So welcome to the sequel to "And I'm Doing Just Fine" which I really enjoyed writing, and I was a little sad when it was finished because it is my longest fic ever. This story is about how Balthier gets his sight back (if he does, sorry no promises) so if you haven't read "And I'm Doing Just Fine" this may not make a whole lot of sense. I do not own FFXII or its characters in any shape form or fashion, and this fic is rated M for language and MalexMale sex.

WARNING: Characters will NOT be perfectly in character, cause let's face it, Balthier being totally in love with anybody is just not really in his character. I hope you enjoy it and PLEASE review!

To See You Again

Chapter 1: Love is Blind

"A toast to the future grooms then!" cried Basch as he lifted his glass of Madhu, "May they live happily ever after!"

"To the grooms!" the others cheered.

They all sipped their Madhu, which was a special bottle that Balthier had been saving for a special occasion for years.

"So when is the wedding?" asked Ashe, "I assume we are all invited."

"Of course you all are!" cried Vaan from his perch atop Balthier's lap, "You guys are our closest friends!"

"I hope it's soon!" giggled Penelo, "I love weddings!"

"Don't worry Penelo," said Balthier, looking in the direction he thought her voice was coming from, "We won't make you wait too long; however, I would like to be able to see my blushing bride on our wedding day. So it will have to wait until we've found a way to fix my eyes."

"Hey!" exclaimed Vaan, "Don't call me a blushing bride!"

Balthier chuckled, "Fine, but that's exactly what you are."

"Don't worry Balthier," said Basch, his tone somber, "We'll fix your eyes somehow. In this day and age things like this are rarely permanent."

Balthier nodded, but didn't say anything. Living the past few days in constant darkness had he missed seeing so very bad. The deep blue of Vaan's eyes being at the top of the list. He regretted that he hadn't been able to see Vaan's face when he'd asked him to marry him, it was a moment lost that he would never get back. He vowed he was not about to miss seeing his own wedding. Wow, he thought to himself, me getting married, who would have ever thought? The little party went on in good spirits, but Balthier couldn't help but feel like he was missing part of it.

They retired somewhat early, especially Vaan, who was exhausted from such an emotional few days. Balthier, however, couldn't sleep. He got up and felt his way along the walls of the Strahl until he finally found the cockpit door. Fran, he knew, was inside as she usually was at this time of night, and sure enough he felt her hand on his arm after a moment, guiding him to his pilot's chair.

"I don't need help," he grumbled, "I'm not an invalid."

Fran was kind enough not to argue.

They sat in silence for a moment before Balthier spoke, "What if I can never fly again Fran? What if this darkness is all I'll ever have?"

She laid a hand on his shoulder, "Do not fret Balthier. We will find a cure."

"I never thought I could miss seeing the sky so much."

"Shall I describe it to you?" she asked.

He nodded, "I think I'd like that."

She spent several minutes describing in detail the stars and velvet darkness of night that surrounded them. She even embellished a bit for her partner's sake, who seemed to be comforted by her description.

"I never thought I would live to see the great sky pirate Balthier settling down," she said after a while, "Have you thought this through? It goes against your nature."

Balthier sighed, "Ever since I met that boy I haven't even thought about another person. I think he's changed me. I can honestly say I want to be tied down to him."

The viera smiled, "He has made you happier than I have ever seen you. I am pleased for you both."

Balthier smiled and patted her hand, "Thank you. Now, let's get our asses back to the Eruyt Village and get my damn sight back, this is driving me crazy!"

Basch was awake when he heard Ashe gently open the door to his room. He kept his eyes closed, knowing it was her by her soft footfalls. He pretended to be asleep until she got right next to his bed, and then pulled her down on top of him suddenly, making her squeal in surprise.

"You scared me to death!" she laughed, kissing him gently.

"You'll be alright."

"You don't mind me coming in here this late do you?"

"Don't be silly Ashe. I feel like I've barely seen you since all of this stuff with Balthier has been going on," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"It's been hectic for us all lately," she said, and then added with a smile, "Can you believe they are getting married? I never thought I'd see that!"

"I know. It is surprising, but somehow not so surprising at the same time. I just hope the Viera have a way to restore his sight. Balthier will not take not being able to fly anymore very well."

Ashe frowned, "Oh, I didn't even think of him not being able to fly anymore. Poor Balthier, he just hasn't caught a break in the past few months."

Basch wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled her down beside him, "Don't think about it now. We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

She kissed him fiercely, "At least he has Vaan. Love makes everything seem a little brighter."

"It certainly does," he said, smiling up at her and trailing his hand down her cheek, "Have I told you today that I love you?"

She giggled, "No, not today."

"Then I'll say it now, I love you."

"I love you too Basch."

Penelo couldn't believe Vaan was getting married. See was beyond happy for him, Vaan had lost so much in his life, and when he had told her of his feelings for Balthier she had been afraid that the pirate would either reject him all together or use him for a short while and then break his heart. Actually, she had been shocked when she learned that Balthier was attracted to Vaan also. None of them had seen that coming, even Fran seemed a little shocked at the time. She couldn't help but plan her own wedding just a bit as she thought of different things for Vaan and Balthier's upcoming nuptials. She was so excited about finally moving forward with Larsa, and she hoped that one day they would be the ones promising to spend the rest of their lives together. Things were really starting to brighten up, except for Balthier's being blind of course. Vaan was getting married, Ashe and Basch had finally admitted to each other what everyone else had known for a long time, and she had finally told Larsa about her feelings for him…and she was still overwhelmed that he felt the same way. She rolled over and went to sleep, dreaming of white gowns and flowers.

Balthier let Fran guide him back to his room, and she left him at his door. He nearly broke his neck finding the bed, but finally he had managed to settle down next to Vaan's sleeping form. Vaan snuggled closer to him at feeling his warmth, and Balthier smiled as he gently stroked the boy's cheek. He didn't have to be able to see Vaan to know how innocent and peaceful he looked right now, having seen him sleep a thousand times before. He knew without looking at him that he loved him more than anything in the world. When it came to his love for Vaan he didn't need his eyes at all, love, after all…is blind.

To Be Continued…

Yeah I know, nothing really happened in this chapter, but be patient. The plot will thicken in the next chapter, and the rest won't be so gushy and romantic, I just wanted to establish our characters feelings toward each other. So I hope you enjoyed and please review because not doing so makes me sad.