The Witch and the Vixen

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Sega of America, Team Sonic, MGM nor anything else associated with any franchise mentioned within. The only thing that I own is the name Kerra. It is mine and if anyone steals it I will not hesitate to get creative on the torture. Also I do not own the original idea for the Mjolnir armor, which belongs to Microsoft and Bungie. That's how Kerra got the idea for her own version of it.

A Chance Meeting

A/N: Going to do the summary here since there isn't enough room. This is a Sonic/Harry Potter crossover and an A New Destiny AU. To set the scene Kerra and the SGC have been unable to locate Mobius in the five years that Kerra has been with the command. She has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and is about to enter retirement. She has developed the ability to hide her true appearance and make her for all intensive purposes human. Kerra helps save a six year old Artemis Potter (this is the name that I decided to give her) and calls in a few favors to adopt her. She helps to make her a strong independent young woman and will help to prepare her for the final battle. Also I messed with the dates just a bit; these stories will start in the early 2010s.

Citadel Mall, Colorado Springs, June 18, 2011

Four women were sitting in the food court of the Citadel Mall enjoying some fast food.

"So Kerra, have you thought about what you're going to do when you retire?" The brunette asked.

"Not too sure Janet. I could stay on as a civilian consultant for a while, but for the time being I'll probably just enjoy some peace and quiet for a while." Kerra replied.

"It's not going to be the same around the base without you around. We're gonna miss you." The blonde added.

"Please, you just mean that it's gonna be too quiet for you Sam. Besides, now I get to spend more time with Cassie here." Kerra said as she wrapped an arm around the teenager next to her. "Besides I'm still going to be here in the Springs and you guys are welcome at my place anytime."

"Speaking of which, do you think I can come over this weekend and use the pool Kerra?" Cassie asked.

"Sure as long as your mom says that its… do you guys hear that?" Kerra asked.

"Hear what?" Sam asked her friend.

Kerra didn't answer. Instead she stood up and motioned for the women to follow her. She carefully approached the source of the noise. As she got closer she was able to hear what was being said.

"What did I tell you about your freakishness girl?" An adult male, British by the accent, said in an angry hushed tone.

"I didn't do anything Uncle Vernon. I have no idea what happened to the…" A young girl replied.

"When we get back to Surry, you are going to regret lying to me." The man, Vernon presumably, replied in a tone bordering on fully enraged.

"But I'm not lying! I didn't do anything!" The girl yelled at the man, disregarding trying to stay quite.

The next sound was that of flesh on flesh and the young girl appeared from around a corner as she fell to the ground.

The eyes of the women widened as the girl hit the ground and a rather large, red-faced man lumbered after her.

He reached down to grab the girl again but he found his wrist enveloped in an iron grip.

He turned his head end met the gaze of a woman with startlingly brilliant sapphire eyes that were growing darker by the second.

He looked past her to see a blonde woman talking rapidly into her cell phone as two brunettes rushed forward to pull the young girl to safety.

"The LEOs are on their way, as well as the EMTs for the girl." Sam said.

"Good, thanks for making the call Sam. How's she doing Janet?" Kerra asked.

"Not so good. Her pulse is weak and her pupil response is slow. I think she has a major concussion, but there is no way to be sure until I can get her to a hospital." Janet replied as she checked the girl over for other injuries.

"Un-hand me! You have no right to interfere in my personal business!" Vernon yelled at Kerra.

"Vernon? What's going on? I thought you would be back in a moment." A female voiced called out.

"Petunia! Get this woman off of me!" He yelled out.

A tall thin woman came around the corner with a rather large young boy in tow and gasped when she saw the man being restrained by Kerra.

"Unhand my husband!" the woman, Petunia screamed.

"Sam handle her!" Kerra yelled as she forced the man on the ground and pinned his massive arms to the small of his back.

Sam moved quickly to intercept the woman and pinned her arm behind her back.

A couple of minutes later, half a dozen police officers rushed up to the group. After a few quick explanations, the officers cuffed the couple and took them and their son to the waiting squad cars. While they were talking, the ambulance arrived and the EMTs took the girl along with Janet and Cassie to the local hospital. Kerra and Sam stayed to give statements to the officers that remained behind to gather evidence. Afterwards they rushed to the hospital.

The pair quickly made their way to the room where the girl was staying.

"How bad is she?" Kerra asked as they entered the room.

"She has bruises and scars all over her body, she is malnourished, and she has a major concussion from the hit she took. This girl was heavily abused." Janet replied, shaking with rage.

"Sexual?" Sam asked.

"No. There was no evidence of any kind of sexual abuse. The only way would be able to find out for sure is to have someone talk to her when she wakes up." Janet replied.

"Alright, you three go home. I'm on terminal leave right now. I'll stay here with her and I'll give you a call when she wakes up." Kerra said rubbing her eyes.

"Are you sure Kerra?" Sam asked.

"Yeah I am. My gut's telling that I should help her out. Can you have Landry give me a call? I might need him to call in some favors." Kerra replied.

"Sure, do you need anything?" Sam asked.

"Yeah can you run by my place and get me some books? I'm gonna be here for awhile." Kerra said as she handed her keys to Sam.

"No problem. I'm sure she'll be fine." Sam replied as she led Cassie out of the room.

Janet, however, stayed behind to do one final check of the girl's vitals.

"Are you going to be okay Kerra?" She asked the other woman.

"Yeah this is just dredging up memories that I've worked hard to bury. I think helping her will help me." Kerra replied as she smoothed the girl's bangs.

She cocked her head to the side when she saw an old scar above her left eye in the shape of a lightning bolt.

'I get the feeling that there is an interesting story behind that scar.' Kerra thought as she sat down.

As she watched the girl sleep, a strange, yet comforting feeling arose from the woman.

It was as if she had found someone that gave her life more meaning than it had in a very long time.

Leaning back in the chair, Kerra lapsed into deep thought; the only sounds were the air conditioning, the EKG, and the girl's steady breathing.

Suddenly Kerra jumped before reaching into her pocket and pulled out her vibrating cell phone.

"Hello?" She said after sliding the phone open.

"Colonel Prower, Colonel Carter just called me and told me what was going on and said that you might need a favor."

"Yes sir. You see the thing is…" Kerra replied as she began to explain everything to the man on the phone.

A/N: I hope that you guys liked the first chapter. I will try to stick to canon as much as possible, but I will make some major changes.