Chapter 0: Prologue

Jane Shepard was running for what felt like hours. The "Suicide Mission" had not gone according to plan. The collectors had been ready for her team and she had been forced to watch each of them die in front of her…

Jacob… Miranda… Mordin… Kasumi… Jack… Zaeed… Thane… Samara… Grunt… Legion… Joker… Tali and…

Garrus… Of all the deaths she had to witness, his was by far the most disgraceful to him… Her squad had been hit by a neurotoxin paralyzing all of them. Garrus had been the only one to get his rebreather helmet on in time… Jane remembered the vision all to easily. She was forced to watch Garrus be pulled away by the collectors after they had shot him in the legs and arms and she had been unable to do ANYTHING.

Garrus was gone… The one person in the universe who could make her happy by simply being by her side… and he was gone… She didn't even have the chance to tell him that directly to his face… and the mission only got worse from there… The collectors had every type of precaution ready for any situation. Her ground team was annihilated so quickly that they never even got the chance to plant the explosion.

She had barely escaped onto the Normandy when being chased. After escaping the Omega 4 Relay she thought she would be able to at least give all her friends a proper funeral… but no, not even that was given to her. The next moment a collector ship arrived from the relay and started charging an energy weapon. Immediately Joker's voice went over the intercom, "All crew members evacuate the Normandy ASAP."

Jane immediately started to go to the cockpit to drag Joker to the escape pods like last time. However, he surprised her and met her slightly past them. She didn't question it and proceeded to help him to the pods. Unfortunately for her an explosion chose just that moment to detonate throwing her deep into the pod and Joker near the button. She was dazed but realized the similarity of what had happened on the first Normandy.

She looked at Joker, who could barely stand, nearby the launch button. The sadness in his eyes were new to Jane but she immediately grasped their implication. "Joker, NO DON-," her tone rising with each word but they were wasted as Joker hit the button with only a slight nod to her as the doors closed.

As soon as the pod left the ship she looked out the window to see how many others had escaped but all she got was a feeling of emptiness for not one escape pod could be seen among the debris of the now destroyed Normandy. She was all alone again…

1 Week Later…

Jane woke up from the terrible memory that had plagued her ever since that mission. How could she forget it? All of her friends and comrades, all of whom had entrusted their very lives for that mission, all of them were now dead.

The days that followed were something out of a nightmare. The very things that the council had "dismissed" as legends had swiftly killed them all. The galaxy was in a mess and not one being knew what to do… not even Jane… But she did know one thing. She was going to avenge the deaths of her fallen comrades. Even at the cost of her own life.

2 Weeks Later…

"Its been almost 1 month since the mission hasn't it…," Jane thought to herself as she stood by the graves of her fallen comrades. "I'm gonna miss you all so much but I promise you all… your sacrifices will not be in vain. I'm gonna find those Reapers and when I do, no one will have to suffer by them anymore…"

After the Reapers had destroyed most of the universe they simply left. No one was sure where they had gone but the damage remained. There weren't enough survivors so they were all doomed to die out. Everyone knew that and just waited for their end to come. Jane on the other hand was not going to sit by and just die out like everyone else.

When the Reapers had left they had used a special energy gate to leave and unbeknownst to them Jane had been able to get a reading on it as well. She spent all the free time she had working to create a device to replicate that gate and energy signature and it was finally done.

She got into her own personal ship and got into the cockpit. She took one last look at the graves and wondered if she was ever going to be able to see them again. She started the ship up as well as the warp device. Seconds later the field opened up in front of her and she drove her ship into it.

1 Week Later…

Name: Jane Hiller

Age: 22

Race: Human

Birth Place: Unknown

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Combat Class: Engineer

Weapons Training:


-Submachine Guns

-Assault Rifles

-Heavy Weapons

Combat Training:

-A mix of multiple human fighting styles

-Turian Martial Arts

-Quarian Martial Arts

Engineer Skills

-Tech Armour

-Combat Drone

Can summon more than one at a time


-AI Hacking



-Cryo Shot

Psychological Profile:



-Open-minded to other races


Notable Achievements:

-Records show her as top N7 Graduate

-Single-handedly stopped destruction of human colony

Was able to stop five timed explosives from going off by quickly hacking them

-Is able to hack multiple fully functional Geth for approximately one hour

Special Notes:

-Biological Family is unknown

-Is able to make tactics and plans during combat

-Uses specialized equipment

Most likely hand-made/hybrids of existing technology

-Is able to pick up skills easily whether combat or otherwise

Learnt two alien languages at the same time within two weeks

-High intellect

Comparable to that of a supercomputer

"So what's the verdict," asked a deep voice.

"It's not a question of if she's good enough, rather why does she want to work there," answered another.

"That's not really what I'm concerned about. I'm reading this profile and seeing some missing blanks. Why is that her family is unknown as well as her birth place," asked a slightly suspicious voice.

"We marked that down on her profile," answered the same voice from before, "She doesn't really like to talk about her personal life to others for some reason.

"Can we trust such a secretive person to work on the Normandy? It's our most technological and most expensive ship up to date," scolded the suspicious voice.

"She stated that it's the only ship she'll serve on. We don't understand it either but we believe it might be because John is also going to be working on that ship," answered the deep voice, "Besides both were going to be called in for evaluation by Nihlus anyway so this will make it easier for us."

"Very well then, so just to make it clear you are both allowing Jane to serve on the Normandy right," questioned the now less suspicious voice.

"Yes," answered both other voices.

"Very well then, I'll go and give her the good news," and he left to make the call that would affect the lives of every species in the universe.


A/N: Yay! Story idea that would not go away so I posted it on DeviantArt and now here. Both sites will be updated roughly the same time. So no need to worry there.

Hope you enjoy the story and please review to help with my writing.