Holy crap, I updated

Holy crap, I updated lol. Sorry guys but I got bored of writing because I had no inspiration or ideas and if I did, I then got lazy and went out to party anyways lol. I'll try harder to do another chapter faster but I'm most likely going to rewrite the first 3 chapters. I look back and it looks retarded xD but guys, seriously; help me out by reviewing! Faving it doesn't help at all. I'm glad you moderately like it but it doesn't help to know what I'm doing wrong. Besides a written out "That was good!" or etc makes you feel a lot happier than a review. All you writers know what I'm talking about lol. Enough of me, here's the story.

Chapter Four- Operation Pallet-Breaker

On board a 'Tropius-class' Troop Transport Helicopter...

"Alright Delta, we got our orders: Secure a rendezvous point for the UPN Army, blockade all town exits and retake Oak's lab. Then we kill remaining PTGs. Civilian casualties are allowed if they get on our way. Any questions?" Fire asked while attaching a silencer his pistol.

"Hold on, civilian casualties? These are my people! I'm not going to let you hurt them!" Green exclaimed.

"Fine, no civilian casualties, alright? Anything else, General? Maybe a massage?"

"No, Commando" he growled.

Yellow spoke up softly, "Umm, Mr. Fire, sir, I can't kill the enemy. It's not on my file, but I'm a conscientious objector."

Fire looked up for a second before looking back down again to adjust the sights on his assault rifle. "It's fine, as long as your medical powers still work."

Yellow looked uncomfortably at Green. Green spoke up to Fire. "How do you know about her abilities, Commando?"

"I know everything, General." Fire replied back with a hint of arrogance in his voice.

The rest of the flight was in silence until a red light up and the pilot spoke up in a jokingly manner.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are about to reach our destination. We hope you enjoyed the flight and that you live to return to us again!"

"Do they always do this?" Fire said.

"Do what?" Blue replied.

"Make stupid comments."

"Oh...Yeah usually they say stuff like that to cheer us up before we go. You know, boost moral. That kinda stuff."

"We're about to hit enemy grounds and the pilot's crackin' jokes? I sure hope his jokes aren't as bad as his flying then."

Another minute before he spoke up again.

"No screw ups, alright? Pallet Town is going to be where our Forward Operations Base is being set up."

"Yeah, we got it. Lighten up will ya?" Blue teased.

"I doubt that will happen." Fire glared here through his darkened visors.

The light turned green and the pilot spoke up again. "Alright, green light. Have a nice jump and kill some PTGs for me!"

Fire groaned and jumped out the side door of the helicopter first. The rest followed. After 3 minutes of free falling, the team activated their parachutes and landed safely.

Mission Start
- Operation Pallet-Breaker
- April 27 02:01:17
- Team: Delta
- Pallet Town, Kanto

"Alright team, regroup." Fire said. "We gotta secure the beach for the 'Laprases' to be able to touchdown. Let's move."

"Copy." Green replied.

Delta moved over to the beach without encountering any reinforcements.

"Hold up. Something's wrong." Fire said.

"What's wrong, Fire-san" Blue replied.

Fire looked at Blue weirdly. Not that she'd find out because of his face mask and goggle visors. "Don't call me that, and it's been to easy. We haven't encountered anyone yet."

"Maybe they all left?" Yellow suggested.

"No that can't be it. Yellow, honey, can you use your detection ability?" Green asked.

"I'll try Green-kun." Yellow closed her eyes and seemed to be concentrating. She began to glow green and Green wrapped his body around hers to block off most of the glowing. Fire and Blue watched in amusement.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Blue said in a teasing manner.

"Yeah. I never saw anyone glow before." Fire replied.

"Not Yellow, dummy. Their love. Isn't it beautiful?" Blue replied, dreamily.


Blue said nothing after that. After Yellow stopped using her abilities, she spoke up. "I sense over fifty people stationed at the beach itself. I might be wrong though since I'm still new to this ability, so please forgive me if I am."

"Over fifty? Too much for an outer perimeter. Are you sure, Yellow?" Blue asked.

"I might be wrong but I'm not sure."

"You did fine Yellow, don't berate yourself like that" Green said assuringly. Yellow just nodded in response.

"I'll send Jiggly to scout them out then."

"Go ahead, but make it quick. I'd rather just go in loud and fast though. Fifty, I can handle." Fire stated nonchalantly.

"Fifty is a lot." Green stated. "A team of four can't take on that much people head on!"

"My team can..." Fire muttered under his breath before he sighed. "I'll handle this myself, then."

"Listen to me. I don't care how good you are, that's impossible. You're not a god!" Green yelled.

"I beg to differ, General. And I'll prove it."

Before Fire and Green were about to yell again until Blue stopped them.

"Jiggly reported in, Fire. There are sixty-seven soldiers on the premises. More than half are at a barricade blocking the water passage to Cinnabar. The rest are around the way, leading to Route 1."

"Alright, you guys stay here and take out any stragglers. I'll be back in 10." Fire commanded.

"Wai-" Green tried to proclaim, but was cut off. Fire had already dashed off at an amazing rate.

"Wow, how fast is that?" Yellow said.

"That looks like 40 miles per hour! What is he!?" Green said.

As they watched their cold, cruel leader run at amazing speeds, they saw two Pokemon materialize by Fire.

"Alright, let's go!"

As Fire and his two deadly beasts (A Charizard and an Aerodactyl) ran towards the town, the rest of his team watched with mixed expressions.

"He's crazy! I still don't believe Gramps choose him as our leader."

"Well, should we help him?"

"No. The guy wants to be stupid? We'll let him. I'll just have to explain to Gramps that we had a dumbass as a leader and that it wasn't a shame that he died.

As Fire approached the main gate of Pallet, he readied his rifle and before long, the Aerodactyl latched onto Fire's shoulders and he took off.

Two silenced shots were fired and the first two guards were dead. Before the last guard could react, the Aerodactyl dropped Fire off and dragged him off. Now, the front post was cleared. 'Sixty-four left.'

Fire was about to move on before a radio called out.

'Alpha team, report.'

Fire immediately went to the one of the fallen soldier's body. He put his left hand over the fallen's neck and his gloves started to glow.

'Base camp here. 'Alpha, report!'

Once Fire was done, he picked up the radio with his right hand and before he answered, he put two fingers from his left hand to his neck.

"This is Alpha One reporting in, over." Fire responded with the voice of the fallen soldier.

'Alpha One, what took you so long to respond, over?'

"We left our radios behind so we could investigate stealthy. It was only a couple of Raticates, over."

'Base camp copies; out.'

Fire then moved forward, walking through the town taking enemies out (fifteen to be exact) along the way. He stopped once he reached the beach near Oak's lab. 'Hmm... Twenty in the barracks, twenty-four around the beach itself and the last five in the lab...'

Fire moved towards the barracks and moved towards the closest window, nudged it open and then released a plant-dinosaur.

"PoisonPowder inside; make it extremely lethal."

The Venusaur nodded and began to release the powder onto the unsuspecting, sleeping soldiers. Fire then moved toward the beach where the main enemy troops are located. He put his rifle into a Pokeball and released another one. Once it opened, there was a light machine gun with many components and optics for Fire to customize. He added a long barrel to the front, a extended stock for the back, a sight with a magnifier on the top of the LMG, a laser sight and silencer at the side and front of the barrel, respectively, a vertical bipod grip at the underneath the rails at the front of the gun and loaded a large, armor-piercing, box magazine onto the gun (To put it short, he put a lot of stuff onto a portable machine gun).

He upholstered his pistol, flipped a switch and fired his pistol into the air. No sound came out but a small flare shot out and disappeared before anyone noticed. He then rushed towards the beach.

'My visor locked onto all twenty-four hostiles... Show time.'

He raised his LMG and began firing the deadly, silent barrage of bullets. Before anyone could react, they were already being cut down. In thirty second, he wiped out twelve people. Before the other twelve could open fire, his Charizard and Aerodactyl started to attack, successfully flanking them. In other thirty seconds, his two flying beasts took the remaining soldiers out.

"Good job guys. Return."

Fire recalled his two Pokemon back into their balls that are connected to his left bracer. He turned around and was about to leave when he heard someone yelp before hearing that person getting ripped in two. He turned around to see his Venusaur holding the top and bottom half of a human in it's many vines. He noticed in the top half that he was holding a radio.

"Good work boy." He gave his Venusaur a quick pet on it's head before calling it back to it's ball.

He switched back to his assault rifle and then called the others.

"I cleared the beach. Five left inside the Old Man's lab. Thought you wanted to do the honors since you haven't done anything yet. I'm standing by at the beach, out."

Meanwhile, with the others…

"What the hell? How did he do that!?"

"You seem to be shocked this whole day, Green." Blue teased.

"Let's just get down there and get this over with... I don't care anymore."

"Finally." Fire complained.

"Shut up. Let's just go to the lab..."

When they reached near the lab, they stopped to plan.

"There's five in there. I say we take them out fast and quick by breaching the front door." Fire said.

"I agree. You and I will go. Blue, Yellow, you two make sure no one tries to escape."

"Right!" Yellow and Blue said.

Fire and Green move to the front door of the lab. Fire planted a charge and, in seconds, it blew up, destroying the door in the process.

Multiple shots were fired and the five inside the lab were done.


"Go see what they did to this place then. I'll notify my grandfather."

Green went outside to call his grandfather. Fire moved towards the main computer and started to hack the system. Before long, he sliced through the system and began transferring all information and started to recover all previously deleted information.

'Perfect, just the information I needed.'

As he went through the other devices left by the enemy commanders, Blue walked in to check up on Fire.

"So, what are you doing?" Blue said, cutely as possible.

"Work. If you don't mind, I'm busy here."

'Tck, what an asshole. Definitely will be hard to get through to him.'

Blue was about to retort when she saw something flash red. She walked towards it and checked it out. She then took many steps back and stuttered,"F-fire! T-there's a b-bomb!"

Fire finished what he was hacking and ran towards it. "Step back and don't say anything."

As he was disarming the bomb, he heard Blue made a disturbing yelp. He wanted to look back but he had no time waste. This bomb was a priority.

"Step away from the bomb, fuck face." A man said. Fire detected pain in his voice. 'Green must have missed his heart... What a dick...'

"How'd you survive?"

"Step away from the bomb!"

"Don't listen to him, Fi- ahh!"

"Shut up, Bitch!"

'Damn it, she's a hostage now. Can I not get an easy, relaxing day at work? Arceus! I need my team!'

"Answer my question first and then I'll comply." Fire said sternly as he continued to disarm the bomb.

"I took every single pain killer and anything else to ease the pain before you fuckers could shoot me. Now step away from the bomb."

Fire stood up, turned around, flipped a switch on his magazine in the gun and fired a single shot at Blue and the survivor. They both scream in pain but Fire switched to his pistol and sprinted towards the enemy, slamming him towards the wall.

"You deserve an honorable death for lasting this long against me." The survivor's eyes widened and then forcibly shut by Fire.

He then shot a round at the survivor's head and took the fallen enemy's dog tags before letting his body slide down against the wall. Fire then rushed back towards the bomb, ignoring Blue's cry of pain, and hit the button on it and the bomb deactivated. Yellow and Green rushed in to see what all the commotion was about. When they got inside, they were shocked to see Blue wounded.

"Blue! What happened!" Yellow cried.

"I got shot by Fire's gun! Arceus this hurts so much!" Blue responded with some tears running down her face.

"Don't worry, I'll heal you up real quick Blue. Hang on!"

Green then went up back to Fire's face and yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you! Who are you to shoot my friend!"

Fire punched Green and Green fell back towards the wall. Before he could react, Fire pinned him towards the wall. "You disrespect me again and I will beat the shit out of you. You failed your part in killing the enemy and Blue became a hostage. I had to handle that AND take care of this bomb over here and this could all be avoided if you tried harder to kill someone!"

Fire then let go and walked out the door. "I'm calling the main army. You guys are dismissed until Oak gets here."

Green shot him a venomous glare and then rushed towards Blue to check up on her.

Professor Oak was walking alongside his grandson as many soldiers were running around the town, surrounding it as best as they could. The soldiers were going to every house and telling the townspeople that the town is now under friendly hands and that they will not lose this place again. Even in their state of rush, everyone, who within distance to fully see them, stopped to salute the President and their Top General.

"So, how was 'Fire,' Green?"

"… He shot Blue to get to her captive. He's too dangerous!"

"Sigh yes, I saw on the briefing. How is she?"

"She's fine. She got shot where it would be less painful and least lethal to her. In fact, I don't think anymore could die from that unless they let the blood come out and even so, it would take a while..."

Green then shook his head. He wasn't about to praise his 'leader' for safely shooting at his best friend. "Why do we have to be a team if he's such a lone wolf? He did everything by himself anyways."

"Because I'm still testing him, Green. I'm sorry if he's been acting on his own but it's only natural. He's been trained like that and he's not going to change for awhile. Not after what happened to him."

"What did happen to him Gramps? "

"I promised him I wouldn't say if he were to join the program. You'd have to ask him yourself if you want to know the truth."

Green sighed as he walked on with his grandfather. They continue to walk back to the laboratory as many soldiers are swarming the streets, setting up defense positions and a small wall around Pallet town as many more troops and tanks are coming through the coast.

"But despite all… One thing's for sure…" Green looks at Red's old house to see Fire standing in front of the front door. More soldiers are coming in and setting camp as the towns people start to celebrate.

"…He's one hell of a soldier, Gramps."

Oak nods. Fire walks inside the house…

"Blue! Where are you going! You need to stay here and let the pain subside a bit more!" Yellow exclaimed.

"Ughh, it's nothing, Yellow." Blue said, wincing.

"You're a bad liar Blue..." Yellow sighed. "At least let me help you to Red's house then."

"Am I really that predictable, Yellow? Or are you just reading my mind again."

Yellow shook her head. "No, I'm not mind reading you. I just know you too well, big sis."

Blue smiled and gave Yellow a quick hug as they slowly walked out of the medical tent and towards Red's house. When they finally reached the front door, Yellow excused herself to go with Green into his old house. Blue looked up and then back towards the door.

"There must be a clue about where you went Red... and I'm going to find it. And you..." She enters...

Remember! Reviews make me happy and inspired. And that means more time on stories and less time on whatever else I want to do lol. Please help me out by R & R –ing!