See bottom! ;)

Victim three and four: The Dog Days are Over.

Mercedes and Mike meet me at my locker, their little cop escorts following them. All of us have been assigned a watch dog to make sure we don't get murdered. I am being smothered. I feel like some soft core porn star when ever Mike and I want to kiss. But at least we don't have it as bad as Rachel. Her dad's got the police to give her two since she's the one to have found both bodies. Anyone of us could have told them that Puck was worth 4 body gaurds. I swear, that boy has not left Rachel's side in the 3 weeks since Quinn died. Glee has kept going, but we've already dropped out of Regionals. It hurt too much to have to think about replacing the other two. We've become a musical support group.

We walk in silence to Mike's class room, and he kisses me goodbye. He murmurs, "Not long now, babe. They said they'd call them off in a month." I nod and kiss his cheek again. We walk off and Mercedes leans over, "So how was meeting that boy from Dalton last night?" I laugh and bump her hip with mine, "He is amazing and he's got the biggest," I glance at our guards and drag her into the bathroom. They wait dutifully outside. Cedes smiles mischievously at me. "He's got the biggest what?" I wink at her and she cackles loudly. "Are you gonna meet up with him again, or find some other poor sucker?" I shrug, "I don't know yet."

There is a noise outside the door, and then the bell rings. I swear and grab my purse. When we get outside, the hall ways are empty. Cedes wrinkles her brow, "Where are they?" I look around. "I don't know, but we need to get to class." A shiver goes up my spine and I feel the sudden need to get out of where we were fast. I look at Cedes and see her whisper, "Run."

We run down the hallway and I can hear the killer behind us. Mercedes is panting and slowing down. I lose sight of her and hear a sickly gurgle. I freeze for a second and hear not one, but two voices singing, "The dog days are over, the dog days are done." Then, I feel the knife slip between my ribs and I fall to the floor. I see the blood seeping out on the floor and my hand struggles to write out a message. A heavy foot crushes my hand, and blackness covers my vision.


This time, it is several screams that tear through the hallways of McKinley. Two more of new directions singers are dead and bloody. Mr. Schue finds out before any of the others and he calls all his kids to his classroom. It is Rachel who notices the other two's absence. "Mr. Schuester, where are Tina and Mercedes?" His face falls and she stammers, "NO! No! th-they there sick today! They can't be gone!" Puck moves to her and holds on to her. Mike sits there in shock, unmoving. Santana rubs a sobbing Brittany's back. She looks at Mr. Schue, "What was the message?" He shakes his head, "They ran for their Mother, but not fast enough. Who's Next?"

Sorry it took so long and that this one isn't that good. I was busy with school work and stuff. My schools winter formal was last night, and I was on the planning committee, so I had barely anytime! But anyway, this marks the end of this format. From now on, it will be written from Rachel's point of view. Now, I know how many people have put this on alert, and how many people have favorited this story. I need you to review, because they help me with this story. Anyone who has any questions can message me!