A/N: So I got this idea for a Soda/OC story and well...I had to share it! I really hope someone likes it enough to review and keep reading! :)

Disclaimer: S.E. Hinton owns The Outsiders. I only own Mackenzie

Mackenzie's POV

I sat down on the couch beside Soda and began staring at him. He didn't notice. I decided to get even closer to him so that maybe he would look over. When he did look over I pouted slightly. He only smiled in response, sticking his tongue out at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but he pointed at me letting me know what I was about to do. So, I merely sighed. Soda caught this and looked excitedly to Steve.

"I don't know," Steve groaned.

Desperate to make sure Soda didn't win, I pulled my bra strap out of my shirt so that Steve could see a little bit of it. He smirked and looked at Soda, shaking his head. I was victorious still!

"Hey, everyone!" Two-Bit yelled, walking into the Curtis' house and we all nodded to him. "Gosh, so darn quiet..."

"They're seeing who can keep quiet the longest," Steve explained.

Two-Bit looked at Soda and I and burst out laughing. I knew why he was laughing though. Soda and I, especially me, were both known for being able to talk someone's ear off. Of course, Two-Bit could talk more than we could, but we still talked a lot. That's probably why we were such good friends. Out of all the guys, I was probably closest to Soda. I had moved in next to the Curtis' when I was six years old. Soda and I immediately became friends, much to young Steve's dismay. He got used to it though, as did the rest of the guys. I would have loved to say that I loved Soda like a brother, but that would be lying. I had feelings for Soda and he knew that, and he had feelings for me and I knew that. But we weren't about to do anything about these feelings, not yet anyways. So we just remained best friends and didn't ever say anything to the guys about our feelings for each other. And don't ask how we knew how we feel about each other, we just did. Some of the guys teased us, but they never meant anything by it.

"Mac, I hate this game," Soda sighed and I grinned.

"I win," I smirked triumphantly.

"I let you win."

"Well then thank you, Sodapop," I said, kissing his cheek.

"Get a room!" Two-Bit joked.

"Shut up!" I yelled, feeling my cheeks get a little hot.

"Aw come on now, Mac, just ignore him," Soda advised.

"Easier said than done..."

"Anyways!" Two-Bit said loudly, "I'm hungry."

"Me too," I agreed.

"Then let's go to the Dingo," Steve chimed in.


"I call shotgun!" Soda called.

"No way!" I shouted, leaping off the couch.

Before I could stand all the way up, Soda grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back down to the couch. I watched as he sprinted out the door with Two-Bit, Steve, and Dally shortly following him. I looked over at Johnny and Ponyboy and we all made a mad dash to the car. When we got outside Two-Bit was in the driver's seat of his car and Soda and Steve were squeezed in next to him. Pony and Johnny got in the back along with Dally and I groaned.

"Where the heck am I supposed to sit?" I asked Two-Bit.

"Sit on your boyfriend's lap," he replied with a laugh.

"I would, but he's not here right now!" I said, referring to my boyfriend, Billy.

"Just sit on my lap, Mac," Soda told me.

I shrugged and walked over to the passenger side and got in. Now, it was Two-Bit, Steve, Soda, and me on Soda's lap. It wasn't the first time I'd been on Soda's lap in the car, but it really wasn't too comfortable. I squirmed a little and Soda wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against him.

"Soda, this isn't very comfortable," I told him.

"I know," he laughed.

I sat in the booth, on the side with Steve and Soda. I was squished in between them and they kept talking about cars.

"No, I'm telling you man. That carburetor-"

"Shut up!" I groaned.

"What? You don't like talking about cars?" Steve smirked, making me roll my eyes but I gave him a smile anyways.

To avoid anymore talk about cars, I leaned across the table a bit to talk to Ponyboy, who was nearly in his own little world.

"Am I on my own or are cars stupid?" I grinned.

"I'm indifferent," he shrugged.

"You and your fancy words, kid."

He gave me a small smile, but it quickly faded when he looked at something behind me. His eyes grew a shade darker, as did Two-Bit's as he looked at the same thing as Pony. I turned my head to see my boyfriend standing there.

"Mackenzie," he called.

"Billy!" I squealed, pushing Soda out of the booth so I could see Billy.

I quickly jumped into his arms and he spun me around, lifting me off the ground a little. As I broke the hug, he roughly grabbed me by the waist and pressed his lips to mine. I let my hands get tangled in his dark brown hair and he wrapped his arms around my lower back. Someone cleared their throat and we broke apart.

"Billy," Soda greeted, standing up.

"Hey there, Curtis," Billy replied.

"Out of jail so soon?"

"Yeah," was his simple answer.

"Billy, I'm so happy you're back," I grinned.

"I know you are," he smirked, "Maybe now that I'm back, you can, uh, give me a little welcome back present."

"I thought we talked about this," I said in a low voice.

"Babe, I've been in the cooler for the past two months and you can't give me any?"

"No, Billy, I can't."

"I gotta go," he responded, removing his arm from my waist.


He didn't bother to say anything else or even kiss me before he turned and walked out of the Dingo. I just stood there, feeling like an idiot. I didn't even want to meet Soda's eyes or anyone else's. I was so embarrassed that Billy had brought up the topic of sleeping with each other. Maybe the guys didn't know what he was talking about, but I did and I was beyond embarrassed.

"I'm not really so hungry anymore," I admitted barely above a whisper.

A/N: Okay, so I know it was short, but I just wanted you readers to get a taste of what's going on! So if you could please review and tell me if you like the story or not! But please, PLEASE, no flames! Thank you :)