What Dreams May Come
Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka/Helena
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not my characters
Summary: Myka is a very frustrated woman
A/N: This is completely an exercise on my part. Kind of a PWP, that could possibly have a plot if I have time to pursue it.


Her legs and lungs burned from exertion. Skidding around a corner she entered an ally at breakneck speed. Breathing raggedly she barely noticed the darkness that seemed to press down on, and around, her. Something was chasing her. She dared not turn around to see whatever it was. All she knew was that it was steadily gaining on her. Fear gnawed at her insides.

She could feel the thing snapping at her heels, and she instinctively knew that it was preparing to lunge at her and take her down. Her mind screamed at her to push just a little bit more and escape, but her body was too tired from the long chase to obey the command. Time seemed to slow down as she turned her head to see the beast lunge at her. The only thing visible in the oppressing darkness was the beast's blazing red eyes, the rest of the fierce visage was covered and hidden by darkness. Closing her eyes to not bear witness to her own demise, Myka waited for the inevitable.

At the last moment, she felt arms wrap around her and whisk her to safety. Looking down into the ally below, she saw the beast grasp at empty air before it disappeared into the darkness. Her heart beating wildly, adrenaline still pumping furiously through her system, Myka noticed the body pressed tightly behind her (the curves of a woman, her mind readily supplied) and the arms still wrapped protectively around her.

Her sensitized body registered the warm breath of her savior along the back of her neck. Goosebumps rose along her skin as the other woman leaned in to whisper in Myka's ear, "You are safe with me, darling." Myka shivered involuntarily at the husky timber of the voice and the lips touching the sensitive shell of her ear. A small gasp escaped her lips at the feel of a subtle yet distinct whisper of a kiss at the juncture behind her ear.

Myka's heart was racing again but due to an entirely different thrill. Adrenaline that had yet to leave her system spiked to a higher output leaving her revving on high, completely aware of everything going on around her, and her entire body sensitized to all sensory input. She felt the tiny, wet kisses trailing down the back of her neck. She felt the hands, palms flat against her abdomen, that possessively pulled her tighter to the figure behind her before they began to roam in different directions, one dragged upward while the other ran decidedly downward.

Not entirely sure how things had escalated so quickly, Myka grasped the hands roaming her body. She did not remove the hands, she just stopped them were they were. One pressed firmly on the inseam of her jeans (inches from the juncture of the meeting of her things), and the other pressed firmly on her breast. "Do you wish me to stop, Myka?"drawled the honeyed voice in her ear sending another rush of excitement through her.

Myka bit her lip. She was torn between trying to figure out what was going on and the sudden and very visceral need coursing through her. All she knew for sure was that she did not want to stop. Her mind blanked for a moment as warm hands touched bare skin. Sensation obliterated her thought processes. The hands roaming her body had somehow escaped her grasp, unbuttoned her shirt, and moved her bra aside. Myka could not help the low moan that escaped at the feel of warm hands palming and caressing her breasts. She licked suddenly dry lips, released a shaky breath and anchored her hands on the other woman's slender hips. Another throaty moan escaped as dexterous fingers rolled nipples to almost painfully excited peaks. Her back arched unconsciously into the touch, as her finger dug into the thighs behind her.

Needing more, Myka released her grip on the other woman's thighs, using one hand to tangle in dark tresses and bring Helena's lips to hers in a desperate, hungry kiss and the other hand to drag one of Helena's hands to where Myka needed her most. Keeping her lips fused to Helena's mouth, Myka managed to help the other women unbutton the fly of her jeans. Not bothering to push the jeans down, Myka tried pushing Helena's hand into the space that the open fly provided only to be met with resistance.

Panting with need and the energy she was expending to keep her knees from buckling, Myka pulled back slightly from the kiss (but still kept a firm hold on Helena's head and the hand down her pants). Looking into amused brown depths Myka frowned. "A tad bit impatient, darling," Helena teased moving her hand to cup Myka's center, her fingers sliding over wet flesh.

Myka gasped, her eyes slamming shut automatically at the sensation, but she still needed more. "Helena, please," she panted. A request which the older woman immediately complied, sliding a finger into wet, velvety heat. Myka rode Helena's hand, lights exploding behind her eyes every time the heel of Helena's hand connected with the bundle of nerves at the apex of her center.

Needing to feel Helena's lips, Myka pulled the older woman's head back down to hers. Tongues caressed as Helena took the younger woman higher and higher. Myka was so close, but an incessant beeping was distracting her and pulling her down. She tried to block it out and focus on the woman who she had desired for so long, the woman who was finally going to give her release. But the noise kept getting louder and louder, to the point of ruining the much anticipated and sought after moment.

Myka slammed her hand into the alarm clock, almost breaking it in her frustration. She rolled over and hugged a pillow to herself, wanting to cry, still very much pulsing with aching need. "Just another dream," she expelled on a resigned breath. Her body was lit and on fire. She wanted so bad to reach down and finish what had began in the dream. But, experience told her that would far from satisfy the ache.

"I wonder if anyone's ever died of sexual frustration," she groused in dissatisfaction as she rolled out of bed and headed to take a very cold shower.