Jealousy is a sin, so I guess we're all going to hell.

Ianto knew the effect Jack had on people. It was impossible to not notice it. You noticed it as soon as he entered a room. His entire being filled the room, and everything about him made you give him that second glance.

But still, you can't help it can you? When somebody looks at the person you love, in that particular way, with lust filling their eyes, attraction plain as day on their face, you can't help but to feel jealous.

And not just any jealousy. No. This type of jealousy consumed you. It filled you with fire, and heat, tingeing your world a reddish hue.

So what do you do?

You stake a claim.

It takes Ianto two steps to get to Jack and claim him. Not something he'd usually do. Funny really, he rarely shows public displays of affection with anyone, not even Lisa.

But this was Jack.

And Ianto knows just how Jack affects people.