Title: Stalking Face

Rating: PG 13

Summary: A nemesis from the past comes back for a little revenge.

Warning: Spoilers for The Bell's of St. Mary's. And perhaps a bit corny and unrealistic at times…just the way I like it! :)

"Okay boys...you know what I want you to do. I want them and I want them bad...especially Smith!

He made a fool of me...and nobody makes a fool of me and gets away with it! But first, I get to have a little fun!

Let's see how smug Smith is when I start messing with his pretty boy Lieutenant! Let the games begin..."

"Murdock, would you stop fussing at me already?" Face asked swatting his friend's hand away. He adjusted the bag of frozen peas he was holding to the back of his head. "I told you I was fine."

"If you're so fine, Facey, than why are you looking so green? In addition to black and blue…I might add."

"Look, can we just drop it?" Face wanted to forget the whole embarrassing incident.

"How can we drop it, when you haven't even told me what happened yet?"

And don't go telling Hannibal or B.A. …"

"Don't tell Hannibal or B.A. what?" Hannibal asked walking into the room followed by B.A.

"Doesn't anybody knock anymore these days?" Face said a little too loud for his own aching head.

"The door was unlocked...don't dodge the question, Face." Taking a closer look at the battered Face lying on the couch he asked, "What the hell happened to you?"

"It's nothing really...it looks worse than it is." Face didn't know who he was trying to convince more...them or himself. Truth was, he was feeling pretty shaken up over the whole ordeal,

"If it's nothin' Faceman, than why you holdin' part of tonight's dinner on you head?" B.A. asked pointing at the bag of peas.

"I found him out cold next to the Vette about an hour ago," Murdock offered.

It was becoming obvious that they were going to have to pull the truth out of Face. Their rope of choice: silence.

The three men starred at Face until he finally admitted, "I was mugged…got me from behind. Before I even had a chance to react they had me on the ground."

His friends were still staring at him, waiting for more detail. Face tried to shift to a more comfortable position, but winced as the movement jarred his bruised abdomen. He looked down, avoiding their eyes.

"I didn't stand a chance; there were four of them. Unless, of course, there always is the possibility that I could have been seeing double from the knock to my head," he tried to joke.

"Four against one…ain't exactly fair."

Face smiled weakly at B.A. It wasn't every day that the big guy was on his side and he appreciated the support.

Hannibal could see that Face was trying to hide his discomfort. "Where else are you hurt?"

"Nothing broken…just bruised," he paused, "especially my ego."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Muchacho. It could have happened to any one of us."

"I know, Murdock. But why is it always me?" He groaned when a thought struck him. "They got my wallet!"

"So what? It ain't like any of your ID is legit anyway," B.A. snickered.

"I know...but I just met this beautiful blonde, Rhonda...her number was in that wallet!"

Murdock rolled his eyes. "And for Face that insult is way worse than any injury!"

'He can't be feeling too badly, if that's what He's worried about,' Hannibal thought. "Why don't you just lay back and relax a while, kid?" He started walking toward the kitchen. "I'll go see if I can find another vegetable for your head...maybe some frozen corn?"

"Well done, boys!
Phase one is complete...on to phase two we go!

And I'm just getting started...the best is yet to come!