Scallops, Plotting, and Amelia Oh My!

Once Amy was home she began to set up the guest room for Sebastian, filling the dusty room with scents of febreze and Lilac, as she spread the clean sheets onto the bed, it all seemed so… Normal.

"So domesticated my little Mia has become. I remember when you wouldn't clean my barracks because you wouldn't stoop to such a level. Now look at you, making a bed ready for me!"

Amy smiled gingerly setting the pillows down, "I guess my will has eroded over time… And we weren't close friends when that happened? I am perfectly okay with setting up a bed for you Sebastian." They smiled at each other. It was pleasant, the coming together of two long separated friends. Time difference didn't matter, they picked up right where they left off. It was easy like a breeze, just a continuum.

Even though the afternoon was just beginning, shadows of ill intentions were looming over Mystic Falls as a plan was being plotted. Stefan paced the floor of his home still holding Elena as his captive, he continued to think about what leverage he possessed. He only thought about Amy. She is a threat. And the devious wheels of the mind turned. Klaus decided to walk over to Stefan's place. Getting the moral support from Caroline kicked him into action. Amy is mad at him, and for good reason, he needs to fight for her. And if she won't listen he has hundreds of years to work on it.

As Klaus entered the house he could smell Elena's blood. Walking down to the basement, Klaus found Stefan sitting against a wooden door, Klaus had to admit he was uncomfortable, here he was fighting for his women. After all he did sort of destroy his relationship with Elena, and then kill her, and used her for her blood to make hybrids…

"Why is Elena Gilbert here?", Klaus asked with a snarky tone.

"I don't know, it's just fun to play around with her...And she's leverage. Do you know how many people care about this girl? Is there anyone you want to manipulate? My brother, Matt… Bonnie; or do you think you need her for hybrids?"

"I really didn't have any plans for her…"


"What, about, Amy?" Klaus replied skeptically

" She's your Amelia isn't she,"

Klaus just kept silent and walked closer to the door, " You're really on the outs with her aren't you?" Klaus simply looked up

"Wow, you're really in the dog house!"

"Well if you think that leaving her after being cursed and tortured would qualify me for the dog house then, yes. I don't know if she will talk to me for another hundred years."

"Well I think I have a good ice breaker… Amy and Elena are friends right?" Stefan looked up at Klaus smiling wickedly at himself.

"No, I couldn't,"

"Oh, yes you could!" Stefan stood up, and chuckled.

Yes indeed Klaus could, the question was only if he would.

"Sebastian? What do you want for dinner?" Amy asked from the kitchen, her voice just loud enough for Sebastian to hear from the mango sunrise scented living room.

"Whatever is fine with me Mia, if it's made by you're lovely hands then I'm sure you will love it!"

Amy laughed, "Remember the time I decided to cook for you when we docked in Wales?"

Sebastian gave a little chuckle, "Indeed I do, who knew that you could cook in that miserable excuse for a kitchen; but I will never forget that meal! Angel hair pasta with a white cream sauce, and scallops, oh we had a feast didn't we Mia."

Mia's smile began to grow as she sprouted an idea, "And I think I know what we're going to have for dinner tonight!" Amy grabbed a piece of paper and a blue pen and scribbled,


a good friend of mine came into town and I'm off grabbing groceries for a special dinner be back soon, Love Amy!

"Hey Sebastian are you fond of walking now a days?" Amy asked as she grabbed her purse, "The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and I am rather fond of a walk to the grocery store with a good friend" Sebastian was waiting at the door for her already, a smile promptly placed upon his lips in agreement. Amy was right, it was a perfect day for a walk. The sky was clear, the weather mild, and the company was pleasant. It was starting off to be a wonderful day. So wonderful in fact that Amy almost forgot about Klaus… Almost. But that's what Sebastian was there for.

Time moved too quickly for Amy's liking, it seemed as if in a blink of an eye the grocery store was in their sights and even quicker than that they had arrived.

" I know what you're thinking Mia, but will be able to make it from memory?"

Amy nodded smiling at the basket filled with angel hair pasta, french bread, and cream to make the sauce all they still needed were the scallops. Walking over to the deli department Amy squealed, "Yes! Fresh scallops. Whoo hoo!" Amy then proceeded to grin from ear to ear, 'finally something is going as planned!' Smiling sweetly to herself, putting the wrapped scallops into her basket. Still unaware of the shadow following her every move.

The aroma of butter, cream, and fresh scallops filled the kitchen as Amy worked away at her craft. Sebastian just sat and saw the master at work. There was a different type of mood set upon the entire house. Cooking this meal reminded Amy of the old times on Sebastian's boat. When she was purely Mia, the house smelled wonderful and not even one of Eileen's yankee candles could top that!

Matt's eyes fluttered open, he was alone. the room was dark except for a small window seeping out what was left of Amy's glorious day. Resting quietly he resigned himself to resting all he thought was of Amy, hoping that she was safe.