Heyy guys this is my first fanfic. This story is kinda sorta based on the movie freaky Friday but it's not completely the same thing. This idea has been banging around in my head for a while so to get it out of my head I had to get it on rambling… So here it goes….

Oh and this Disclaimer: I do not own degrassi

Eli's POV

I just got home from The Dot with Clare. We went to The Dot every day after school cause what boyfriend doesn't want to spend all his time with his girlfriend. When I got home I kicked off my black vans then went to my, now clean, room. I can thank Clare for that. I glanced at my iphone dock and it said 4:49. I dropped my backpack on my bed and left my room. I'd start my homework later. I walked down stairs to the basement and turned on my Xbox. Of course Adam's screen name popped up. I swear that kid spends way too much time with Xbox. We played Call of Duty: Black Ops for a while until I got bored of being killed.

I went back up to my room to do my homework. Mrs. Stone, my trigonometry teacher, went easy on us as far as homework goes. As for French, I can't say the same. Madame told us to translate four whole pages of sentences. Mrs. Dawes assigned us to read chapters four thru six for homework but I already read it in class.

Crap. I thought to myself. It's pouring down rain, thundering, lighting and all that good stuff. I ran up to my room and slipped on my black hoodie then my leather jacket on top of my hoodie. I walked over to my desk and ran my finger over the track pad on my laptop to see if I had any new emails. Nope. Nada. No new messages. I went back down stairs, slipped on my shoes, popped my hood on top of my head, and sped walked to my dad's car where my parents were waiting.

Turns out Clare was at the restaurant too. I pulled out my iphone and texted her. Crap. My battery is going to die soon.

Hey babe. – Eli

Whats up Eli – Clare

Look to your left… 3 tables down ;) – Eli

*gasp* I see you ;D– Clare

Small world huh, Clare-bear – Eli

Eli I gotta go my battery is gonna die and my parents are gonna yell at me- Clare

Mine too… I'll call you from my house phone later, okay? – Eli

Sounds good baby – Clare

I looked out the restaurant's window and saw that it had stopped storming.

"Weird. The storm stopped" I said to no one in particular

"Your right, baby boy. That is weird"

"The storms are commin' back later though. At least that what the weather guy said" Bullfrog replied.

When I hopped out of my dad's car after dinner I ran upstairs to the bathroom so I could shower before I called Clare. My dad yelled behind me saying

"Have a bad taco at the restaurant, son?"

"No dad! I just have to shower"

I closed the door to the bathroom as I realized I left my towel in my room from the night before. So I went back in my room and jammed my iphone onto its dock so it could charge. I peeled my clothes off from today then tied my towel around my waist and walked down the hallway to the bathroom to take my shower.

Clare's POV

After I got home from The Dot with Eli, I went up to my room and sat down at my desk and I opened up the internet. I turned on my favorite Pandora station and checked my email. One message. But it was just an advertisement for a sale at my favorite clothing store. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked down at the screen and it said one new message from Alli. It was just her saying hi. My I looked in the upper left hand corner of the screen and saw my battery was pretty much drained, because Eli and I text 24/7, so I told Alli to IM me. I plugged my phone into its charger and sat back down at my desk and kicked my flats off my feet and wiggled my toes and realized that I needed to paint my toe-nails.

Alli-b63: heyy Clare bear

Clare-e23: whats up alls

Alli-b63: just listening to music… online shopping… IM-ing you, jenna and dave. And you…

Clare-e23: sounds exciting… I am listening to music and IM-ing you

Alli-b63: sounds .like quite a night ya got there… srry clare but I gotta go my parents are super strict about technology and think we need "family time"

Clare-e23: its fine… see ya tomarrow

My mom poked her head in the door and said that we are going out for dinner tonight around seven-ish. My mom has been a lot happier since the divorce had been finalized. And I was happier because she was happier. I turned my head towards the lower right hand corner of my laptop and it read 5:30.

I stared down at my toes and decided to paint them now. I grabbed a light blue nail polish bottle from my vanity. I hopped of my computer chair and sat on my bed. I brought my knees up to my chest and placed one paper towel under each foot. I carefully glided the tiny brush over each toe and repeated for the second coat. I decided to paint my fingernails. Since my toes were still wet I had to waddle to the bathroom to get the polish remover. I carefully plopped down on my bed. My finger nails were stripped of the previous color which was hot pink. My nails were now a light blue but something was missing. My sister, Darcy, got me little tubes of glitter for Christmas last year. I sprinkled the dark blue glitter particles onto my still wet fingernails. I wiggled my fingers in the air to dry the polish. I tentatively poked my big toe nail to reveal that it was dry. I picked up a black fine point sharpie and wrote Eli's name on my big toe and drew hearts on my other four toe nails and repeated it on my right foot. My toes were now perfect.

My laptop now read 6:47. I decided to pick out my outfit. Oh gosh. Skirt or jeans? Blouse or tee? I yelled down stairs to my mother.

"MOM! What restaurant are we going to?"

"Little Miss Stakes" she replied calmly. I didn't realize she was on the living room couch.

"Thanks, mom"

I decided to wear dark wash skinny jeans and a white three quarter sleeve shirt with a black lace pattern on it. I slipped on my flats from earlier today and looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. I glanced out the window and saw it storming so I grabbed a black hoodie that I "borrowed" from Eli. I wiggled my cell phone outta the charger and put it in my pocket. My mom was grabbing her purse and car keys as I was coming down the stairs.

*after dinner*

Eli's POV

I got out of the shower and slipped on an old Dead Hand concert shirt and black and white plaid pajama pants. I went to my laptop and saw that Clare wasn't online so I texted her. I waited 15 minutes and she didn't respond so I texted Adam. That boy is a techie in the making.

Hey man- Eli

Whats going on- Adam

Just about nothing… and yourself- Eli

Being forced to watch sports with drew- Adam

Sucks to be you- Eli

What was the HW for Dawes- Adam

Read chapters 14-16- Eli

Ah okay thanks dude- Adam

No prob- Eli

Clare's POV

When I got home from dinner with my mom I went upstairs to shower before bed. When I got out of the shower, I realized that Eli had texted me while I was in the shower so I IM'd him saying that I was in the shower. And to tell him to call the house phone. I put on a sports bra, tank top and athletic shorts for my pajamas. I went down stairs to grab the house phone and not even half way back up the stairs Eli called. We talked into the wee hours. Which probably wasn't smart considering the storm and my algebra test tomorrow. We talked about everything from sea creatures to his life before degrassi to penguins. Then a huge clap of thunder rattled my house and then I saw green lightning. Eli told me he saw and felt the exact same thing. I looked over at my digital clock and it said 11:55 and decided to hit the hay and say good night to Eli. He yawned and said g'nite back to me.

Around midnight I felt something shift I wasn't sure what it was but I ignored it and didn't open my eyes.

Eli's POV

Around midnight I felt something shift I wasn't sure what it was but I ignored it and didn't open my eyes.

In the morning I sat up in an orange room with pink floral sheets around me and relied this is Clare's room. I was in the room alone. I looked at Clare's phone and it had a text from an unknown number saying "you're stuck like this for a week hehe" I looked down and saw clares body. All I could think was what the heck?

I grabbed Clare's hand mirror thingy and put it up to my face or her face. I saw her pale white skin and slightly disheleved curls. But something was off. She had my greeny hazely eyes. that's weird.

Clare's POV

In the morning I sat up in a black room with dark blue sheets around me and realized this is Eli's room. I was in the room alone. I looked at Eli's phone and it had a text from an unknown number saying "you're stuck like this for a week hehe" I looked down and saw Eli's body. All I could think was what the heck?