
Before we start a small mention that I don't own the Beyblade characters. They belong to Takao Aoki but I DO own my OCs, the story, plot, fictitious places, etc. So, please DO NOT COPY/Plagiarise or you will have to speak to my lawyer.

Chapter 1

Ray and Mariah

"Will you marry me?" asked Ray kneeling on one knee and holding out a pearl ring embedded in a platinum band.

It was eight long years from the time the Bladebreakers won their third championship title. It was just the third of their five titles but it still remained in the minds of the Bladebreakers because of the vast changes it had accompanied and the effort it had taken to rub down these changes.

By now it was just a bumpy piece of road in the Bladebreaker's journey.

Ray was now a tall man of twenty four. He still had his jet black hair tied in the long braid. But that was about all that was similiar to his earlier persona. He now wore suits and ties. Gone was his trademark chinese outfit. He was no longer Ray the Champion Blader but Mr. Kon the Director of WBBA. 3 years of this job were beginning to show their effects on him. A frown which would have been an alien being on his smooth skin now seemed an on and off friend. At the same time, he was more confident. More business like. Scared was foreign to him. But if you could look right into his cat like golden eyes you would see a caring, kind and sensitive person.

At the moment he was kneeling on the grass of his favourite park squinting against the sunlight to look at Mariah. And at that moment he was back to his Ray the Champion Blader persona (A/N- Mentally not physically). He was a bit nervous. What if Mariah said no? His brain, atleast the businessman part of his brain, told him to stop worrying. He knew Mariah would say yes but... Oh he hated buts.

A scream that could wake up the dead emitted from Mariah. "Ray! Of course. This is just like a dream. It took you ages too ask..."

But Ray was already lost in her jubilant hug.

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