
Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling

Yay!! Thanks for all the reviews, I like reviews!!! (who doesn't?!)


Harry mooched along the path, his hands deep in his pockets, kicking stones as he went. It was a cold day, but the sun was shining brightly, giving Harry the odd sensation of eating an ice cream on a hot day. He had been back at school for two weeks now, and had managed to avoid Draco for the whole of that time, an impressive acheivement that was getting tougher and tougher to keep up as the time went by. Sure, Ron and Hermione were great friends and he loved being in Gryffindor with all his other friends, but he missed Draco. He missed his strange sense of humour, and he missed the feeling he got when he was around him. He knew that he had to stay away from him, that it was for the best, but that didn't make it any easier. He sighed, aiming his toe at another stone and missing, hitting the path instead. Howling in pain, he hopped on one leg clutching his toe. When he calmed down a bit, he heard a low chuckle coming from behind him. Harry span quickly to see Draco Malfoy looking absolutely drop dead gorgeous in loose robes barely covering his tight black cashmere sweater. Harry took a deep breath.

"Draco," he acknowledged, in a calm, level voice that surprised even him. Whether Draco was surprised or not, he didn't show it.

"Good afternoon, Harry," he replied civilly, shocking Harry. "I haven't seen you since we got back to school," he remarked. Harry was too surprised to even speak, however he did impress Draco with his remarkably accurate goldfish impression.

"I…er..I…well.." he stuttered, wishing he had Draco's eloquence.

"You thought you'd better avoid me in case I started to make fun of you?" Draco commented.

"No, I just.."

"Didn't want to be around me in case you couldn't control your primeval urges?" Whether or not this was meant to be funny, Harry lost all control and started giggling uncontrollably. Draco watched, tapping his foot, with one eyebrow raised slightly. When Harry straightened up, wiping his eyes, Draco continued.

"You didn't have to worry, Harry. Ok, so I was very angry that you tricked me. Please don't do it again. But, after I got over the initial shock, I realised it wasn't quite so much of a shock. After all, your unusual eye and hair colour didn't change. Also, I wondered why there was a crowd of Weasleys watching us on our first meeting." Seeing Harry's surprised expression, he added, "Yes, I did notice them. They'd make terrible spies. Oh, and speaking of spies…" he trailed off with a grin, watching Harry scraping the ground with the toe of his shoe and gradually turning the same colour as his Quidditch robes.

"Ok, so maybe I was a bit obvious.." Harry muttered, wishing he could find a large hole to swallow him up. He saw Draco's feet move nearer to his, and looked up curiously.

"Harry," he said gently, shocking Harry again. "If you really liked me, would it matter to you what sex I was?" After a few moments of Draco waiting patiently, when the implication of this simple statement had sunk in, Harry's eyes widened and Draco chuckled slightly. "You may be cute, Harry, but sometimes you can be very slow!" As Harry started to go red again, Draco added, "And you blush too much!" Harry started to protest, but Draco silenced him with a finger on his lips.

"Shut up," he said affectionately, removing the finger from Harry's mouth and leaning in to kiss him.


Wow! I finished it!! Sorry if the ending was a bit bad, please review anyway!! Once again, for the last time, thank you for all the reviews!!