A Cry for Help

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who's characters or Supernatural's.
Author: Mabu
Note: I have this impression that I might be able to write a good fanfiction one day that won't be incomplete. Certainly, I kid myself for I am not punctual and I am not able to write lengthy chapters. This is only 5000+ words. I am very sulky for this cause' I can surely do better.

But my juice. has. been. lost.

Chapter Three

A Brother's Concern

Amelia entered the house with a brown bag heavy with groceries resting on her arms and her other hand on the door knob. She looked around the living room for her daughter, closing the door behind her before she went to the kitchen to put the bag on the counter.

"Claire?" She called, getting no answer in return. She glanced at the clock and relaxed her shoulders, sighing. She's probably gone to sleep.

Just for her heart's sake, she went upstairs to check on Claire's room and saw the lump under the comforter with some relief. She left for the kitchen to sort out the groceries soon after.

If she had stayed and took a closer look though, she would have seen the lump under the comforter was not in fact, her daughter. But a bunch of pillows stacked together. Further away from the house, one could see the profile of a young girl with golden blonde hair walking off aimlessly on the side-walk.


They were gathered around in a circle in the Tardis as the Doctor had told them to do so minutes ago when Dean had come back from his Impala to point out the Tardis and shout out obscenities while demanding answers.

Well, Dean specifically yelled: "What the hell is that? What are you?" while looking freaked out with eyes popped open in incredulous disbelief.

Sam couldn't blame him. The one thing that they had never thought could exist apart from Angels and the Devil and even, God was some person from another world claiming to be a Time Lord. Sam had figured this out much faster than Dean and his reaction hadn't contained swears and curses, but he had been star-struck and curious at first. When Dean had left to get in the Impala (or what, Sam figured was his 'alone time' where he could better think through things), Sam had begun to question The Doctor. The man had answered simply and plainly all of the facts like they were nothing from where he had come from and Sam had to swallow down his indignation when the Doctor told him that there was more than thousands of species who had given earth at least a visit and the incidents around them were actually taken care of by special forces from the government.

Sure, Sam and Dean met Faeries and tricksters who tried to imitate alien life, and the like, but no, they couldn't have ever encountered a real life alien. How did that happen?

Then, Sam had the crazy idea that maybe, some of the monsters got their freaky powers from some outer-world species. The Doctor had seemed interested at that theory and had this wondrous look in his eyes like he was starting to see Sam's point-of-view. That's when Dean had started to yell.

So, after the yelling crusade, the Doctor had tried to usher them in his small little blue box that was actually a unique space ship that was bigger on the inside.

Dean had done a share bit of objecting on his part:

"No, thank you. For all I know, you're one of the aliens who wants to take our lives and the minute we enter that stupid box, a trap would spring on us and Cas would turn out to be some clone you made to distract us into coming in."

The doctor and his companions had raised eyebrows and Cas had tilted his head, confused out of his mind.

Sam had to admit. His brother was talking sense. But something about the warmth in the Doctor's eyes or the human 'companions' of his got Sam to believe them. Maybe, this was some magic trick playing mind-games with him. Or maybe, these were people that could help them figure out things that had been a dead-end to them. Sam thought if they could have been screwed over, they would have already been so. But he convinced Dean to come in. Dean did, albeit reluctantly and they both spent a dollop of time looking around the blue thing's inside. It was huge. It wasn't normal and after all that Dean and Sam had been through, this must actually be the most beautiful unbelievable thing they had ever seen.

Even Heaven had seemed overrated. Oh, except for the supernovas and solar flares. Yeah, those were fun. But Sam and Dean hadn't had time to enjoy the scenery when Zachariah had been trying to search them out so, they could consent to some stupid, petty Archangels to take their body as a tool and use it however much they liked.

Also, Zachariah playing with their mother's projection had made Heaven seem like a freaking nightmare.

So, yes; the Tardis was beautiful and Sam wanted to know more. So, he went to the Doctor who was busy by the ship's hub (doing god knows what). Yes, the Doctor called this tiny box of a paradox a space-ship. It was all a bit crazy and not at all what sci-fi claimed it to be, but after his disappointing meeting with angels and archangels, Sam took things in stead rather than freaking out about it.

"What are you doing?" Sam questioned when he got there. He watched as the Doctor put a tiny droplet of black goo (from the Leviathan's corpse) onto a little slide with his goggles on and wondered what he'd missed. He certainly didn't remember the Doctor taking a sample of the black goo like he should have been. But then again, he had been too busy staring at the Tardis in disbelief and fascination.

"As you can see, Sam, I'm gathering intel into whatever monsters these Leviathans are by researching everything about them. Starting with these." He held up the slide with black goo to Sam's face as if Sam needed a closer look at it and then, lowered it down to rest on the complex-looking machine in front of them. The Doctor pressed his palms together as the machine took in the slide and started to beep as if processing it. Then, he turned to Sam and asked:

"So, what do you know about these Leviathans?"

"Um, yeah. About that." Sam said while glancing to see where Dean was. He looked to find Dean having a staring contest with Cas while the self-proclaimed humans named Amy and Rory watched them from the side with intrigued expressions. He furrowed his brows when Dean took out a silver knife from under his jeans and gave it to Cas with a challenging look.

"Okay, I don't know why, but I'm thinking you boys have a lot of weapons in your arsenal, don't you?" the Doctor noted, looking at Dean's direction with a worried look. "Well, I've seen worse. I think."

Sam turned to the Doctor again and reassured him: "Don't worry. Dean won't hurt them. I think he just wants to check if Cas is a Leviathan or not. At least, that would be one thing out of the list."

The Doctor looked at him like he had grown a second head just then. "And how would you check that with a knife?"

Sam smiled and explained: "The Leviathans bleed black goo so, whenever we're in doubt of our allies, we just tell each other to cut ourselves to see if we're bleeding black or not. It works and is efficient."

The Doctor stared at him blankly for a minute before parting his mouth in surprise. "Oh. So, does that mean Leviathans can change into you? Into any of us? Clone us. How does that work?"

"Well, it's not just cloning they do. They can access our memories and we still don't know yet. One thing that we've found out though is that borax works like a skin disease for the sons of the bitches."

"I'm sorry, I don't know the term 'borax'." The Doctor said in a confused tone.

"It's a laundry detergent." Sam admitted with a shrug.

The Doctor nodded slowly though, Sam could see he still did not understand any of it yet. Well, they seemed to be both strangers to the others world so, hopefully, they'd get the drift sooner or later and everything would turn out fine. Sam looked over at Dean's direction again and saw that the atmosphere around the group had relaxed a bit. Everything seemed fine until Sam noticed the drops of red blood trailing down Cas' wrist where his suit's sleeves ended. He sighed, knowing that Dean hadn't even noticed the tiny detail that Cas was human now and couldn't heal himself.

"Cas." He called. The now-human Cas turned at his call and Sam gestured for him to come over, which he did with an intrigued yet guilty expression. Sam would talk about that with him later.

Sam looked to the Doctor. "Do you have any first aid with you?"

The Doctor looked at Cas' direction once that was mentioned and observed the blood dripping down the floor as Cas walked over to them. "Oh, that doesn't look so good." Sam raised his brows at his disapproving glance at the floor, knowing somehow that he wasn't worrying about Cas at the moment. "Well, Rory might have them with him. Don't you, Rory?"

There was a noise of assent and then, the shaggy-haired man was rushing off, hopefully to get some first aid kit.

"Seriously." Sam remarked incredulously meanwhile. "Your name is the Doctor and you don't even have a first aid kit?"

The Doctor looked offended and defensive all at once. "It's a title."

"What's your real name then?" He didn't get an answer or whatever the Doctor was about to say because Dean suddenly showed right beside Cas, looking concerned.

"Anything wrong, Sam?"

Sam heaved the urge to roll his eyes and just pointedly looked to Castiel's wrist where the blood was dripping from. When he knew Dean saw it, he took Castiel's arm and tried to push off the sleeve back so, he could see the wound better. But the cloth was unexpectedly heavy and wet. Sam stared intently at Castiel.

"Cas." The blue-eyed, former angel looked at him and blinked. It looked so soft and human on him that Sam could almost imagine the blood on his trench-coat, the dark bags under his vessel's eyes and the imploring expression he wore when he was feeling particularly guilty. Cas had no look like that at this moment, but Sam knew it was only hiding under the mask of weary detachment that he was wearing now.

"How long have you been out of the lake?" He asked.

Cas seemed oblivious to this as he showed some confusion

Amy answered for him: "It couldn't be more than a hour and a half."

"You're icy." He held up Cas' wrist as evidence.

Castiel remained unfazed. "Yes and you are very warm, Sam."

"We did offer dry clothes, but apparently, he likes it as is." Amy commented somewhere from the background.

Sam nodded with a displeased press of lips and then, Dean finally seemed to realize. "Cas, are you human now?"

Cas turned to Dean and nodded. "It seems I am so. I did tell you that I molded into my vessel's soul before."

"Yeah, but I was too busy thinking: 'you're alive' to think anything else."

Sam was mid-nod when he realized what Dean had just said (this almost counted as admitting his feelings in Sam's dictionary, which was healthy for Dean) and looked to his older brother with surprise. Dean seemed to be avoiding his eye and rubbing his neck nervously as he ducked his head.

Rory entered the scene just in time with the first aid kit then and Sam decided to let Dean go with his slip-up. He forced Cas first, to remove the wet and heavy suit who kept insisting: "But it's dry now, Sam." which it wasn't. It must seem like it, but it wasn't. Then, he asked Rory for some dry clothes for Cas who shrugged, muttering 'told him so' and walked away to get some dry clothes from who-knows-where in this huge and tiny box. Sam was still coming to grasp with the idea that he was actually inside a little blue box.

It certainly didn't fit in his brain or memory. It just seemed to be rejecting the idea vehemently. There's no such thing as aliens and a box that's bigger on the inside. And while we're at it, Time Lords.

God of Time, yes. He'd heard about those, but not Time Lords. What were Time Lords anyway? What was Gallifrey?

Sam decided to contemplate later on these subjects and instead, focused on treating the scratched line across Castiel's wrist. Some antiseptic, a big cotton covering the wound and it would all be better once the bleeding stopped.

"You know that when you're human, you can typically die of bleeding." Rory said offhandedly to Cas.

Castiel turned to look at Rory with a tilt of his head. "Yes, I am aware."

"Then, you should have said something, you idiot." Amy scolded in a tone that was a tad bit on the motherly side, making Sam and Dean exchange glances of I'm-so-weirded-out-dude-I-don't-even-know.

"I apologize." Castiel murmured. Once Sam was done with Cas' wrist, he gave it back and stood up.

"Okay, you're alright." Sam turned to look at where the Doctor was. The strange Time Lord was busy typing something up by the hub. He went to stand by the Doctor and asked, watching the Doctor work: "Did you get anything?"

Sam had no real hope for getting answers from these new strangers, but it was always good to cross it out of the many ways they could kill those evil sons-of-bitches.

"No," The Doctor answered, shaking his head slowly. Sam was about to let out a disappointed sigh when he noticed the Doctor give a shit-eating grin at the screen before turning it at Sam's direction.

Taken aback, Sam took a step away from him and questioned: "Are you okay?"

The one-minute maniacal grin faltered and a light expression swapped its place on the Doctor's face, who moved it towards Dean and the others while rambling: "Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be? I mean, this is brilliant. Actually, I don't think I should call it brilliant until I've seen the creatures with my own eyes, but these molecules, these cells that are in the black liquid are just- "

He paused, noticing Dean, who was looking warily at him and asked:

"What are you talking about?"

"My record doesn't have anything about it, but it seems like these- these Leviathans really can heal themselves and bleed black. I've never seen anything like it. Nine hundred years of traveling through time and I- well, this is very exciting!" The Doctor did look very excited. The glint of jubilant animation was pronounced in his eyes and Sam was reminded of times when he would react like this at the prospect of hunting demons and ghosts. Except he did it inside instead of out in the open. This alien certainly had no sense of self-consciousness. "Isn't it, Amy, Rory?"

Amy and Rory nodded. "Yup. Very exciting." Amy said dryly while giving a smile. Sam and her exchanged looks and she shrugged. Her eyes seemed to be saying that this was how the Doctor usually reacted to something horrifying and unfamiliar.

He looked over at Dean who grinned wide, nodding at the Doctor though, Sam could see mocking in his eyes. "Yeah. This will be fun."

"I must meet these creatures." The Doctor announced and began walking when Dean interjected:

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Whoa." Dean put his hands up to stop the Doctor right there. Sam crossed his arms and stared at the Doctor in disapproval. "You gonna go and meet those monsters just like that?"

"Well, yes." The Doctor admitted as if there was nothing wrong with that plan.

"You can't kill them. We've tried everything." Dean protested and when the Doctor didn't look convinced, he pointed at Cas. "A freaking angel of the lord drunk on thousands of souls couldn't hold them back. What do you think you can do against it?"

The Doctor's eyes were wide as he looked at Cas, who seemed to be looking at the ground and avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Well, I have ways." He explained ambiguously and added: "What do you mean souls?"

Dean blinked and some anger seemed to disappear off him. "Uh- the essence of someone, wasn't it?"


"The souls of humans or any demon have energy hidden in them that certain angels can use to recharge their 'fuel'." Castiel informed tonelessly from Amy and Rory's side.

They stared at him as his eyes flitted up and seemed to join with Dean's.

"You were an angel." the Doctor said as if recognizing something after all this time. "Did you- I mean-"

"Purgatory is a place where vampires and innate monsters who were born this way go when they die. It's no better than Hell. In Hell, of course, God trapped Lucifer to punish him for disobedience. In Purgatory, God trapped Leviathans for they were destructive and clever enough to end the world if they so wished." Castiel's face was unreadable as he said all this. His eyes fixed on Dean's, not wavering at all. Sam could cut the tension with a knife, it was so heavy. "I opened Purgatory's door. I consumed all the souls there and didn't realize there were Leviathans among them. They latched onto me. They... took over me." Here, the shame welled up again in the former angel's eyes and Cas looked away from his staring contest with Dean.

Sam watched as Dean swallowed and looked away too, his face conflicted and frowned.

"And that's how you ended up that way." Amy - the red-headed girl - concluded, breaking the icy atmosphere like it was not even there. "When we found you at the lake. You- You were led there by the Leviathans, right?"

"You hid your presence at the back of the vessel so, they wouldn't notice you." The Doctor finished with wonder in his tone. "I get it now." Then, he paused and added: "A bit, actually. All this supernatural stuff is a bit boggling in a way."

Sam raised his brows in inquiry while Dean snorted. "I get what you mean." Sam stopped the urge to roll his eyes at Dean's grin. "Not a man of faith, are you?"

The Doctor shook his head slowly, but Sam could see the clear lie it really was behind those old, veiled eyes.

"Figured." Dean said.

Suddenly, the Doctor whipped his body around and rose a finger. "So! Whose ready for another adventure?" He was grinning widely when Amy called for him. And so, he moved across the room to face Amy and Rory, where they stayed there discussing certain things softly amongst themselvves.

Dean leaned to Sam's side to comment as their hosts were busy at the moment: "He's crazy."

Sam grimaced. "So are we."

Dean looked scandalized and shout-whispered: "Dude. Do not compare me to that weird baby-toothed alien!"

That 'baby-toothed alien' was too busy talking to his companions so, he probably couldn't hear Dean, but Sam winced at him. "Dean." He said in warning. They were not in a familiar area that they could start insulting the owners of it. They had to tread carefully. Sam was sure that the Doctor wasn't a bad guy, call it gut-feeling, but they had nothing more to lose than themselves and they wouldn't be able to handle that.

Dean rolled his eyes and looked away, almost gasping as he came face-to-face with Cas, who had been standing by them for some time. "Cas! What the hell are you doing creeping behind us like a- like a-"

Cas only tilted his head slightly and Dean sighed, losing whatever he was about to say in the expelled breath. He looked over at his friend and blinked suddenly, "Wait. Baby." He said, panic abruptly jolting in his eyes.

"It'll be fine, Dean." Sam reassured, raking a hand through his hair as he watched the exit door to the thing with conflicted eyes. "The Leviathans shouldn't have anything to do with it."

Dean glared at him. "Yes, they do. Sam, they've gotten into our heads, remember? So if they know everything about us than they know our weakness is baby."

Sam didn't try to correct Dean about 'our' weakness, because he wasn't sure he was as attached to the Impala as Dean was. "We can't bring it here, though and the Doctor is talking about meeting the Leviathans- we still have to dispose off the body."

Dean and Sam exchanged looks, knowing what they had to do now.

"Is there something wrong?" Castiel asked, noticing their meaningful gazes.

Dean looked warily at his former-best friend. "You're coming with us, right, Cas?"

Castiel nodded seriously. "Of course, Dean."

"Then, it's decided. We're getting out of here." Dean made for the exit directly, but Sam held him there.

"Dean, we gotta tell them we're going." Sam insisted.

"You tell them."

Sam sighed and nodded, letting Dean go who took Cas along with him. Sam took his eyes off them only when he knew Dean had his gun out and that he was carefully getting out of the blue box. He also, had Cas in toe so, it wouldn't be a big problem. Cas may not be an angel anymore, but he would protect Dean at any cost. That much even Sam knew.

"Are you leaving?" the Doctor asked.

"Uh- yeah. We still have some work to do and Bobby might be wondering about us so," Sam put his hand out to shake the Doctor's, who took it slowly, eyes tracing Sam's curiously. "The Leviathans will come to check for the the one's head we just severed." Amy winced from her place beside Rory. "But you can't kill them so, if there are too many, just run. Take your spaceship and run."

"It's called Tardis." the Doctor said finally.

"Thanks for finding Cas." they took their hands away as Sam stepped back hastily, already going into hunter-mode with his hand going to the knife on his holster. "I'll see you around."

"We will see you later, Sam Winchester." the Doctor assured confidently. "And as for Castiel, he helped us find this new place that I never knew existed. So, yes, it has been my pleasure."

Sam chuckled and nodded his farewell to Amy and Rory before leaving, back to his brother and Cas.


The door to the Novak's house opened to let Amelia and Claire in. Claire's mother was holding onto Claire's arm tightly as she dragged her to the living room, her face furious. Claire blankly walked forward without resisting, her eyes void of emotions. She sat on the couch as her mother positioned her there and stared at the ground.

"What was that?" Her mother demanded, hovering above Claire's figure.


The rage tore off Amelia's face in a second as she knelt before her daughter and softened her face as she look her daughter's blank eyes in the eye. "Why did you do that?"

Claire didn't answer though, her face expressed sorrow in the furrow on her forehead.

"Claire." Amelia called softly, caressing her daughter's face as she tried to find any reason behind her daughter's stone-cold resistance. "Why would you run off like that?" she paused, thinking of a reason. Remembering the time Jimmy left like that. Without telling her. This was still Claire though. It wasn't some cold-hearted angel. She knew Claire's expressions well and this was very well Claire. But something had happened to make her like this.

After her father's disappearance the last time, Claire would get like this sometimes. She used to break down easier. Amelia first thought it was because Claire wanted attention and that's why, she acted like this. But now, it seemed that her resistance was getting harder and harder every time this happened. Amelia feared one day that the cold mask would become plastered to her daughter's face and it horrified her.

"Claire, please. What happened?" she questioned, moving a lock of hair behind her daughter's ears. "Sweetie?"

Claire looked up then. Slowly. Her eyes were still cold, but at least, she moved. Then, she spoke:

"Castiel called, mom."

Amelia stared at her, shocked and her heart thudding against her rib-cage like a ticking bomb.

"W-What did he call for? He said, he'd leave us alone for- for your father, right? Why would he call us now?"

Claire watched as Amelia tried to calm herself from all the accusations and bitter resentment that clouded her emotions. "He didn't- he wasn't calling me." Claire clarified. "He was just calling out."

"Calling out for what?" Amelia didn't know if it was just in Claire's head or not, but whatever it was, she wanted it to go away from their lives.

"For Dean." said Claire.

The corner of Amelia's mouth turned up and went down in a second. She looked down. "And so? He wasn't calling for you, so why would you-"

"I- I wanted to call him."

Amelia was getting a headache from all this stress and she backed away from her daughter, sitting straight. "For who, sweetie?"

"For Castiel. I want to meet him again."

"So, he can take over you?"


Amelia stood up. "After what your father sacrificed for you, so you wouldn't ever have to suffer what he has to-"

"MOM." Claire bolted on her feet as well, glaring.

"What?" Her mother demanded, fire in her eyes.

"I only want to see him."

"Why would you want that?"

"I want to."

"Well, good thing you can't get what you want. You're grounded." Her mother said, rubbing off residue tears from her eyes briskly as she turned away.

Claire stared hard at her back as her nose flared. "I hate you!" she yelled out. "You don't know what it's like, not knowing. Just pretending to be a normal family when we're NOT. What if I don't want this life for us? What if I want to be a part of their world?"

"I'll say, you're going insane."

Claire opened her mouth to retort, but looking at her mother's resolute eyes, she stopped. She wouldn't understand. She was still living in a world where demonic possessions, ghosts, angels and hunters didn't exist. Claire wasn't like that.

She was different. She knew it existed and she wanted to be a part of it.


"Why'd you let them go?" Amy asked with her arms crossed, watching the door speculatively. The Doctor turned round and walked to the hub again, staring at the screen.

"Because." The Doctor said. His face had a new mysterious wonder about him. Amy and Rory noticed this and Amy was about to slap herself for not noticing sooner.

"Okay, what do you really think of them?" she asked. Rory looked between the two of them shabbily.

"They're dangerous." the Doctor murmured, eyes going downward.

Amy's eyebrows rose though she didn't look surprised. "Yeah, well, those weapons they held kinda pointed it out for me." she snorted. "They were cute though, in a buff monster-hunting kinda way."

Rory gave her an exasperated look and she gave a slight smirk before walking to the Doctor, putting a hand over his shoulder. "Are you afraid of them?"

"I have no idea." he answered.

"So, how come you think they're dangerous?"

"I can feel it. When I met them. When I touched that boy's hand- I saw something."

"Saw something? Like a vision? Like the vision I had of Castiel when he was trying to call out?"

"I imagine, yes. Maybe." The Doctor turned towards her, face held with reflection. "How was your vision like?"

"Clear-cut. White. Minute-flashes. I don't know." she shrugged.

"Were his memories grotesque or ugly, in some way?" He questioned.

She gave him a weird look. "No." she studied him, considering. "Why? What did you see?"

"Would it be melodramatic of me to say: hell?" He confessed with a nervous smile.

She stared at him silently.

"Castiel was saying something about Hell too." Rory interjected the silent tension wound around them.

"So, he wasn't being metaphorical." Amy concluded dryly. "That's comforting."

A corner of the Doctor's lip turned up for a second before it faltered. "The question- the important question is: why are we having all these visions? Why did Castiel's voice reach space? Was it just his desperate plea to be heard that it echoed in space too? Or was it something else?"

"What else would it be? I mean, angels; they're big enough to do this, right?"

"I'm not so sure." when the Doctor had looked upon Cas and his human friends, he had not seen a noble, high-ranking creature above these humans. He had looked weak. Just because the power had left him bereft, did it really mean that an angel of that high a power would look that weak? Those slumped shoulders spoke of weary despair and one more thing: helplessness. What was the real story behind this?

Doctor was so interested by all this that he knew he would meet the Winchesters and their angel-companion again. But first, he had to witness the Leviathans by his own eyes.

So, he waited with his human companions in the Tardis which was invisible to the naked eye and watched from the tardis' camera the input of outside images.

It was mere minutes before he saw those horrendous monsters; looking like civilized humans for a long time until one of them opened their mouth and showed their true form. The Doctor, despite being dumb-founded by the unexpected appearance of such a beast on earth, instructed the tardis to take images of the Leviathan's form so, he could later research it by himself. The waves of magnetic energy rolling off of them was terrifying and one time, one of the Leviathans came close enough to the Tardis to make the Doctor fear. He shushed Amy and Rory with a half-scared look and watched as the Leviathans left when they saw no sign of the Winchesters.

"So, it's true then." Amy finally said to break the tense silence they had been immersed into from the presence of those beasts.

Unusual beasts, they were.

"Leviathans." The Doctor murmured under his breath and decided that he'd now have to research myths and stories about these creatures and more.

He was never more interested in Demonology or religious authorities than he was now.