As Kale and I walked back through the woods my mind was perturbed. For once in my life I wasn't sure what I wanted. The sureness in me had dissolved into nothing. I can't. My mind wandered helplessly not sure what path it wanted to take. Not yet.

We were nearly back at the ranch and my palms began to tingle. "Did you realize that you were covered with Mitch's scent earlier?" Spoke Kale interrupting the silence and making me jump. I frowned confused. "I guessed it later, but I didn't really know till after I walked inside."

Kale laughed.

"Geez was it that bad!" I asked feeling a bit annoyed.

Kale sighed and looked up a grin on his face. "No.." He said before laughing again.

My eyes narrowed in suspicion. He seems awfully happy… hesitantly I lifted my t-shirt up to my nose and sniffed. I coughed loudly, my nostrils flaring. Slinky bastard!
My t-shirt stank.

It was intoxicated barely even breathable without choking. It annoyed me that he smelt so good though, but I really did not want to have to go through another déjà vu. I growled at Kale angrily, but he merely smirked happily.
"I'm SO having a shower!" I muttered under my breath
I felt Kale's body stiffen next to me.
"Oh no you don't." He ground out through gritted teeth.
"Ohhhh yes I will! I'm not going in stinking of you!"
Kale glared at me angrily his footsteps getting heavier as he stomped his anger out bit by bit,

There everything will be fine. I sighed relieved with a smile back on my face as we broke through the forest and onto the grass , the ranch now in view. I wonder if the paints dry…? I had a feeling I'd be up till midnight in determination to finish my room. I felt my pace quicken with excitement .

"Fine go have your shower!" Growled Kale "Besides.." He said his voice chipper and amused, causing my heart to sink. Oh god what? "It doesn't really matter anyway, because I'M not having a shower." He grinned revealing his pearly whites.
I scowled as I slid open the sliding door and stepped in. At the last minute I turned back to the sliding door and slid it back shut and locked it. Grinning triumphantly I pulled a face at Kale standing outside a scowl now on his face.
Before heading to my room I went to the back door, and the front door as fast as I could making sure they too were locked. Smiling, I walked back down the hallway whistling a happy tune . I entered my room and waved to Haley. "Hey! The paint dry?" I asked happily.

Haley looked at me a weird look on her face. "Yeah… it was dry an hour ago and LOVING your hair by the way!." Her eyes then darted around the room quickly. "You might want to have a shower..?" She asked raising an eyebrow slightly unsure of herself.
" Yeah I know, he's such an ass!" I said rolling my eyes and walking over to a pile of plastic bags stuffed with clothes. I rummaged through them while Haley filled me in on the details of what was next on the list.
"…. So we're going to get the boys to assemble the shelves, while you and I clear all of your stuff into another room so we can get the vacuum out and clean the floor and the windows. Then…"
Out of the plastic bag in front of me I pulled out some jeans and a grey off the shoulder top.
"Okay." I said standing up. "I'm gonna go take a shower."
I turned round and was about to make it to the door when a large figure stood in my path. His hot breath tickled my ear as he whispered "Enjoy your shower tesoro" . His last words lingered on my neck before he pulled away his lips curved and seductive. "Oh, lo farò babe, non vedo l'ora di ottenere il tuo fetore fuori di me."I spat angrily shoving past him.
I'd simply said " Oh I will babe, I can't wait to get your stench off me!"

About half an hour later I was out of the shower and smelling like sweet little ol' me. It took me a little while to put on my bra as I stretched awkwardly round my back hook it on. The wounds on my shoulder and chest were now scabbed near healed wounds; the ones of my chest mainly just pink scar tissue that I prayed would disappear by the end of tomorrow. I took a sudden inhale as a pair of grey blue eyes with flecks of amber yellow flashed before my eyes sending my heart into a pounding frenzy. Breathe Kaela there's no one there. There's no one here. There's no one here. I struggled to calm my breathing as small droplets of sweat beaded out of the pores of my skin. I spun round quickly half expecting to see him standing there, but there was just an empty bathroom with a lilac towel on the floor and the occasional drip of water leaking from the shower head. My eyes scrunched close and I sighed .There's no one here, there's no one here. I bent down and began to pull my jeans up my legs the denim feeling a little stiff as the jeans hadn't been worn. After doing up the fly and the silver button I brushed my damp hair out of my face returning my gaze to the bathroom mirror. My fingers lifted to my cheek scratching off the remaining flecks of paint which then got caught under my nails.
The grey top which I slipped on was soft, warm and incredibly comfortable I could see me wearing it quite a lot. My heart had slowly snuck back into its normal rhythm my mind already working automatically, and pushing the memory back into a steal box enclosed in the deepest darkest corner or my mind. But this time the memory was harder to lock away, it kept fighting against me in a screaming rage, throwing snippets of the memory at me again and again each as sharp and painful as a knife.
….A loud taunting laugh….
I shook my head awakening and fighting to regain my senses my breathing uneven.

The memory lashed out again.

A cold sweat broke out across my skin. My eyes grew wide as a wave of nothing but pure terror washed over me drowning me with fear like a blast from the past….

The memory as a dark shadow creature lurking at the back of my mind opened it's mouth and gave a sinister grin, it's hollow black eyes and open rotting mouth as it cackled. Another steal box appeared this one red with yards of chain wrapped securely around it. It shook as the darkness within it fought against the chains. My body was now cold and my mouth dry. I watch behind my eye lids as the lock securing the chains shuddered and protested against it's prisoners. Horror began to creep over me as the steal lock began whine as the chains glowed a hot red growing hotter and hotter. The memory grinned at me as it's hand stretched out to the lock. "…No…" I whispered under my breath. The lock melted the chain's links exploding in all directions leaving the red steal box unguarded. I felt sickened as the dial on the outside began to turn clicking in the numbers to unlock. The dial stopped turning and the door that concealed the darkest memories I held began to open with a low creak. A dark shadowed hand slowly reached out of the box flexing it's fingers slowly it's talons glinting in the darkness. The door was now half way open and the shadowed memory forming out of black smoke in the box another hand forming and stepping out into my open mind. Time had slowed into a painstaking drag, as the last part of the memory was formed . It cocked it's head at me studying me carefully. It froze and then opened it's mouth in a blood curdling shriek, the red steel box exploding.

RED. Blood was dripping down the door frame and over my fingers towards the floor creating a pool of rouge….."So you thought you'd come back did you?" Came a cold harsh voice from behind me…. I froze as his finger touched the side of my face, my jaw clenched and eyes wide. Smiling he removed his hand from my cheek as if he was just going to leave me but then let his hand moved towards my hair. As if on instinct I reach out and grabbed his wrist in my hand, my fingers barely making it round his full wrist but gripping hard all the same.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I hissed quietly.

The guy glared at me and then I was hit across the side of my face with the back of his hand, I gasped as pain throbbed through my cheek. Fury began to spread through me like wild fire and I was breathing heavily. I turned and glared at the guy leering down at me with a smirk. Before he knew what was happening I slammed my fist into his face and kicked him to floor sending him skidding on his back into the wall at the other side of the room.

"I said don't touch me!" I yelled furiously.

I fell to my knees my hands clenched round my head as tears streamed down my face as the memory took over as ripe and fresh as it had first been when experiencing it.

I winced as I was shoved back against the wall a hand clenched round my throat. My eyes were wide as I choked for air my hands cold and clammy as they tried to pry the hand away from my throat, my legs kicking helplessly but meeting nothing but thin air. "Stop struggling girl. You'll only die faster." Came a voice above my head. I looked up meeting the pair of pale cold eyes. My legs stopped and dangled loosely against the wall and the grip around my throat loosened a little. Low chuckled laughs filled the room as they came in creeping closer. "Tell me girl, what's your name?"

I opened my mouth about to speak but then rebelled against it and spat at the man's face. The room fell deathly silent as the pair of eyes closed for a couple of seconds as with his free hand his wiped my spittle off his face. His eyes opened again burning with anger his grip round my throat tightening painfully as he pushed me up higher off the ground till I was eye to eye with him. " I'll ask you one more time girl.." He spat. "What. Is. Your. Name" He asked quietly his grasp tightening at every syllable. I opened my mouth gasping for air as I tried to gasp out my name. "Kk…..K…ae…Kae…Kaela….." I gasped struggling against his hand my fingers trying helplessly to lift his fingers off my throat. "Kaela is it? How nice." He said giving a sadistic smile his eyes glinting evilly as he let go of my throat dropping me to the floor where I gasped and choked in air spluttering weakly tears staining my cheeks. The man turned his back on me and began a slow walk over to my parents shaking his head in pity. " Poor things. It's a shame really because they could have been quite useful to me. "
He knelt next to my father . "You know, it's all your fault they're dead." He spoke a matter of factly.
"…Liar!" I spat still heaving in air glaring over at him. He gave a low chuckle and stood again.

"Oh Kaela. You have no idea how glad I am to of finally found you. The lengths of trouble… " He sighed looking back to my dead father.
My fists clenched angrily as I steadily pulled myself up and onto my feet. Wiping a trickle of blood from my nose, the bruise over my cheek where he'd hit me still smarting angrily.
"Shut up!" I whispered my chest heaving.
"Or. What.?" He asked waving his arms dramatically gaining a few laughs from the men who stood in shadow waiting and watching patiently.

I struggled for words in my dry mouth. The man began taking quick graceful strides towards me his fists clenched at his sides. My heart pounded loudly in my chest as my fists clenched tighter as I held my ground. He was now only inches in front of me his chest rising up and down slowly. I was slammed against the wall again. "OR WHAT!" He roared ferociously his nostrils flaring angrily his voice pelting my ears and causing my head to spin dizzily. I pushed myself off the wall wincing. I lifted my head and pushed my hair out of my face glaring at him. A smirk slipped onto my face as I shook my head slowly and grinned menacingly. "Or I will kill you." I whispered my voice livid with anger that matched his without me having to yell.
The man froze and looked at me carefully unsure on where the I was joking or not. His smile lingered before it dropped slightly as he realized there was no joke about it. I was serious. My grin grew smugly before it dropped off my face my heart jolting in my chest as loud raucous laughter filled the room. "You're a funny girl Kaela I'll give you that. Now unclench those fists before someone gets hurt, your coming with me."
I stood there defiantly my jaw clenched tightly.
"Kaela, do as your told honey."


"Your parents are DEAD Keala. It's YOUR fault. You are coming with ME." He growled.
My shoulders shook angrily as my boiling rage grew.
"Come Here." He demanded glaring at me.

I didn't move and stood stock still my fists taught at my side.

"You're a slow learner Kaela." He said walking over to me again. His fist struck hard against my stomach followed by a hard kick to the head sending me sprawling.
Hot liquid dribbled down my forehead it's metallic taste filling my mouth. The man clicked his fingers once and two strong pairs of arms wrapped around me and lifted me to my feet. "Take her to the van." He said dismissing me with a hand.

"ENOUGH!" I screamed wracking my head side to side awakening back to the bathroom and a loud pounding fist banging against the door. "KAELA!" Yelled Kale.
My eyes flew open as I struggled to regain my breath. "KAELA! OPEN !" He yelled.

"Shit…I'm fine….I'M FINE GOD DAMNIT!" I yelled coming to my senses and standing weakly my knees shaking. Using my hand I steadied myself against the wall as I made my way over to the door. I unlocked it as quickly as I could my fingers fumbling with the lock. The door was flung open revealing Kale standing there his chest rising and falling with his fists clenched and his eyes wide. He looked down at me concern flickering across his face as his eyes narrowed. Self consciously I wiped my sleeve across my face trying to remove the traces of tears from my cheeks. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. " I snapped a little too quickly. "I'm fine." I said again this time slower. Kale still stood ridged in the door way unsure and his gaze still on me skeptically. "I'm Fine!" I said pushing past him and walking down the hall in a hurry to get to my room.

Hi this is the Author TheNebulaAngel. If You have read this far in my story and you have enjoyed it, just so you know I'm actually up to chapter 42, with a total of round 76,000 words, you can READ these chapters on another web called wattpad. If you are interested in reading further please email me and I will link you. I will not be posting any more on this web as it's too easy for people to copy and paste my work and make it as their own.
I will not be on Fanfiction at all, but if you email me ON this web (fanfiction) It will alert me via my personal email account, so I can reply to you with the link.
