Author note: Thought I would update as I got a review today that asked for more… So here it is… Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee… But trust me if I did, stuff would be different… haha


Twelve hours passed until Kurt woke up, his face pressed against the musty carpet of the living room floor. His head was throbbing and, when he touched the side of his face, he could fell a cut that had bleed down his cheek. He rose quietly and looked around, glad to see that Ray had gone to bed. Kurt crept to his room and quickly packed a holdall, filling it with clothes and accessories he would need like his phone charger. He lifted the holdall and headed for the front door, not stopping to wipe the dried blood from his face. Once outside into the early morning air, Kurt walked and walked, finding his way to the entrance into main New York City. He didn't really know what to do and where to go as he didn't have any friends and he didn't know where Burt Hummel was. He decided to do the only logically thing for a 16 year old runaway… Hand himself into the police.

For 5.30am, the police station was quite busy. All the chairs in the waiting room were taken, mostly by drunken men and women slouching about and talking to each other about why they had been pulled in. A couple of people had handcuffs on and some were just there with them, probably to bail them out. Kurt was aware that, as he walked to reception, everyone was staring at him. Some of the people laughed as he walked past, clearly not expecting a 16 year old boy to be in the police station at such an early hour. The lady behind the desk wore black rimmed glasses and her hair in a tight bun. When she saw Kurt she smiled, "Can I help you?" she asked politely. Kurt gulped and nodded, "Hey, my name is Kurt Hummel and I was abducted by my uncle when I was a baby". It sounded so surreal saying it out loud but it was exactly what had happened. The lady stiffened slightly and left her seat, apologizing and saying she would be back as soon as possible. About 5 minutes later, the lady came back and asked who he had been abducted by and for an address so they could send a team to arrest him. Kurt gave all the information he could and then was left standing again whilst the lady disappeared. About 10 minutes after that, a male officer came out and approached Kurt, "Mr Hummel, if you would like to follow me we will get you cleaned up, checked out and then we will take you home". Kurt nodded and followed, following him out back and into a medical treatment room. The nurse looked him over and decided only the new injury needed treatment. She prepared her tools and then proceeded to put 5 stitches on the cut on the side of his head. When she finished she explained he would need to go to a hospital and have them removed in a few days. He agreed and then the male officer came to collect him. He was carrying Kurt's holdall as they walked towards the car.

Although slightly bewildered, Kurt couldn't help but smile for the first part of the trip. The male officer had introduced himself as Officer Trentsky and had explained that Burt Hummel had been looking for him since the day he went missing but Ray had never registered the address he was at and everyone they asked about him said they didn't know where he was. They spoke about other things and about how Kurt was feeling but he couldn't really express it because he was so stunned someone was showing him attention. Trentsky left Kurt to his thoughts but nudged him when they arrived at the house on a quiet street in Lima, Ohio. Kurt slowly exited the car, nerves starting to take over him. What if they didn't want him or couldn't have him? He gulped as he met up with Trentsky on the sidewalk who, was already carrying the holdall. They walked to the door as Trentsky gave Kurt an encouraging nudge and knocked. A tall bald headed man wearing a flannel shirt and faded jeans answered, "Hey are you Burt Hummel?" Trentsky asked. The man nodded a sad look on his face. Trentsky face lightened up, "Then we have someone for you to meet" and he grabbed Kurt's hand, pulling into full view, "Mr Hummel, meet Kurt Hummel, your son". Burt's mouth dropped as Kurt stared in wonderment. He reached forward and pulled the younger boy into a tight embrace. Kurt sobbed harder than he had ever sobbed before as soon as his head hit the flannel covered shoulder. Officer Trentsky bode them both farewell as they continued to embrace each other. Once both men had regained themselves, Burt dragged Kurt into the house and sat him down on the sofa in the lounge; kneeling in front of him, "It's so good to have you back" and he hugged him again, allowing some of his own tears to fall.

Carole Hummel-Hudson had picked her son Finn up from school and was driving home when she received a text message from her husband Burt Hummel telling her he had some big news. She showed Finn the text and both pondered what it might be, summarizing that it probably had something to do with the garage that Burt owned. They pulled into the drive at 4.30pm and entered the house, not to sure what to expect. Burt ran out of the living room and embraced his wife his face still wet from tears. He then turned to Finn and embraced him. He took a deep breath and dragged both Carole and Finn into the lounge, confusion etched on both of their faces. "Carole, Finn meet Kurt Hummel, my son". Carole gasped and Finn eyes widened as both of them just stared at the smaller boy, looking so fragile sitting on the couch. Suddenly, Carole ran forward, hugging Kurt tightly. Finn just stared; he didn't really know how to react or what to do. Once Carole had pulled away, Kurt allowed a yawn to escape his lips, it had been a very long day and, even though he had slept on the way here, he was very tired. Burt saw the yawn and took Kurt's hand, guiding him to a door that led downstairs. He smiled, "Good night Kurt, sleep well". Kurt nodded and walked down the stairs.

The room that greeted Kurt was huge and he didn't know where to go or what to look at first. The walls were a mixture of black, white and Dior grey, three of Kurt's favourite colours. He smiled and knelt down, stroking the carpet. It was soft and white, leave a nice feeling in his hand, making him take his shoes of and socks of, feeling it underneath his feet. He stood and spun around; he had never seen a room so big. It was three times the size of his room back in New York. He stopped when he noticed a large white dresser. He walked towards it, noticing it was old fashioned but, in his eyes, it was beautiful. He ran his hand along the top and smiled again, catching his own reflection in the mirror, the first time he had smiled in a while. "it was your mothers". Kurt jumped when he heard the voice and turned, seeing his dad coming down the stairs, "She died when you was six. It's a shame you never got to meet her. She always missed you". Kurt nodded and moved slowly towards the large double bed. It was a Kurt sat down he realised he hadn't actually said a word since he got here. He kept that up and nodded to his dad in response. He was too tired to talk and too mesmerized by everything that had happened. Burt gave a brief smile and left, closing the door at the top of the stairs quietly so he didn't disturb the peace of the room. Kurt looked at the clock, it was 5.30pm. He sighed, leaning back and resting his head on the pillow, allowing himself to slip into a deep sleep.