CH . 2 - Soul x Asura - Memories that try to break Free.

Asura slowly slide his hand up Soul's shirt as they made out in the passenger seat on the side of the road, This was like a daily occurrence for them it was very normal since Soul woke up the first day to Asura staring at him across the room from the recliner in the first town we were in. Soul is the one who always is in the uke potion and of course Asura is the one who is always in the Seme. Asura didn't really let Soul leave the house unless they were both going out because he though he would be safe but after the incident with sprit and Stien now Asura didn't plan on ever leaving Soul alone again.

Asura knew that he was headed in to big trouble in the next town because they would be arriving in death city. Asura didn't know how long that his memories erasing ability would last so he was quite worried but he had a feeling that even if Soul did regain his memories he would still choose Asura because of there newly created bond so because of this Asura has some trust in Soul and his new found love. Soul grabbed the back of Asura's neck and pulled him back down for another kiss when Asura put his finger in between there mouth's and then sat up a bit farther.

Soul looked confused and asked "Why did you stop me."

Asura laughed under his breath and then responded "Because I was deep in though and you were bad to interrupt me."

Soul laughed and then said "That's why I kissed you." Then he jumped forward pushing Asura back and planted a huge kiss on his lip's. " and your not the boss."

Asura smiled and said "So you wasn't to kiss right, well your going to get more then that."

Asura opened the dash compartment and pulled out a small rope which he cut in half and used it to tie both Soul's hand's and leg's. Soul tried to fight back but Asura easily over powered him and when Soul tried to turn in to a weapon Asura gave him a dirty look which instantly made him turned back in to a human. Asura spreaded Soul's leg's and slowly put his finger's in to his back end "Ahhhhh…ah."

"What a sexy noise."

Soul put his hand's over his mouth trying to stop the noises from coming out. But Asura just moved Souls hand's and kissed him well propelling his finger's in an out of Soul. Asura decided that Soul was prepared enough and slowly put it in.

Asura said gently "I am going to start moving now are you okay."

Soul said "Yeah just hurry up please."

Asura started to move back and forth in and out of Soul as they both made so many arousing noises. As soon as Asura comed he pulled out and they traded spot's with Soul laying on top of Asura in the passenger's seat as Soul fell asleep and Asura just sat there staring at Soul's lips thinking until he fell asleep to the sound of a very soothing song on the radio.