Revenge Part 3

Disclaimer: I do not own the Storm Hawks or any of its characters. This is purely a fan-made story.

**WARNING! Inappropriate content! I do not think I need to tell you this after taking a look at the rating, but just in case, THIS IS A YAOI fanfic! It contains scenes of boy x boy, rape and sexual content. xD be warned!"**

Aerrow X Dark Ace

~FINALLY! I know I know, you probably all hate me for taking so long! T.T I'm truly sorry! I got caught up in my novel at first, then a bunch of other things came up like new potential Yaoi couples. Then college (nuff said!) and I got fired from my work! T.T (They didn't tell me why!) When I came back to it, I had such a bad case of writer' block I thought my muse had died. But eventually, I found the right kind of inspiration (i.e. doujinchi!) and I managed to get it done! Fair warning; THIS IS THE HOTTEST THING I'VE EVER WRITTEN! Enjoy!~

Aerrow slid his skimmer to a stop just outside an ornate cast iron gate that lead into a district on the small terra. The gears and chains that moved the gate were exposed as decoration, giving the gate an eerie mechanical feel. A lone Gatekeeper sat inside an illuminated booth with the words "Terra Wealth' Ninth District" written on a brass plaque hanging above it. He had only heard about this place once in his life but it never left the back of his mind. After a quick look around, he spotted an area full of parked skimmers and drove his over to join them. Just as he was about to reach out a hand to pull open the gate, the Keeper spoke in a strange accent;

"I think your lost boy. It's best you turn around and head home."

For a moment, Aerrow had to carefully re-check his skimmer and uniform to make sure he had removed all of the Storm Hawk logos. He relaxed knowing he missed none.

"This is the Ninth District right? I'm not lost, I came here looking for something."

"You'll be looking for trouble going in there dressed like that. Best you take this," the Gatekeeper held up a long black cloak. "Might you be looking for a partner?"

"Err… no." Aerrow answered as he pulled the cloak over his head. "I'm looking to buy something."

"Ah….then you'll be needed the gold mark."

The keeper then handed him a thin gold chain with a simple cross hanging from it.

"This symbolizes you already belong to someone else. It'll keep people away from you. But I'd still turn around now while you have the chance. Not many young boys around lately. There are some who'd even ignore the rights of the Chained around here."

"I'll be fine; I can take care of myself."

His hand closed around the Immobilizing Crystal he had kept with him since his last plan to capture the Dark Ace. The Keeper nodded in understanding, and then pushed a few switches on a panel beside him. The blackened gears turned, twisting each other into action. The gate creaked open smoothly despite the racket it made. Pulling the hood up over his face, Aerrow strode forwards, keeping his destination in mind.

The District was laid out into three main sections; residential and housing, the market place, and the business section, being the one he had just entered. People wearing similar cloaks moved through the streets like ghosts. Never talking or making eye contact with one another, obviously unfamiliar with the environment. Many of them were wearing chains around their wrists in gold and silver. Others who were dressed more flamboyantly joked and laughed in doorways and alleys, they were the district's main residents. Keeping his eyes down, Aerrow moved swiftly through the main street, walking as fast as he could without bumping into anyone. Only bringing his guard down once he passed through the archway into the market place. A crowd of cloaked visitors occupied the entire area, taking care to avoid the dark side streets that dotted the perimeter of the market place. Ignoring the shops and stands, Aerrow spotted a man in a white cloak leaning against a wall. Pulling back his hood, he approached.

"I heard you had something that might help me…."

Several hours later Aerrow was standing on top of a high mountain on Terra Blizzaris. He wore a heavy coat on top of his usual uniform due to the extreme temperatures the Terra's winter' brought. Plus, the white from the fabric acted as camouflage against his surroundings. The cabin he had been searching for was tucked into a small outcropping below him. His eyes scanned through the whipping winds and snow, searching for any signs of Cyclonian skimmers.

Last time, he had made the mistake of directly challenging the Dark Ace, which proved to be his biggest mistake. He had to be sure that the Talon would have no suspicions of his own involvement. He let a rumor leak to some Cyclonian Grunts that a Crystal Weapon was concealed somewhere on Blizzaris that not even the locals knew anything about. Knowing the way rumor' like to travel, by the time it reached Cyclonis, it would have evolved into a tremendous threat that could overthrow the entire Cyclonian army AND it' leader. He only hoped that Master Cyclonis wouldn't take it too seriously and send an entire fleet to check things out.

"No…" Aerrow thought. "That would draw too much attention. If no one else knew about it, it would make a much more powerful weapon. But you can't ignore the fact that it might be dangerous. Sending simple Talons won't do either. They can be taken out too easily, and their numbers would be obvious, so that leaves….."

A sharp patch of red in the distance caught his eye. He stiffened in the cold, unmoving despite the raging of his blood. Adrenalin seeped through his body as the patch became bigger, and he could hear the roar of an engine carried by the howling wind. He closed his eyes and waited.

"There's nothing in all of Atmos that can stop me this time…."

The sound grew louder as the skimmer approached. It landed roughly on the small out cropping, nearly dropping off the edge with a screech of its tires on the frozen rock. He knew then that it was the Dark Ace, for no other rider would have made that landing. He waited until he heard the sound of an old door opening and closing before springing into action. He leapt off the cliff, pulling his wings out at his sides, gliding down to the cabin in a matter of seconds. They barely had time to snap shut behind him before he kicked in the cabin' door. The force of his kick caused a Crystal above the door to flash. Diving inside, Aerrow tackled the dark Ace just as a torrent of snow piled over the entrance, burying the entire cabin.

The Dark Ace felt something prick his skin just as he heard the door crash open. A slim figure in a white jacket had tackled him to the ground….and for some reason, he couldn't fight them back. The figure pinned him against the wood flooring, but allowed him just enough movement to pull back his sleeve, revealing a small bead of blood near his wrist. A white gloved hand moved in front of his face holding an empty syringe.

"I believe that's called "checkmate.""

A familiar voice spoke from inside the jacket' hood, standing, they pulled it back.


The Dark Ace made to lunge at the Storm Hawk, but found he was completely incapable on any movement. It took him a while to realize that no Leecher Crystal could save him now. Aerrow smiled in a way that told the Dark Ace he was in for it.

"I thought I taught you a lesson the last time brat! Don't make me do it again!"

Aerrow laughed. "What's this? No tricks? Just empty threats? Ha! It sounds like you're feeling a little desperate. But don't worry I've only just administered the first half of the drug."

"D…drug?" It took great effort but he managed to glance down at the prick in his arm.

"You see, even I cannot deny who's stronger between the two of us. I might be faster, and have more stamina, but you overwhelm me too easily. So I picked up a little something that would bring you down to my level."

"So, what, you planned on paralyzing me then screwing me? And you've trapped us in this musty ice grave!"

Aerrow rolled his eyes and walked over to the bare fire place at the other end of the room. He placed a Crystal in the coals and a warm fire sprung up, illuminating the cabin. Which wasn't as musty as the Talon had thought. The furniture and decorations were all maroon and brass, giving the single room a warm, cozy feeling.

"How sweet." The Dark Ace thought with disgust.

Aerrow turned to face him again.

"For the record, the snow isn't meant to keep us in. It's to keep nosy people out. And I plan on doing more than just paralyzing you. I said I had only given you half of the drug." He held up a vial of a silvery liquid. "The two parts alone aren't anything special. One can paralyze the body and the other gives a warming sensation. Also, if they're mixed together before being used, the effects vanish, and they no longer do anything. But if one is allowed to settle into the body properly, and then the other added…."

The Dark Ace watched as Aerrow shed his winter clothing. He could see no other needle in his hands, only the vial.

"And how do you intend to force that down my throat?" The Talon growled in a threatening way, feeling more like a captured animal by the minute.

"I don't." Aerrow responded. He bent down over the Talon, putting a hand against the floor beside his waist. Using his teeth, he removed the cork from the vial and spat it away, and drank the entire contents. Making a face, the Dark Ace snarled.

"What's that supposed to d-

Aerrow cut him off with a deep kiss, pushing the Talon to lie back on the wooden panels beneath him. The Dark Ace could taste something like almonds in the Sky Knight' mouth and he knew immediately what Aerrow was up to. The Storm Hawk had him. There was enough of the liquid in Aerrow' saliva to cause the drug' true effects to take hold. The Dark Ace began to feel an itch crawl down his throat and spread through his stomach. He gasped as it shot through his spine, and felt it' way to the surface of his skin, where it intensified. Aerrow pulled away with a smirk.

"Feel anything yet?"

The Dark Ace could only stare and pant. Every inch of him inside and out burned with the desire to be touched… he hated to admit it.

"Ngh! Brat!...You-ah!"

His face was flushed and his breathing became heavier. Aerrow had pulled off his gloves and began to tease the now super sensitive skin underneath the Dark Ace' uniform, every touch causing him to groan and strain against the paralyzing effects of the drug. But the more he moved, the more his body reacted to Aerrow' hands, and he was beginning to feel the effects gather in a, what he had hopped, (but not in this fanfic!) an unreachable place. He hardly noticed when his uniform was pulled away and thrown into a corner, as Aerrow began to work his hands down to the leather belt around his waist, then it and the leather pants joined the rest of the uniform in the dark. Aerrow gripped the Dark Ace' wrists and pushed them above the other' head, turning him so he lay on the floor face first. With one hand, he undid his own belt and pants.

The Dark Ace felt his body literally shake with anticipation. His skin felt as if it could melt. He tensed waiting for Aerrow to pounce. A few minutes passed, his face pressed against the stained wood flooring of the cabin, and the Talon turned just enough to see the Sky Knight in the corner of his eye. Aerrow looked down at him with a smirk, leaning towards his ear he whispered;

"Beg me."

It took another tremendous effort for the Dark Ace not to climax from the sheer, cold, malice in Aerrow' voice. He had always known him to be a goody-goody Sky Knight bound by his vows and what-not, but seeing him now. His hair looked a bit darker, and his green eyes were a lot sharper. His instincts kicked in, and he reacted with attitude.

"If you think you can just… won't….make me…..ever!"

Aerrow tightened his grip on the Dark Ace' wrists.

"Unless you want me to get impatient, you'll ask me to screw you like a good little Cyclonian."

Aerrow pushed his tip into the Dark Ace, making him strain and groan for more. Finally pushed to his limit by the burning throughout his body, the Talon growled.

"Ngh… A-Aerrow…" He turned his face to the floor. "Please… do it…." Using the same words he had forced out of Aerrow the last time.

Moving slowly, Aerrow thrust into the Dark Ace, making sure the Talon felt every inch to the older' further humiliation, making a point to show who's undoubtedly bigger. He let out a quieted groan. The feeling of smooth muscles clenching around him felt better than he could've imagined. Plus, he was beginning to feel the warming sensation from the drug spread through his body as his heart pounded faster. He ground into the Dark Ace, slowly, but using as much of his strength as he could. Savoring the elevated pleasure and control he had over the Dark Ace. His hips began to move of their own accord, grinding harder and faster as each second went by. His skin already glistening with heat, he panted heavily with each thrust. The Dark Ace gasped underneath him, loving and hating the moment. Aerrow placed his free hand on the floorboards just above the Talon' shoulder, and used it to push in further until he could control his body no more. He let out a breathy cry and thrust deeply into the Dark Ace, grinding as hard as he could. The Dark Ace shuddered and gasped, feeling himself release, but to his horror, he couldn't make any more sound that a breathy groan.

Aerrow held himself up with a hand on either side of the Cyclonian' head and, leaning over him, allowed himself to pant for a few moments. Then, without pulling out of the Dark Ace, he shifted his weight and lifted himself and the other onto the maroon couch.

"There, are we a little more comfortable here?"

Aerrow mocked. But the Dark Ace could do nothing but pant. His breath hitched sharply when he felt Aerrow thrust suddenly.

"Don't get too comfortable though, remember, I intend to pay you back for both of those times and then some…."

Lifting the Talon' hips, Aerrow began to push into him again, using his elevation to thrust harder. A gasp punctured every movement, followed by the sound of damp skin on skin. The Dark Ace' flushed cheeks were pushed against the fabric of the couch, his arms bent at his sides gripping a cushion. He felt Aerrow slide through him again and again, a slow torture dragging up heat from the pit of his stomach and groans from his throat. He felt the Sky Knight' hips press against him, his hands holding him and only slightly, his hot breath against his back.

Aerrow shifted again, bending over the Dark Ace and reaching a hand around the older ones waist. He gripped hardened flesh and began to pull and squeeze. He timed his hand with his thrusts, pushing faster as he felt his own climax approaching. Shivering with pleasure, he drove into the Dark Ace, his gasps becoming heated cries until his entire body tensed up.

"Ah….AH!...I…Think-ah! I'll come-! Inside…AH- gain….!"

Not registering a single word, the Dark Ace felt Aerrow' hot climax inside of him, as well as his own in the youth' hand. His body shuddered and collapsed as Aerrow too, fell down against him. Even though they did it twice, he felt no relief from the burning drug.

"How….how long exactly does he intend to do this?"

The Dark Ace thought feeling exhaustion creep up on him.

"Hey, I don't think so. Get up!"

Aerrow growled when he noticed the Dark Ace' tired stare. The Dark Ace growled back;

"How? It's not like I have full mobility here…."

Aerrow pulled away from the Talon then pushed his knees onto the floor.

"You'd be surprised about how much you can still move. It's been a while since I gave it to you, so you should be able to do this just fine."

Gripping black hair, Aerrow pulled at the Cyclonian' head, which was now conveniently, level with his waist. Glaring red eyes stared at him defiantly.

"Same threat applies here. There's a broom closet within reach so I wouldn't try anything…"

The red head smirked down at the older man until he looked away. Gritting his teeth, the Dark Ace leaned forwards until his lips were touching Aerrow. Closing his eyes he thought.

"The little shit….."

Then began to lick him down his length. Aerrow' dug his hands into the back of the talon' head as his hot tongue tasted every inch of him. When his mouth moved to suck, Aerrow pushed forwards and ground into his mouth. The Dark Ace gagged and tried to pull away.

"None….of that now…."

Aerrow warned holding him in place. It took him a few moments to master his reflex but the Dark Ace managed to take Aerrow in fully. He sucked and pulled back at the youth, stroking him with his tongue. Throwing his head back, the Sky knight gasped sharply through his teeth. He continued to thrust into the Dark Ace' mouth, reveling in the heat, and nearly came when he looked down to see his rival sucking him. Aerrow held back as much as he could, then trust forwards as far as he could go, pulling the Talon closer, releasing in his mouth. Only then did he let go of the Dark Ace, who slumped against a nearby armchair. Panting Aerrow said;

"I think…that makes up…for the first time…"

Sliding to the floor, Aerrow could feel his half of the drug changing in his system. Slowly taking control over certain parts of his body. He briefly remembered the salesman warning him about some other possible effects of the warming sensation. He said something like 'people end up doin' things they didn't expect. Like, outa' character ya know?' He shuddered and let out a lust filled moan, feeling himself succumb to the drug completely. His body and mind became focused on the only other living thing in the room. It no longer mattered that it was the Dark Ace. He was now nothing but prey…something to play with. He crawled his way over to the Dark Ace who was still panting near the chair.

"What….do…you think…yo- !

Aerrow cut him off by forcing him on his back. The Dark Ace, for the first time in his life, felt true fear as he seen the expression on Aerrow's face. It was no longer the mocking smirk he beheld on his rival. No. The eyes that looked down at him belonged to an Aerrow he had never seen before, one that held no mercy or honor, only lust.

"I think you've had it far too easy up until this point…."

Aerrow hissed, already moving into action. The Dark Ace flinched away from his rival, only to be pulled back towards him and roughly kissed. Biting at the Talon' lips and tongue, the Storm Hawk ground against the Dark Ace' arousal, a hand moving to grip them both together. He squeezed, causing louder moans to escape from the other. The burning creature that had taken over Aerrow snarled in hunger, almost mimicking the sound, he bit at The Dark Ace' flush skin.

"Ah- Aerrow, do-

The Talon tried to protest but he was cut off by the familiar lips again. Aerrow could tell that The Dark Ace was beginning to feel the same lust and hate that he had when he was first jumped, and he greatly enjoyed it. He had the most powerful Sky Knight of Atmos squirming beneath him, almost begging for the feeling of his heat inside him. However, his newfound aggression told him to make the Talon squirm and writhe even more. He wanted to see him completely helpless and under his control. He wanted to make the Dark Ace his and his alone.

Aerrow began to bite at the now reddened skin around the Dark Ace' neck again, pulling up all the noises he could from the Talon' throat, but it wasn't enough to quell the creature. He moved his way down the Dark Ace' chest slowly making a path of bite marks, pausing occasionally to leave a small hickie. When he reached the Talon' thighs he teased the hardened, sensitive flesh with his teeth, pulling at the skin. The Dark Ace cried out and flinched, helpless against the attack. Aerrow then sat up and lifted the Dark Ace' legs, pulling him closer and leaned forwards. He looked down into the once frightening and dominating red eyes. His own filled with a burning wild energy. Keeping his legs raised, Aerrow pushed himself into the Dark Ace, holding the focus of two red orbs. In the back of his mind, Aerrow felt and remembered the same sort of electric feeling he had the last time their eyes met. Starting off slowly, he moved into the Talon, who was trying his best to cover his face despite his lack of control over his body. The heat between the two of them intensified, the creature inside Aerrow let out a hungry roar. He shuddered and pushed himself hard into the Dark Ace, throwing his head back in ecstasy. Pulling away, then thrusting back in again as hard as his body would allow. Gasping in both pain and pleasure, the Dark Ace' back arched against the cold floor. One hand still half-heartedly draped across his forehead, the other clawing into the wood beneath him. Aerrow' hands moved from the Talon' thighs to his shoulders, slowly caressing every bit of him along the way. His breathing heavy with the sounds of his own pleasure. Once he was better positioned, the creature inside the Sky Knight gave one last snarl, pushing him further into the Dark Ace. They both let out a final moaning gasp, their bodies tensing up against each other. A shuddering current of raw pleasure and complete loss of control jolted through them as they climaxed. Aerrow collapsed on top of the Dark Ace, panting. He could feel the burning rage that was inside him fizzle down to a bed of embers. For a moment, he couldn't believe how far he had lost himself, but at the same time….

"That was awesome…."

The Dark Ace, although in a similar physical state, felt thoroughly defeated. Not only was he completely exhausted, he hadn't the slightest bit out doubt in his mind that Aerrow was fully capable of doing it again. Drug or no drug, when it came to stamina, he had him beat. And this time, the teen really did have him beat. After a few moments filled with the crackle of fire and panting, Aerrow rolled away from the Dark Ace and stood up. He looked down at the Dark Ace and smirked, not a single word was needed to express the meaning. He walked over to where he had thrown their clothes and an idea hit him.

The Dark Ace lay on the floor, trying to catch his breath and curse that damn youth at the same time. Aerrow had gotten up and was already moving around the cabin, probably looking for the best angle to gloat. To his surprise, Aerrow had gotten a blanket and tossed it over him.

"The drug shouldn't last for much longer, it's already starting to wear off. But I wouldn't push it."

The Talon grumbled and sluggishly turned away. He was grateful for the blanket, the floor was cold and his drying sweat was leaving a chill, but it was that Kid' fault that he was stuck there in the first place. He heard a chuckle, then the sound of boots moving towards the door. It opened, followed by a hissing sound like melting snow, and eventually, it shut again. A few more minutes passed, with nothing but the fire to keep him company. In his mind, the Dark Ace wondered why Aerrow hadn't stuck around to say anything. His arrogance surely pushed him to gloat, so why just leave? When he finally managed to sit up, he winced at the loud cracking sound that came from his back, and the sharp pain in his-

"Damn it I'm going to kill him!"

It took a few more minutes and a lot of effort before he could finally stand. Groaning, he wondered how long it had been since he left Cyclonia. What kind of story would he have to come up with to cover this one up? He supposed a generic tale of chases and evasions would convince Cyclonis enough for her not to pry into it too much. Using the back of the couch for support, he made his way to the other side of the room. Then back again. Then to the other side again. He poked at the crystals in the fire pit to coax a little more light from them. This time, he was able to walk on his own. Not behind the couch, not on the floor, not on the side table by the window….

"He DIDN'T!"

Rushing back to the fire pit, he took a closer look at what was smoldering away amongst the logs and fire crystals. He could just make out the glint of the Cyclonian emblem from his belt. The brat had burned his uniform, leaving him with nothing but a few pieces of half melted armour and singed leather. He stood up again and stared down at the fire. Then down at the blanket that covered him. He wasn't sure if the loathing and pure rage that now radiated out from his very being was enough to suit this situation.

"Imagine the cover story I'm going to have to come up with to explain this…."

Wrapping the blanket around him like a hooded cape, he stepped outside. In the bright sunlight glinting off the white surroundings, his bike sat directly in front of the door.

"I wonder who brought this here."

He scowled to himself. This was awfully nice of Aerrow…. It was almost as if the Sky Knight was trying to say something. Then another thought struck him that wasn't funny or irritating. Looking down at the cold metal seat of his skimmer, he began to wonder with absolute horror if he would make it back to Cyclonia as a male.

~Yes! That was good no? Did I make it up to you? *puppy eyes here* I'll still love all of you even if you hate me, kay? 3

Aerrow- *nooosebleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed*

~Keh! :) On second thought! You can't get mad at me cuz I have school tomorrow and I stayed up till….5:45 AM to finish this! . It's okay though! Nothing that a couple of energy drinks won't fix! Oh, and also, because of how late it actually is, there's probably more spelling and grammar mistakes in here than usual. I'll try to look things over later and pick them out. Your help is also greatly appreciated!

~I'm also aware of the question on everyone's mind right now. "Will there be moar?" I can't say for sure. I never intended to go for more than 3 "chapters," but I also didn't think that more than 2 people to read it. I may try and go for a fourth, and maybe even a fifth. If I can find the time, I'll see if I can come up with more ways for Aerrow and the Dark Ace to go at it. xD But please, don't expect too much. I was lucky to find the time to do this much (albeit with the sacrifice of some sleep).

As forever and always, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! (^.=.^)