"What do you mean I can't send this to France?"

"I mean you can't!"

"But I can; I just shouldn't." It was times like this that Canada cursed Australia's selective memory. Canada had been staying at his half-brother's house for a vacation with Gilbert, completely unaware -until now- that the Aussie had cameras set up all over the building. As in, ALL over the building, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, laundry; you name it, there was at least one there.

And the only reason that Canada knew now was he had caught Australia in the act of sending a video of Gilbert and himself last night -they hadn't been doing anything! He swears!- to his fatherly figure. Double-checking the email, Matthew halted and triple checked the message. And again. And again.

"What… how… da maple?" Blinking, Australia tilted his head and peered around his brother's shoulder to stare and at the email as well.

"… What's wrong?"



"Yes, that?" Blinking, Australia stepped back and around the laptop to stare Canada in the eyes for a whole minute before tilting his again.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Regular subscription?" Hissed Canada, glaring at his brother, looking almost as terrifying as Russia before he began 'kol'ing; or, at the least, to Australia he did.

"Well, you see, there's this group of people… and it makes easy money…" mumbled Australia, his eyes darting between Canada and his bookshelf with half his DVD collection. Smirking, Canada pointed to the shelf behind him.

"That wouldn't happen to contain all the records would it?" Laughing nervously, Australia shook his head.

"No, no, of course not."

"Then you couldn't possible mind if I were to, per say, smash one of these into little, tiny shards?"


'Oh he did not.'

"You get paid for them?" Well that just settled that argument in Canada's mind. Picking up the DVD, he throw it has hard as he could toward the ground.

"No! Matilda! Fetch!" A flash of grey and gleaming red zoomed under, grabbed the DVD before zooming up onto Australia's shoulder, revealing itself to be his pet koala, which held out the DVD and hissed.

"Yes, I'm sorry, but I was in a rush." Replied Australia, taking the DVD back. "I won't refer to you as a dog again, I'm sorry."

"Wha- AUSTRALIA!" Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs as Gilbert emerged from the upper levels of the house.

"Urgh, what's going on? The awesome me heard some unawesome raised voices too early to be considered even slightly awesome." Rolling his eyes, Australia leant back on the chair behind him, Matilda glaring the Gilbird from his shoulder.

"It's 12 o'clock, mate. Crikey, if this isn't a reasonable hour, what is?" Fuming, Matthew stomped hiss foot as Gilbert shrugged.

"No hour- Birdy? That wasn't awesome at a-"

"That's not the point here!" Raising his eyebrows, Gilbert leant closer so that his nose was touching Canada's.

"What's the awesome point then, birdy?"

"Australia was recording us last night and was going to send it to France! That's the point!"



"…" Prussia turned to Australia and started staring at him as he started to look guilty under Gilbert's gaze.





"I thought you said he wasn't going to find out?"


May be continued, may not. Review to vote.