I continue to struggle with "iLove You" no, not the way guys who are scared to commit do, heck, I tell women I love them all the time. If you have ever ridden the bus with me you've probably heard me say it (and if you are the one who called the cops—hey, totally, my bad). No, I'm talking about the episode, "iLove You." I don't know if you watched it, but maybe some of you are in the same boat. I think Sam said it best at the end of "iLose My Mind" when she said: "So now what?"

Anyway, I thought I would try turning out something that addresses my concerns. You are reading the prologue of a multi-chapter story. Like most stories I write I have only a rough idea of where it will take me. The goal is to have a good time and maybe take some folks with me.

This one is me trying something new for me. I hope you stick around to see where we go.

Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly, but I imagine it generates a fair amount of money for whoever does. What I'm saying is: I would spend that money. Yeah buddy, oh the things I'd buy! If you think I'm insufferable now…

Okay, FanFic folk, are you ready to read one? Let's go…

iLove You So Now What?

Prologue: Have You Heard the News?

The news of the break-up spread through the speed of 21st century technology. Texts, blogs, RSS feeds all carried the word. Sam and Freddie—Seddie had concluded. It expanded to two basic camps and then exploded into lots of sub-camps under each. The first basic camp was Ridgeway/Seattle made up of the people who actually knew Sam and Freddie. Their reactions were mixed with no clear majority.

Mrs. Marisa Benson: I'm just so glad he unloaded that gutter girl. Fredbear has too much potential.

DeShawn (Basketball) Benson: The games people play. It's old school brother, old school.

Gibby Gibson: I really hope she goes back to hitting him. Nothing against Freddie, but I've been bruised and limping because Sam needed some outlet for her natural meanness. I am not an outlet!

Spencer Shay: I'm not surprised that they broke-up but I don't think it's over, either. Those two have something powerful going on, always have. I smell something burning. No really, look over there!

T-Bo: Man, kids do stuff to each other. Crazy stuff. They just kids! I seen things that would knock you out! This is what kids do. They get together and break-up. It's soap opera, drama is part of high school.

Janice Bruckner: Mmmm. Freddie Benson. That vampire voice he does. It that future truck driver Puckett is dumb enough to let him go, he's mine.

Principal Ted Franklin: While I do not as rule comment on the personal relationship choices of students I must confess I was very pleased when Freddie and Sam began dating. I have thought they seemed very well suited for each other with each bringing needed characteristics for the opposite number. Relationships are however, by their nature highly illogical and are therefore subject to these kinds of disruptions.

Richard Avalon: Some things are supposed to be. What matters most is how we react.

Neville Papperman: I love it! I only wish I had caused it! Can you guess which rumors I started? I told them they would rue the day!

Dr. Timothy Dickman: Like all of us, Samantha Puckett has unresolved issues. Answers for her will be found in confronting those issues not running away.

Randy Charmin: Sam Puckett is really pretty but she's deadly! Benson is lucky he got out when he did.

Melanie Puckett: Oh Sam. Freddie is adorable. What did you do?

Pam Puckett: Who's Freddie?

Carly Shay: It's so sad! They worked so hard. I don't get it. They got past the tough parts. They don't talk about it too much but something feels wrong when I see them now. What I regret most is putting it on the show blog. I should know better than to put personal stuff on that, but fans had written in about how the show had changed since the really short show with the "Should Freddie and Sam date?" poll where I basically got them together in the first place. Anyway I wanted to explain where the show was at. If people have the facts they can make better judgments. Some fans didn't like the show after the dating started. It's true, we missed a show, and Freddie seemed really focused on Sam like with the Super Bra video. But maybe getting the fans involved was a mistake. Some of them seem to care too much about our personal lives. It's just a show.

The fans. That was the second significant camp with many sub groups and things got out of hand. Ridgeway/Seattle had its share of rumors but nothing loves a rumor like the Internet. The fans really let their imaginations run with the break-up. "Teams" formed around each reported reason for the break-up: Freddie cheated, Sam cheated, Sam was Pregnant, Sam was gay, Freddie was gay, Sam was Bi Polar, Freddie was into drugs, Sam was a cutter, Freddie hit Sam (that one sparked LOTS of discussion threads, with folks who thought she had it coming, versus those who said it couldn't happen because she'd pulverize him, with a few fans discussing in extremely ungraceful terms just how big a wuss Freddie really was) even the Freddie was pregnant reason took off with various fans doing ViewTube skits about Freddie's freakish condition. Production values were low and the humor was sophomoric. They got more hits than they deserved.

Across all camps, while the reactions ran the range from traumatized to indifferent, the only thing that was clear was this: Sam and Freddie as a romantic pairing had concluded. All anybody had left was their imagination. The truth, as is often the case, was elusive, very complicated and did not lend itself to easy explanation. In fact, nobody knew what the truth was. As we will see, not even Sam and Freddie.


Lemme know what you thought if you get a minute. Not saying you have to write for a whole minute. Regardless, I will try to "update soon." Next up: Freddie's version.