
It was that single word that unwound everything.

Ever since I met her on the first day of school. I was mesmerized, never had I felt such an emotion as this. When I saw her smile, I felt as if the only thing in my world was her! Nothing else matter, not my reputation, not hers, but only her and I.

Upon sight she was just a normal girl. But to me, she was anything but normal. Her long midnight hair caught the light with only the slight movement of her head. Her flawless ivory colored skin, mirror to the color of her soul, because she was the most selfless, pure human being ever to walk this earth. To top this list off I just couldn´t ignore mentioning her body.

She was very shy, but I guess that only added wood to the hearth, she wore her uniform as was dictated by the school, so you couldn´t see much of anything. But on our dates she would wear outfits that were colorful and only showed enough, that made you want to see more.

This is was just where my problems started. I couldn´t keep my eyes off her (more than I normally would) because every time she would be near me, or in my arms, I would literally start to feel too hot, with her smallest movement, it would send my mind whirling into a frenzy of fantasies. I couldn´t help myself, it was like any gesture could get me going, when she set her lips to drink something, when she was sweating from having just run! OH GOD!

I felt like such a pervert for think of her that way. Sure we have been together since spring, it was now the begging of our third year, but that was no excuse. It wasn´t like she did all this on purpose… right? So why couldn´t I control myself.

I still remember the one time I almost lost control.

We had taken Maru, for a walk by the river. And had finally sat down eating the treats she had brought, while Maru ran around us all excited, when suddenly he jumps up to lick her face, he was getting really big, so she tumbled backwards, throwing her cookies into the air, I throw myself to catch the cookies, but when I look up there she is, sprawled on the grass with her hair fanned out behind her looking dazed…. And her dress higher.. up her thighs! ….. I couldn´t think…. Suddenly I m assaulted with a vision of caressing my hand up those creamy legs… ooh I could even feel how soft they were, as they wrapped themselves around my waist!

Wait.. what!

That´ s when I realized two things, one, she was staring at me, and two, my shorts were feeling a bit too tight, she followed my eyes and realized what I was staring at, turning tomato red, she quickly adjusts her dress and murmurs….. an apology! SHE was apologizing! Oh Godd!

It had been quiet the scene. Her apologizing over and over, me trying to get an apology through to her and trying to assure her that everything was ok, all the while wishing I found a hole big enough to jump in and hide to never see the light of day again!

It didn´t help one bit that now she was recognized in all the school. People were always wanting to talk to her. But what got my blood boiling were other guys trying to talk to her, if they did it without hidden purposes, I guess that would be alright, but they always had to look at her like she was a white little flower begging to be plucked. They were always asking for her help after school or asking her for private tutoring. If it weren´t for Ryuu who always talked some sense into me, I would have left them all with a new face. But that didn´t stop me from glaring at any guy who dared look at her the wrong way.

I also restrained myself for her, she didn´t see any of the intentions those creeps had, and so she would kindly responded when ever asked something. I didn´t want her to refrain back into that shell that took us all, a lot of work to get her out of. So whenever I saw a scene like this, I would have to take deep breaths and tell myself she didn´t need a psychotic boyfriend, and walk confidently, wrap my arms around her, effectively making her blush, and asking her what she was doing. She would reply about a study session, I would ask if I could come too, she as always would smile and nod, mean while I would glare daggers at those scumbags and effectively crushing any hopes they had.

Making her blush.

Actually that was something that happened more than often to both of us.

Things were slow with each other because we didn´t know what the other one was okay with. We were a nervous wreck, always getting easily embarrassed; looking away when caught trying to sneak a pick discreetly at one another. But the truly ironical thing about all this was that we had the same thoughts and feelings for each other. She would accidently same something that was supposed to be a thought, get embarrassed and I realized I was thinking the same exact thing.

I just couldn´t believe my luck. She was my girlfriend. Noone could touch her like I could. Yeah I´ll admit it I was very possessive, I had qualities that people would never believe the friendly, super popular Shouta Kazehaya to have. I wanted her all to myself and never have to share her with anyone, I wanted to be her everything just as she was for me. I would always be there ready to do her command whatever it may be. I wanted to be the reason she smiled every second of the day, that special smile of hers that I wanted to own. Because I truly loved her!

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard Chizu´s voice near the door. I turned just in time to see it reveal three girls two brunets and black haired girl. I was about to wave good morning when I really looked at the girl in the middle, Sawako. She looked beautiful as always but that's not what shocked me, it was the fact that I couldn´t stop staring at her long ivory legs… wait… WHAT!

Her skirt was shorter, almost as short as Chizu´s or Ayane´s. I realized at one point or another that I was gawking at her, and quickly compose myself, noticing that I wasn´t the only one surprised by Sawako´s change in style! The guys all around me stood stock still as well.

I had the sudden impulse to shield her form every pair of eyes, the entire class openly staring and pointing, didn´t anyone remember their manners! it was still considered rude to stare and point right?

I got up quickly earning stares as well,

Everyone in the class knew how protective Kazehaya was of Sawako, so they immediately pretended to busy themselves with something, but never once taking their eyes off the most popular, respected and envied pair in the entire school.

"Go-od morning Shouta-kun" said Sawako, timidly looking up at him through her lashes.

Whatever ready answer he was about to make got caught up in his throat

Ehmm he had to take a minute to clear his throat. "Good morning Sawako"

Ayane being ever so brilliant in the human behavior immediately noticed Shouta´s distress. She smiled slyly and said "Good morning to you too Kazehaya, have you noticed Sawako´s new look! Doesn't she look cute?"

Chizu snickered behind her hand, she couldn´t control herself, the priceless look on Kazehaya´s face was memorable, he look like he was about to faint and explode his head all at the same time!

"umm , ye-" he squeaked " ehmm, ehmm" that damn throat clearing! "Yes… yes, she does" he finally managed to get out, turning beat red.

Ayane noting the pairs distress decided to speed things up. "So Sawako aren´t you going to tell Kazehaya why you chose that look" she said while gesturing to her.

"Well… I was washing my clothes yesterday and when I was taking them out it turns out they were all stained with different colors of oranges and blues smudges" Sawako explained while a confused look crossed her face remembering the odd experience. "I dug in and found a pair of crayons in one of my sweats pocket … I had no idea how they go there and well I had to go out and buy new ones Ayane and Chizu came by to help me but this size were the only ones we found so I bought them since there was no time to look for more".

"come on Sawa, twirl a bit so Kazehaya can see you properly!" chirped Ayane , oh yess she was having the time of her life! She should have her own show damn it!

Chizu couldn´t handle it anymore, she dashed out of the room into the hall way, she was laughing so hard she didn´t pay attention to where she was going and collided with a soft but firm chest.

"ouch!, watch where-" she was caught before she fell by strong hands.

"But you're the one who wasn't paying attention" a steady masculine voice interrupted her rampage.

"Yeah right Ryuu! Its your fault for not getting out of the way!

"I shouldn´t have to, you're the one who had her eyes closed doubling up with laughter" he calmly replied.

At the reminder she started laughing like crazy again clinging onto him for support laughing her head off for all to hear.

"Are you gonna tell me what´s so funny or I´m I gonna have to wait another hour for you to finally shut up"

It took a moment before she was able to breathe properly.

"Ayane decided to help Kazehaya and Sawako speed things up!" she declared.

Ryuu wasn´t too surprised by what she said, Ayane believed it was her mission in life to hook people up and made it her sacred duty to meddle into people's relationships.

"So on-" ha hahaa " -Saturday we went to Sawako´s and- and I slipped a pair of crayons- in her sweats"!.

She couldn´t continue it was just too much, she rolled around on the ground while Ryuu stared of into outerspace, being ever so insightful he deduced the real outcome of Ayane´s plan, that woman is cold and calculating and dangerouswhen it comes to this sort of thing, Ryuu thought.

Class had started and so far Shouta was making use all his self control. He tried to pay attention but his gaze kept drifting of to where Sawako sat beside him. Oh lord! The fantasies that birthed in his dirty-psychotic-perverted-mind could put a porn star to shame!

That wouldn´t be so horrible if it wasn´t for the fact that his body reacted to all his daydreaming! It was like trying to sit on an ant hill he couldn´t sit still! but he just had to hide his little friend´s excitement somehow!

Sawako would shift her body around trying to pay attention to the teacher at the front of the class, but Shouta kept catching her gaze. He was restless maybe he didn´t sleep well last night, maybe I could bring him some herbal tea to ease his frustrations and calm his nerves, she mused to herself.

Oh god! She shifted her legs! Oh lord they were slightly separated being the interval between crossing one over the other. I could practically see myself shoving her on the desk while I rammed myself between her legs rubbing my erection at her damp panties while she begged me to press harder!

I hid my face in my hands biting my bottom lip in order to keep from acting at this instant upon my fantasies! I could feel my penis throbbing from the rushing of blood.

God must have taken pity of me, for the bell rang signaling the start of the launch hour.

Everyone started buzzeling about eager to reach the cafeteria.

"Oi Kazehaya aren´t you coming!" shouted Joe.

"I´ll catch up with you guys ok" a managed to get out.

"Sawako lets go" said Ayane.

"I think I´ll eat lunch with Shouta-kun today, but thank you so much for the invitation Ayane"

"um sure no problem, you want us to bring you something back?"

"No its ok thank you" she replied while waving goodbye to her first two friends.

She looked down at Shouta, everyone was gone, he had his face atop his desk using his arms as pillows.

"um Shouta- kun are you feeling well?" she quietly asked him.

It was one of his super fast moves she could never predict. All she knew was that now she was in his arms hugging her tightly to him.

They stayed silent for a while until he spoke into her hair that he was ok he just needed some time with alone her.

She understood all too perfectly she felt the same way.

She wound her arms around his waist drawing him closer and basking in his masculine scent. But unknown to her the action had only caused Shouta´s lower region to come in direct contact with her.

She heard him groan and immediately stiffen to look at him, did he not want her to hug him back? " I m sorry Shouta-kun I shouldn´t have done that with you feeling so tired" she softly murmerd.

"what- no! Sawako, I´m fine… more than fine actually. Its just it feels like only the two of us exist when you hug me and that you love me just as I love you" he finished with a blushing smile. She in return graced him with that rare- stop-your-heart- smile of hers.

He felt guilty because he hadn´t been truly honest, but he couldn´t blurt out, oh it felt so good for you to press my erection against you that I couldn´t hold it together anymore, isn´t that funny, would you mind helping me relieve myself?

She leaned into him pressing lightly her lips to his, he responded immediately applying more pressure, it was sweet but somehow he couldn't get enough, he poured all the energy he had been restraining all morning into that kiss, her hands moved to his biceps pulling him impossibly closer.

They were too caught up to notice anything besides each other, when Sawako felt a desk meet her legs, but due to Shouta pressing himself to her she had no more room to move so she stood on her toes without breaking the kiss to sit at the edge of the desk.

He couldn't get enough of her, he loved moments like these where no one else existed only her and him, he leaned further more into her and felt her descend backwards onto the desk… WHAT!

He abruptly separated from Sawako only to see her eyes closed, blushed, breathing heavily and hair fanned out on the desk while he held her by the waist with him standing between her legs!


All he had to was push himself a little and he´d meet her!

She opened her eyes to see him standing over her and realized her position…

The shade of her face would have put to shame the tomatoes of the entire world.

"Um- Sawako ha haha" he quickly ended up on the other side of the roomhlaughed nervously and scratched the back of his head, I forgot Pin wanted to see me at lunch, yeah you know how he gets and I´ll see you later ok! oh of course I´ll see you later- I mean you sit next to me in class ok -yeah well BYE!" he quickly laughed and blurted out while racing out of the class leaving Sawako dazed wondering if she had done something wrong?