A/N Hello all I have decided to write yet another Ghost Hunt fan fiction. This time though, it's a bit more spooky. ^^ Please read, review and most of all, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt.

"Good morning and welcome to Shibuya Psychic research, do you have an appointment?" Mai's usual greeting rolled off of her tongue as a potential client walked in.

The small woman shook her head. "C-Could I speak to your boss please?"

Mai nodded. "Please come this way." She led the short woman over to Naru's den/office and knocked on the door. "Someone is here to see you!"

"Send them in and prepare tea."

Mai sighed and walked off to prepare the tea, leaving Naru to talk to the potential client.

She returned several minutes later tea and notebook in hand.

Mai place the tea down in front of the young woman.

"Thank you." The woman answered sincerely.

Mai smiled and nodded before handing Naru his tea.

He took it straight off her without so much as a glance in her direction. Mai let out a long sigh and sat down to take notes.

"So, what paranormal events have been taking place then?" Naru asked cutting straight to the point without wasting any time.

"Well… I was walking along the hallway to my bedroom when something shoved me violently into a wall."

"Couldn't that have been your child?" Naru asked.

The woman shook her head. "My daughter is five and she sleeps downstairs. Besides, look at the size of the handprint." The woman rolled up her sleeve to expose a nasty looking bruise that was purple in colour and was the size of a fully-grown man's hand.

Mai gasped in shock.

"Anything else?" Naru asked calmly.

The woman nodded. "My daughter's wardrobe flew across the room last night and is now in pieces on her bedroom floor. Also, this morning there was writing on the kitchen wall. Bright red writing."

Mai gasped again. "What did it say?" She asked.

"I will find her." The woman spoke gravely.

"Find who?" Mai wondered aloud.

"We will take the case. We will need a base to set up our equipment in and two rooms to sleep in."

The woman nodded. "Thank you very much."

"Leave your details with my assistant. Expect us in two days."

The woman stood up and bowed. "Thank you very much." She repeated.

Two days later…

Mai was sat in the front of the van with her head against the window. She sighed. She was so bored. No one spoke. Naru was too busy reading. And Lin was busy, well with being Lin.

Mai sighed again. "Are we nearly there?" She moaned.

"No." Naru replied sternly.

Mai sighed again.

"If you're that bored why don't you try learning something for once?" Naru muttered as he handed her a book from the small collection he had at his feet.

Mai took the book reluctantly and read the title out loud. "Psychology: How the brain works…"

"Maybe if you learn how the brain works, you'll be able to use yours better." Naru smirked as he watched Mai process this information. She sure is slow…

"Hold on. Are you saying that I'm stupid?" She fumed as her face turned bright red.

"Well from how long it took you to process that I'm saying that you are."

"Why you…" Mai fumed. And hastily opened the book. "I'll show you…" She muttered as she began reading like her life depended on it.

However, she soon grew bored and promptly fell asleep.

Weird lights surrounded her and she woke up to pitch blackness.

"N-Naru?" She called out.

"I'm right here." He was immediately by her side and he helped her up.

The scenery spun around, changing as it went. Mai soon found herself lying down on

A bed in an unfamiliar room.

"Where am I?"

"It's Yukki Mitzu's room." Dream Naru answered.

"Oh! The name of the client!" Mai answered remembering.

Mai got up just as a man and a woman walked in.

"I'm not lying!" The man shouted.

Mai froze there on the spot.

"Don't worry they can't see us." Naru reassured Mai.

"No! Kaname wouldn't do something like that! He's worked at this house for a long time! He's a trusted servant!"

"Yamini. I'm not lying." The man gripped the woman by the shoulders.

"Kaname killed Nojiko. He raped her and then he killed her. Her body is probably close by."

Yamini shook her head violently. "No. Nojiko is at her friend's house."

"I'll prove you wrong even if it's the last thing I do." The man walked off suddenly.

Mai could slowly feel herself waking up again.

Her eyes snapped open and they landed on Monk's face.

"Wake up sleepy head. We're here." Monk helped her out of the van and Mai took in the huge house. It was ancient and covered from head to toe in ivy.


Mai turned around at the sudden voice and came face to face with Naru.

"You feel asleep. Did you see anything?"

Mai nodded.

Naru pulled out a notebook and pen and looked at Mai expectantly.

"Well… I didn't find out too much as Bou-San woke me up…"

"Anything is better than nothing."

Mai nodded. "I was in a room at that house." She pointed to the ancient manor. "I was getting up off the bed when a man and a woman walked in. The woman was called Yamini. The man was insisting that their servant, Kaname, killed and raped Nojiko. Yamini refused to believe him and said that Nojiko was at a friend's house. The man said: 'I'll prove you wrong even if it's the last thing I do,' before walking off. I was going to follow, but I was woken up."

Naru nodded. "Let me know immediately if you find out anything else."

Mai nodded and they walked up to the ancient house.

Masako was just ahead of them. She stepped up onto the doorstep and froze dead. Mai was instantly by her side.

"Masako what's wrong?"

"I…I can't enter this house… The spirits are so angry…" After saying this she promptly fainted on top of the unsuspecting Naru.

Why that little… Mai thought angrily.

"Hara-San. What is it?" Naru asked impatiently.

"I can't enter this house… There's too many spirits… They're so angry… So much suffering… So much pain…" She shook her head. "Please don't make me go inside."


Masako looked up.

"If you can't handle it then go home. You're of no use to me." Naru said sharply.

"B-But…" Masako whined.

"No buts." He pushed Masako off of him and grabbed hold of the door handle.

"Don't go in there Naru. it's too dangerous. Take another case."

Naru sighed. "Go home Hara-San."

Masako sighed before storming off.

Mai watched her go.

Naru waited until she was gone before opening the door. He lifted up one long leg and was about to enter when a violent gust of wind shoved his back outside again.

Naru stumbled and lost his balance. He landed on top of Mai. She was unable to support his weight and the both of them went crashing to the ground.

Naru stood up quickly and dusted himself off as if nothing had happened.

"What was that?" Mai questioned as she forced her legs to work again.

Naru ignored her and tried again. This time he got in without a problem.

Ayako followed in afterwards with a problem. "Where's Masako?" She asked.

"I sent Hara-San home as she couldn't handle this place's spiritual energy."

"That's unusual." Ayako muttered.

"Will we be okay without her?" Mai thought aloud.

"We'll be fine. Mai. Tea." He ordered. "Ayako go with her." He added before entering their new base.

Mai nodded before walking off. Ayako was close behind.

When they got back they found everyone gathered around the wall opposite base.

"What's going on?" Mai asked.

"Take a look for yourself." Monk said as he moved over.

Mai gasped and dropped the teacup which smashed.

On the wall, in what looked like blood, there were words. It said: 'I will find her. The brunette girl called Taniyama Mai will be the sacrifice. Anyone who stands against me will be killed.'

Mai fell over backwards and hit the wall behind. Her hand flew to her mouth. "I will be… Killed?"

A/N Well there you go. End of first chapter. Sorry about the cliff hanger. Please don't hate me. The next chapter will be up soon. I just have to finish writing it first. ^^ In the meantime could you tell me what you thought of it by leaving a review? Please? I get so happy when I get reviews. Even if it's only one. ^^
