The Sailor Quartet arrived at the cave which housed the large mirror, and were presently puzzling over their discovery.

"Sailor Pallas, what were you thinking?" scoffed Sailor Juno. "This was supposed to lead inside the fortress, not to some dumb mirror!"

Sailor Pallas's bottom lip trembled. "But, Sister, Sailor Pallas was sure-"

"Sure of what? Sure that this was a complete waste of time? While we've been on a wild goose chase, the princess could be-"

"That's enough!" interrupted Sailor Ceres. "Juno, you should be ashamed of yourself! Have some faith in our princess! We will find her, and she will be just fine!"

Sailor Juno sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about her."

Sailor Ceres nodded. "We all are," she said, "and that's why we need to work really hard to find her!"

"Yes, Palla agrees!" piped up the blue-haired member of the Quartet.

"Well," said Sailor Vesta. "Anyone got any ideas?" Her three sisters looked between each other and shook their heads, and she sighed. "Well, we just need to look for a lead. Maybe- Waahh!" She leaned up against the mirror and suddenly fell through the glass, landing on her rear end on the other side of the portal.

"Vesta!" Sailor Ceres cried out. "You did it!"

"Yes, yes, lucky me..." grumbled the red-head, rubbing her sore bottom as she rose to her feet.

"All right, let's go find the princess!"


I will never, ever forgive you! I'll make you pay for this!

These thoughts spun through Chibi Moon's mind as she launched her attack at Nehelenia. The attack was so strong it shook the room they stood in and sent a roar reverberating from the walls.

Nehelenia smirked.

Chibi Moon gasped.

As the attack rushed toward Nehelenia, Helios moved in front of her and held his arms out, as to protect her from the blast. His cold glare, illuminated by the bright energy rushing toward him, sent another stab of pain through Chibi Moon's chest.

"No, no, no!" Chibi Moon cried. "Stop!" The bright light of her attack dimmed, and its mass began to diminish. It faded away to nothing mere centimeters from Helios' face.

Nehelenia laughed coldly. "I knew it," she sneered. "As long as I have him to defend me, you won't attack me, let alone defeat me."

" monster...!"

Nehelenia cackled once more. "Poor, miserable little thing! Unfortunately for you, I have no such restraints!" She raised her palm and blasted Chibi Moon with a bolt of evil magic. The young Senshi screamed as she was thrown back. This time she was in too much agony to rise, so she lay on the cold floor, trembling.

Nehelenia stepped toward her and smiled wickedly down at her. "Now, you shall meet your end, little girl." She held her hand out and a sword with a blade as dark as night appeared in it. She raised it up over her head, ready to swing it down upon her adversary.

Chibi Moon glared defiantly at her.

Nehelenia paused. Oh, how she hated that look in the girl's eye! This was not the reaction she wanted. She wanted the White Moon brat to cower in fear and agony! Instead she felt the girl's anger and pride. Unacceptable!

After a beat, an idea came to her, and, slowly, she lowered the blade. "On second thought, I have a much more fitting end for you," she said. She turned to Helios. "Come," she commanded, and he obeyed. She the held the hilt of the sword out to him, and he slowly reached out and took it. She looked him straight in the eye. "Helios, I want you to kill that girl."

Chibi Moon cringed. No...He wouldn't!

Helios turned to face her, drawing back his sword arm in preparation to attack. His eyes, which once looked upon her with such tenderness, were shrouded in darkness.

Chibi Moon tried to move away but found that she couldn't; she was too weak. Tears flooded her eyes. "Please, Helios..." she said, her voice shaking. "Don't do this..."

Her words did not seem to reach him. "Good-bye," he whispered, then, after a moment's pause, he brought down the sword toward her head.

Ta-da! It's been, what, a year, maybe two, since I updated this? Still, it seems so sad to leave it I can't do that! For those that have patiently waited, thank you so much! I intend to work on the next chapter soon (fingers crossed) but until then, thanks for reading and God bless!