Hey guys! This is a two-shot that had been bubbling in my mind for quite while, so I decided to get up and write it.

Sokka and Zuko took Aang to a party, against Aang's will. The party apparently includes Cactus Juice, and the story includes some furious girlfriends.

Set about a month or two after the defeat of Ozai. Ages are the same.

Rated T for alcoholic references, partying and Cactus Juice. Viewer discression is advised.

Please review! ^.^

- I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender.

"Sokka, the more I think about it, the less I think we should go," Aang said, being very nervous. He was looking around scared, and shivering. "Aahh, you're such a worry-wuss! C'mon, man up already! We're doing this for your own good, anyway," Sokka mentioned, patting the back of the Avatar. They were walking down the dark streets of Ba Sing Se, with only some torches lighting up their road.

"We're going to get drunk. And we're doing it for Aang's sake?" Zuko asked, a little confused. Sokka sighed, "No, well, yes. But what I really mean is, the little dance-club downtown has a new party going on- to celebrate the victory of Aang beating Ozai! So, it wouldn't be an Avatar's party, if there won't be an Avatar in it!" he cheered, stretching out and making dancing-hand-gestures.

"But, Sokka, Aang's only thirteen, would he even be allowed to go in, let alone drink?" Zuko asked, again. He did know the rules of the club, and Aang was pretty much breaking every single one of them, so to speak. Sokka sighed again, rubbing Zuko's hair roughly, "Ofcourse he's gonna get in! Duhh, he's the Avatar, and it's his party! The whole thing was meant for his honor! Also, they don't really sell anything there besides Cactus Juice at the moment." the Water Tribe Warrior kept making very good points, decreasing Aang's hopes. Zuko growled, and hit Sokka's hand off, annoyed.

"B-but what if K-Katara finds out?" Aang stammered, as nervous as ever. The last thing he wanted was for his girl to be upset. He was mumbling and twitching- he knew this was a bad idea. Sokka groaned, "Ugh! She won't! It's already past midnight (yawn), and all of our girlfriends are asleep!" the blue-eyed teen mentioned. Aang couldn't help but to sigh nervously a few times. This is going to end badly... he mumbled in his head.

"C'mon, Air-boy! It'll be allright! You really need to know what men do for fun!" Sokka nudged Aang with his elbow. Aang rubbed his side, glaring at his friend, who had the largest grin.

They walked for a few more minutes, until they saw lots of colorful lights and heard loud cheering and music. The trio went closer, and came to a gigantic house, which had torches, lights and lots of other accesories decorated over it. Cheerful shouts, laughter, loud music and some fighting sounds came from the building. The whole ground was shaking from all of the action that was going on in there, so that even Toph (if she was there) would have a hard time seeing anything.

Aang gulped, "You said it would be a small club-house...". He really wasn't ready to go in there, and face the consiquences of all of their actions when they do. He wanted to run back as fast as he could, and forget everything, but he knew that Sokka would come charging back, and drag him from his tattoos, if he'd have to.

Sokka shrugged, and then started running towards the club, "Let's go!" he shouted cheerfully to the two. Zuko groaned, and started walking, "Ugh, here we go.". Aang stood there for a few moments, looked back where they came from, and then back at the club. He sighed heavily, praying that Katara wouldn't know a thing when they get back.

- In Iroh's Tea-Shop -

It was quiet. Too quiet. Usually you could hear the loud snores from Sokka's room, some torch-lighting and off-ligting from Zuko's room, and faint yet hearable mumbles from Aang's room. But this time, it was quiet as a grave. Only the four girls slept quietly in their rooms.

In one of the rooms rested a powerful earthebender. She had been sleeping well, twitching a few times in her bed and making a snore from time to time. She then turned to her side, and rested her palm on the sheets, spreading her fingers. She was sensing everyone in the whole house, yet she didn't know it. The thing is, that every night, when she rests her hand like that, she hears every single heartbeat, nudge, mumble and snore.

And with all of the heartbeats, they created a symphony to her, because for some reason, they all had their own rythm and sound; Aang's was usually very quiet and peaceful, with Katara's heart beating soflty right at the same time as his, creating a duo. Sokka's was loud and low, Zuko's long and strong, Mai's sudden and Suki's constonant (she was a warrior, so from her trainings, her body remained under alert all the time). For the blind earthbender, it was like listening to life around her. She never spoke about it to anyone, but she always enjoyed it. Even she found it strange that she did.

But this night, there was an awful lot missing; there was no beat that matched the soft hearbeat of Katara's now lonely- and sadsounding heart, or the low bumps or long echoes of blood thrusting. The blind girl frowned in her dream, moving her palm around, thinking that she was mistaken. But from all the scruffing, she woke up. She lifted her head, balancing herself on her arm and scratching her head. She got up and went outside her room. She stopped, frowning, while listening carefully.

A door crashed open, and the peaceful sleeper in the room woke up screaming in horror. The one who opened the door just stood there and casually said, "Hey Katara,". The shocked waterbender stared at the short girl standing afew feet from her bed. Katara grimaced and sighed, tired, "Toph, seriously, knock, okay?" she rubbed her eyes, and then continued, "What is it, you allright?" she yawned after that. Toph crossed her arms and was prepeared for an ear-breaking shout, "I think the guys went out."

- In the Club -

The (huge) front door went open, and the three teens stepped into the room. It was very bright, with dozands of flashing colours and ribbons floating from the ceiling, hanging from the furniture and covering the ground. There were lots of tables with chairs spread across the room, all of them having some clothes, spilled and un-spilled drinks on them, ribbons and who-knows-what spread across them. There was a huge clearing in the middle, which was the dance floor, and at the other side of the club played the band. There were two bars, each on one of the sides (for some strange reason), which had a variety of different flavours for Cactus Juice. Ofcourse, the whole building had teenagers and young adults dancing, cheering, fighting, hanging from the furniture, sleeping making-out and doing only-heaven-knows-what.

The music was very loud, and the noises from the 'visitors' were making it even louder.

Aang felt a twist in his stomach- this was not good. He stared wide-eyed at everyone and everything. His expression got more nervous and he gulped, again. He had been to a party before, like the one in the Fire Nation, and he was actually very experienced at having fun and dancing, but this was completely different and new to him. This was actually dangerous, he thought. Yeah, so was the Fire Nation party, but that only included some school-kids and dance-lessons, basically. This place was like a crazy-house.

One of the buff and obviously drunk guys fell to the floor and right infront on Aang, laughing hysterically. He got up and tried to balance himself. Then he remembered that he almost ran into someone. "Hey, I'm so sorry, dude I didn't see where I was dancing off to, ha-ha!" he hiccuped and laughed. Aang, the person who the guy almost ran into, said, "I-It's quite allright, sir.". The guy started laughing again, "Haaa-ha-haaaa! What a gentleman you are, bro!" he slapped his knee and breathed in a couple of times. He was really smelly and dirty, you could tell by his clothes. The guy looked up to Aang, "He-he... W-wait a minute, dude...", he rubbed his eyes and squinted them, to see better. When his vision cleared, his eyes went wide and his smile reached for miles, "Hey everybody! Guess what, the Avatar himself is here!" the guy yelled across the room. Everyone went silent, and looked at the enterance, where the shout was heard. They all gasped, and then cheered. Some even clapped and laughed. "Haa-haaa! Now that the bending-master of the whole world is here, let's get this party starteeeeed!" The guys yelled again and motioned with his arm. Everyone yelled back many loud 'yeahs' and the music got even louder. Aang, Sokka and Zuko were dragged into the drunken mob.

About half an hour later, the trio were sitting at the bar. All of their shirts were missing, and there were some girls' names and autographs written on their chests. They all had been dancing and having fun already, yet when Aang remembered that he could get into big trouble, again, he went to sit down, having Sokka and Zuko follow him. Sadly for him, the only free (and clean) seats were the three at the bar.

"Hey, bar-man! Three extra-spiced Cactus Juices, please!" Sokka called for the bar-tenderer and waved his hands. He was really on the row. "Gotcha, three extra-spiced, coming up!" the 'Bar-Man' cheered and went to work. Aang hadn't quite been listening, so he didn't hear Sokka's order. Zuko on the other hand, asked the Wolf Warrior, "What? Extra-Spiced? Do you kno-" "Yeah-yeah, I'll pay 'em, Zuzu!" Sokka cut him off, playing with some golden-pieces in his hands. "No, that's not what I meant! What about Aang?" Zuko shouted, so that he could be heard. Sokka waved his hands, "Hey, no problem, your highness, I got this under control!" he -sortof- assured the firebender. He was way too certain in himself. Zuko squinted his eyes in doubt.

A minute passed, and the 'Bar-Man' haded Sokka the three large glasses of extra-spiced cactus juice. Sokka payed the money and didn't ask for charge. He grabbed one of the drinks and went to Aang, "C'mon, Aang, you gotta try this!" he gestured the liquid in the glass. Aang backed away, "Uhh, Sokka, no-no, I don't think this is a good idea..." he got nervous again. Sokka came closer, "Ahh, don't worry, Aang, I got this under control!" he repeated himself. "No, S-Sokka, seriously! I-I don't think this wi-" the teen got cut off by his friend, who was pouring the drink in his mouth. Aang couldn't fight back, so he drank it all. The whole glass was embty in less than an eyeblink. Zuko gaped, "Woah!". Sokka grinned and gave him one, too. Zuko sniffed and sipped it.

Aang jumped up and laughed, "Wooooohooooo! Attention everyone, that Avatar has gone wiiiiiiiiiiiiildddd-uhhh!" he yelled across the room and airbended himself in the dancing and cheering group. His friends saw this and drank their glasses real fast and ran in, too. The boys had gone wild, indeed.

- A few miles away -

"Katara, sheesh, calm down already! Or atleast, slow down! Ugh!" Toph cried, as she and the two older girls tried to keep up with Katara's raging march. "Katara, hun...uhh, please- wait up!" Suki, the first one to catch up with the mad waterbender, shouted. But those shouts fell to deaf ears, because Katara's fury was unimaginable. "I'm not going to, until I chop all of their heads off! Grrraah!" Katara roared at the three behind her. Aang's SO dead when I find out! she screamed in her head, and only sped up.

There was absolutely no way that Aang's going to get away with the angriest girlfriend in the Universe, now...

Ooooh! A cliffhanger, huh? Well, the next chapter will finish this story!

Love it, hate it? Please review, either way! ^.^

~Wind And Tides