I was going to try to get to Gertrude this chapter, but the last chapter left off in a bad place, so I'm going to add some more of that! Gertrude's story will be soon, though!

The Aki-bot hit some turbulence on the way back to Japan, and Momoka's limp body nearly fell out of her seat, though Fuyuki managed to catch her.

"Couldn't you have installed seatbelts, Kululu?" he asked, annoyed. This wasn't the first time she'd almost fallen out of her chair. Kululu just laughed, so sighing, Fuyuki awkwardly laid Momoka across his lap and the seat where she'd been sitting, so that he could keep her from falling off again. Natsumi winked at him. He flushed.

Momoka stirred slightly. The sedative had almost worn off. When they were less than five minutes from the Nishizawa estate, Momoka's eyes fluttered open. She was shocked and delighted to find that she was draped across Fuyuki's lap, though the physical contact still kind of terrified her.

"You're awake!" Fuyuki exclaimed happily, helping her into a sitting position. Her head hurt. She looked around.

"When did you guys get here?" she asked, slightly disoriented. Fuyuki explained what had happened. She was shocked to learn that she'd been abducted. All she'd remembered was nodding off on the cliff while she looked over the ocean, trying to sort out her thoughts on what had happened.

They touched down gently on Momoka's front lawn, and were met by Paul, who was worried out of his mind about his Mistress.

"Mistress Momoka! I failed in my duty and disclosed your location! I have failed!" Paul said tragically. Momoka shrugged.

"It's alright, Paul. It's not your fault," Momoka said. Paul was shocked. He was expecting Dark Momoka to come out and scold him. There were two reasons that had not happened: First of all, she was more than satisfied with what had happened on the island. Second, the sedative still hadn't completely worn off yet, and she was too tired to bring out Dark Momoka. She staggered a bit, and Paul caught her, then picked her up to carry her inside.

Fuyuki waved goodbye over his shoulder as he climbed back into the Aki-bot, and within minutes they were home, back to their semi-normal lives. It was Giroro who finally noticed Gertrude's absence, realizing that her thoughts were gone. But everyone assumed that, like Giroro, she could fend for herself, so everyone put off worrying about it. All exhausted, everyone collapsed into their respective beds and were asleep almost instantly.