It was peace day in Domino Japan or at least it would have been it the top two duelists were not at it again Yugi yawns and Kaiba and Yami face off in a duel lighting clashes in the sky as blue eyes and the Dark magician face off. "I summon Obelisk the Tormentor and end my turn" said Yami hoping to make Kiba sweat a little before finishing him off.

Joey stifles a yawn, Kaiba and Yami had already been at each other's throats for a good few hours now it was getting a little boring at this point. One can only take so much drama before it get boring the spectators were starting to dwindle or start to dose a little until, Kaiba draws the smirks on his face made everyone pay attention to his next move. "You think you have won well think again I have recently gotten a few new card let's see if Obelisk can sand up to Exodia the Forbidden One, attack his god card." The two clash causing a shock wave baking windows and causing the ground to shake, then something happens that no one could describe; then all was quiet yet Seto, Mokuba, along with Yugi and the gang where nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile in another dimension our favorite mad scientist was at work in the lab trying to draw power from limbo. "Wheeljack I don't think this is a good idea I mean last time you tried this we got stuck in a different dimension and I ended up knocking out Captain America with a frying pan" Venatrix cringed at the memory of the encounter "I must say that wasn't one of my prodder moments by still we shouldn't have been there in the first place." Her face turned an interesting shade of pink as spoke about it. (N.A. story still in progress look for cap meets the bots XD)

"Relax Venatrix I fixed that problem now instead of us going to the power sores it will come to us instead Now stand back I'm going to fire it up." Still not happy Venatrix not wanting to get sent to a different dimension again backs up and watches from a distance as Wheeljack works at his invention. Venatrix knowing how this is going to end starts to count backwards from five, then it explodes in a nice display of colors before depositing a grope of people that shouldn't have been there.

Recognizing the tell tail tire color hair Venatrix dose and un-Ven like smirk "Nice going Jack you just brought all of the cast from Yu-gi-oh to us instead of us going to them, Oh Ratchet we got us so visitor in the Lab that need your expertise." Venatrix backs up a little more trying to resist the erg to go and mother the group she knew if Yugi woke up the reserve she had would go out the window because even asleep he just radiated innocence and his demeanor just screamed a pure soul, which just put her protective protocols to the max. Yugi would be lucky to get a hang nail well he was here with Venatrix but it's not like Yami would do the same if he could. Ryou would not be allowed out of Venatrix's sight with the smell of spilled blood from old wounds and scars not to mention his soul screamed pure innocence more than Yugi. Wheeljack was not shore if he should be happy of pity the boys that would soon be in the care of the Allspark but it wouldn't matter anyway once the program was up nothing would stop her for protecting her charge from danger, not even death.

Ratchet's loud hurried footsteps could be heard as he approached Jack's lab in a hurry "Wheeljack what did you do this time?" He asked in an exasperated tone as he came into view, he looked at Jack trying to see any visible injury that may be on the residential mad scientist thinking he had gotten hurt in an unknown explosion.

Venatrix gave her best tattle tail grin and in a high winey voice she said "Wheeljack brought the entire main cast of Yu-gi-oh here from their home dimension." She passed then turned serious "I want you to take a look at them in case of injury from their travels since they're out cold I don't know if it from shock or something else. It wouldn't do to have them killed before they can save the world one more time before the Atem can move on into the afterlife to be reunited with his loved ones."

Ratchet was giving Wheeljack his best death glare as he put his scanners on the unconscious youths looking for any unseen injury that could not be seen on the surface. "They is no injury they are just in shock from their trip here from their home dimension they should be up in about in a few hours but, I would still like them all to be transported the med bay so I can keep an optic out for any complications."

"Thank you Ratchet; would you like me to help you move them to the med bay?"

"That would be very helpful, thank you Venatrix, now Wheeljack what have I told you about messing with different dimensions?"

"Don't do it, it will only cause more trouble than its worth" said Wheeljack as he tried to make himself as small as possible in a vain attempt to escape some of Ratchets anger.

"Yes and what do you do YOU DO IT ANYWAYS YOU FRAGING IDIOT." Ratchet sent a wrench flying at the engineer before heading off the med bay to take care of their new guest swearing like a sailor the whole way. Glaring at his helper as she placed them on cots he said "Venatrix you are so lucky that I owe you for both my twins or I would do the same to you as I did to everyone else when they are stupid."

She just gave him an eat shit grin and said "Aww I Love you to Hatchet."