Territorial thoughts:

When Kurt saw Sebastian for the first time an overwhelming hate enveloped him. That cocky smile that over confidant posture. Kurt wanted to rip through Sebastian's Dalton uniform and pluck his heart like an apple then squeeze it dry. He cracked his neck then walked over and interrupted Blaine and Sebastian's conversation. After Blaine had accepted Sebastian's offer to go to Scandals Kurt asked

"Blaine honey would you be so kind as to get me a hot chocolate?" Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek and went to get his boyfriend his drink. Kurt waited till his boyfriend was at a safe distance away. He turned sharply starring rite into Sebastian's eyes with venom.

"Listen up cupcake that gelled haired Adonis is mine so back off." Sebastian looked unfazed at Kurt's threatening demeanor.

"Well maybe he needs a change something less effeminate and more manly." Sebastian's smirk evolved into one of someone with a superiority complex. Kurt chuckled then spoke once more.

"Ok let's try this" Kurt with out warning pulled out from his sleeves two Sie swords and formed an overlapping x-shape around Sebastian's neck. The taller boy was panic-stricken knowing that Kurt could easily decapitate him.

"If you ever come near my boyfriend again I will hunt you down and cut off your warblers along with other thing you need understand bitch!"

"Yes" Sebastian chocked out.

"Yes what?" Kurt spat.

"Yes…sir" Kurt gave a satisfactory smile at this.

"Get out of here." And with that Sebastian ran out. Blaine had returned with his boyfriend's hot chocolate. As he was about to ask Kurt where Sebastian went. Kurt grabbed his shorter boyfriend by the hair and planted a hard kiss on his face.

"Kurt you ok?" Kurt broke out of his daydream in response to Blaine's question.

"Oh yes that's rite Scandals tomorrow" Kurt spoke up realizing he had been daydreaming.

"Excellent" Sebastian's smirk changed to a conniving grin. Kurt hated him so much.

The end