This is my first fanfic so please take it easy on me.

(NOTE: Giotto and the others are the tenth generation Vongola Famiglia)

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR *sob* T_T

HOPE you like it XD

Chapter 1: First reason

It was a peaceful day at the Vongola mansion.

"Now remember, go to sleep early and don't go outside ok." Said Giotto while holding his cute little Tsuna. "Yes papa" replied Tsuna with a smile, then Giotto kissed Tsuna's forehead.

"Takeshi, keep on practicing on how to use your sword alright?" said Asari while patting Takeshi's head. "Hai~" said Takeshi happily.

"OI! DON'T YOU DARE BRING DYNAMITES TO SCHOOL AGAIN YOU LITTLE BRAT!" shouted G while staring at his son, Hayato. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO OLD MAN! I ONLY FOLLOW JUUDAIME!" replied Hayato. They both stared at each other…both angry at each other.

"Hn" grunted Alaude, "Hn" replied Kyoya. Like father like son

"Nufufufu~ now Mukuro, I will leave you to protect Chrome alright." said Deamon. "Kufufufu~ of course father, leave it to me. Chrome will be safe with me." Mukuro said with confidence. "Father b-be s-s-safe." Chrome said shyly. Deamon smiled.

"RYOHEI! KEEP ON TRAINING TO THE EXTREME!" shouted Knuckles, "OF COURSE UNCLE! I NEED TO BE STRONG TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei replied loudly. Everyone almost had their eardrums explode.

"OI! ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY OUR EARS TURF-TOP!" shouted Hayato at Ryohei. "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY TO THE EXTREME OCTOPUS-HEAD!" shouted Ryohei at Hayato. The two were now arguing with each other. Tsuna tried to stop them, the two couldn't say no because of those puppy dog eyes looking at them.

"Bye everyone!" all parents said while waving goodbye to their children. "Bye!" replied all of their children. Their parents had an appointment with another family to have an alliance. Lampo was at his father's mansion together with Lambo.

~~After 1 hour~~

"I'm bored." Said Takeshi while staring his sword. Everyone was feeling the same way. The mansion was quiet since their fathers have left. "OI! I'M BORED TO THE EXTREME!" shouted Ryohei. "SHUT UP TURF-TOP, YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE!" Hayato was so pissed because his dynamites were confiscated by his father. Ryohei suddenly kept on shouting "I'M BORED! I'M BORED! I'M BORED TO THE EXTREME!". "OI~! SHUT THE HELL UP TURF-TOP, OUR EARS ARE GONNA EXPLODE!". Hayato was now so very pissed, he wanted to kill him. When he can't control his temper any longer he chased Ryohei. Ryohei ran as far as he could, "OI, COME BACK HERE AND LET ME KICK YOUR ASS TURF-TOP!" shouted Hayato angrily, "NO WAY TO THE EXTREME!". Tsuna followed them saying "Hayato-nii, Ryohei-nii please stop fighting!". Takeshi got worried at what might happen to Tsuna so he followed them as well.

Mukuro and Hibari were left in the room, they were realising a huge murderous aura. They were resisting on fighting each other because if Tsuna sees them he might cry, the both of them didn't want to see and make their little cute nephew cry. Both of them loved Tsuna. "Kufufufu~I'll just watch television." Said Mukuro, you could see his eye was twitching cause he really wanted to kill Hibari. When Mukuro opened the Television, he searched for an interesting show. Suddenly he came to a channel where there was a man and a woman doing something on the bed. (NOTE: Their butler was helping the maids clean the mansion.)

The two (Hibari and Mukuro) got interested in the show, they sat there and watched.

~The Show~

"Ahhhhh…. P-please go f-faster…" the girl moaned.

The man smirked "As you wish." He thrusted his member faster as it went in and out of her hole. His pace was getting faster and deeper at each thrust.

"Ahhhhhhhh! More, m-more~ go even d-deeper. Ah!" the girl moaned in pleasure.

"I'm going to cum!" the boy grunted. "Yes fill me, f-fill me with your love… AH!" the girl said. The boy couldn't take it anymore, after a few seconds he came inside her.

~In reality~

The two boys blushed (actually Hibari just stared with wide eyes). They were still staring at the show, on how the boy pleases the girl. After that show, there was show about marriage life, both of them saw the process of a couple and what couples do.

They turned off the television, at the same time Tsuna and the others came back. Hibari and Mukuro have just witnessed the reality of the cruel world. But the two noticed at the show, the couple was happy no matter how many hardships they have to overcome and in death they were smiling while holding their hands. While observing they suddenly thought of Tsuna. "It would be nice if I can do dose things to Tsuna." Hibari thought to himself. Mukuro was thinking "I would love those things to happen with me and Tsuna". The two glared at each other saying "Tsunayoshi is mine so don't touch him" that was the day when those two already planned their future….with Tsuna.

~ Cavallone residence~

Dino had also watched the show (coincidentally) and immediately thought of Tsuna and blushed, he also planned his future…..with Tsuna

Since that day, the three started reading books on how to get the one you love. They studied about the kinds of kisses, positions, places, and many more.

How was it? I really hope it doesn't suck but, this is my first fanfic after all. Please review. :D