, while the Surfer shoots beams of green energy from his fingertips. Purple colored beams shot out from the ship's eyes, and sent Mar-Vell flying backwards. He would of kept on going, but a green bubble formed around him and slowed him down. It then moved him next to the Surfer, revealing that he was in control of it.

"Thanks Norrin." said Mar-Vell, as he was released.

"It's quite alright." said the Surfer "But I wish we were better prepared. Thanos now has the Infinity Sword AND the Infinity Gauntlet. He is now the most powerful being in the universe, and the only ones who can stop him is you and I."

"That doesn't bother me at all. Out of all the heroes in the universe, we're the ones who know him best." And with that, they both charged at the ship and start blasting again.

We now see inside the spaceship. It was very advance room, with chrome floors and lots of computers along the walls. On the whole ship, there were only two figures. One of them was a big bulky fellow. He wore a yellow over blue uniform that covered his body. The only skin you could see was his face. He had purple skin with white, pupil less eyes, and ridges on his boxed chin. On his right hand was a gold glove that was decorated with six colored gemstones. This was Thanos, the mad titan.

The other figure wasn't necessarily alive. Rather it was a statue of a cloaked woman. She had a human-like face, that looked like she was in her early 30s, and had hair that stood up so it looked like a flame.

"How frustrating," said Thanos "I final got my hands on the two most powerful artifacts in the universe, and now my two greatest foes have teamed up against me. Is this where my days of concurring the universe comes to an end? No, I have come to far. I will rule the universe. But the ship's power is depleting. I can't keep this up for long. What's that you say?" He turns to the statue and paused for a moment, as if the stone woman actually could speak. "Of course, the Stone of Power. Thank you Lady Chaos." He laid his gloved hand on the control panel and the red stone glowed and sent energy through the ship.

Back outside, the Stone of Power was taking effect. The eyes of the ship shot out beams of red energy at the two heroes. Fortunately, the Surfer made a wall of white, transparent energy that saved them both.

"Now he's using the Infinity Stones," said the Surfer, holding up the shield "I don't think I can hold it. Quick, combine powers with me." Mar-Vell did as he said, turning the shield into a spiraling, green and yellow beam. Slowly but surely, they were pushing it back.

"I don't believe it." said Thanos in surprise "They're actually resistanting an Infinity Stone. Well, if they're combine powers, so should I." Then on cue, the orange, purple, and yellow stones started to glow with the red.

Outside, the ship projected a blinding flash that repelled the two heroes. When it cleared, Mar-Vell and the Surfer found that they were all right. But the looked forward and found that Thanos' ship is gone. In its place was what looked like a tear in a fabric, except it was in the fabric of time and space. And though it showed a different color galaxy.

"We are going to get so much crap for that." commented Mar-Vell.

We now see the inside of a dark palace. In it was what looked like a meeting of very shifty looking characters. Their leader was a tall, thin, green skinned woman. She wore a black dress, mostly covered by a black poncho. There was a black caller, and wore a tight hood with horns. It was hard to tell if the horns were part of a headdress or is actually part of her body. In her hands was a copper colored staff, with a small green orb. Perched on her shoulder was a raven with bloodshot eyes. This woman was Maleficent, the wicked fairy and Mistress of All Evil.

At her side was a large, chubby bear like creature. He wore red, black, and blue armor, but it had modern features like zippers, side pockets, and sneakers. He definitely was out of place with the rest of these people. This was Pete, Maleficent's loyal lieutenant.

Another one of them was tall thin man. He had long, black, curly hair, a long thin mustaches, and a five O'clock shadow on his pointed chin. He wore a red coat, a yellow sash, a dark red hat with a white ostrich feather, and noticeably he had a silver hook in place of his left hand. This was Captain Hook, the scourge of Neverland.

Another one was a gray skinned man, with blue fire for hair. He wore a black toga that at the skirt, smoke surrounded his feet making you wonder if he actually had any. He was Hades, lord of the Underworld.

Another was an old woman. She was thinly built, had gray hair that she wore up, and wore an old fashion scarlet dress. This was Lady Tremaine (The Wicked Stepmother of Cinderella).

There was also another Woman. She was very chubby, had light purple skin, short white hair that stands up, and her lower body was that of a black, six-limbed octopus. Around her neck was a gold snail shell. This was Ursula, the sea witch.

Another one of them was what looked like a large gray beanbag. This was Oogie Boogie, the Boogyman.

The remaining member of this group neither looked nor was human at all. He was a brown lion with a black mane and tail tip, green eyes, and over his left eye was a single scar. This was Scar (AU: Sorry, can't think up a title).

"We have a lot of work to do," said Maleficent "We lost a lot from our previous attempts at plunging the worlds into darkness, and now Jafar has fallen."

"It's also going to be harder, with those Nobodies as well." added Ursula "Every time we get strong heartless, it just means more of them."

"Speaking of nobodies," said Hades "NOBODY takes us seriously anymore. Jerkules' pet goat even orders heartless off me."

"You mean they actually WANT to be attack?" asked Scar.

"It's for some hero tournament thing. They use to slay cyclopes, gorgons, centaurs, and the like. But they found it was more 'humane' or something to kill heartless."

"That settles it," said Meleficent "We can't take this humiliation any longer."

"Well what do you suppose we do?" asked Oogie Boogie "It's not like a new idea is just going to drop out of the sky." And as if on cue, a large stone face crashed through the wall. It's was Thanos' ship.

"What in Neptune's name is that?" asked Ursula.

"Please don't use my brothers name religiously." commented Hades.

"Well theirs only one way to find out," said Maleficent "Pete, go investigate."

"But why me?" wined Pete.


"Alright, I'm going." Pete walked up to the ship, grumbling and complaining, and went in through a door located on the cheek of the stone face.

We now see inside the control room of the ship, where Pete had just entered. All the computers and stuff were busted from the crash. And in the center of the room was Thanos, kneeling over with rabble, that was once the stone woman, dropping from his hands.

"Hey you," shouted Pete "Who are you, and why did you drop in on us." Thanos didn't respond. "Hey, I'm talking to you. If your going to attack us, at least give some identification."

"Gone." Thanos finally said.


"Your gone. My patron, my passion, my love."

"Whoa their mister. Let's not get any ideas."

"They'll pay." Thanos clenched his hands into fist, then stood and turned to Pete, his eyes glowing red with rage. "They'll...all...PAY!"

Thanos, Mar-Vell, and Silver Surfer(c) of Marvel Comics
Pete, Maleficent, Lady Termaine, Captain Hook, Ursula, Scar, Hades, and Oogie Boogie(c) Disney