Sorry this took so long to update. I'm not completely comfortable writing smut so I hope I didn't do too bad a job of it. Reviews are always appreciated.

"No peeking!" Peyton insists as she gets out of her car and changes into her cheerleading uniform.

"Ok, open up," she says when she is done changing.

Lucas opens his eyes and is surprised to see her wearing her uniform. He is even more confused when he realizes they are parked outside the high school.

"What are we doing at school? Didn't we already graduate?" he asks.

"Follow me," she instructs with a grin.

She leads him to one of the outdoor tables close to the gym.

"I remember before you joined the basketball team you used to always be at this table reading when we got out of cheer practice," she says.

"You noticed?" Lucas asks, surprised.

"Maybe," she says coyly. "So I was wondering...did that have anything to do with the fact that you used to watch me?"

Lucas suddenly goes beet red and chuckles with embarrassment.

"Maybe," he admits. Peyton grins, amused at how adorable he is being. "So what did you used to fantasize about?" she asks seductively.

"What? Oh no...we cannot do this here!" he says as he realizes where she's going with this.

"Oh come's 3 in the morning and it's summer. There's nobody around. Besides, it's not like they can expel us or give us detention."

"You do have a point," Lucas concedes. He can't deny how turned on he is at this point.

"So tell me...did you used to fantasize about this?" she asks, striding over confidently and sitting down in his lap facing him.

"Maybe," he says coyly, still a little shy.

"What about this?" she asks before capturing his lips with hers.

"Oh yeah," he says. He wraps his arms around her back and deepens the kiss.

"And this?" she asks as she peels off his undershirt and kisses his chest in the process.

"Mmm, hmmm..." he groans, quickly losing the ability to speak coherently.

"And this?" she asks, jumping up and sitting on the table above him so that her legs are dangling in his face. "Oh have no idea," he says hungrily, rubbing and kissing as much of her legs as he can reach. "So sexy," he murmurs as he runs his hands up and down her legs adoringly. Peyton groans as he turns around and starts working his way up her legs with his mouth, bunching her skirt up to give him better access.

"Did you used to imagine I'd do this?" Peyton asks as she whips her shirt off. Lucas nods eagerly. He jumps up onto the table next to her and starts running his hands all over her body, kissing anywhere and everywhere he can get his lips on.

He kisses her hungrily on the lips, then sucks on her neck and the skin just above her low-cut black bra. After a minute, he reaches around and unsnaps the bra, sliding it off her shoulders. He pulls her legs onto his lap so he can stroke them and tease her as he sucks softly on her breasts.

After a few minutes of this, she sits back down on the bench below the table and starts pulling his sweatpants and boxers off.

"Did you used to imagine this?" she asks with a twinkle in her eye as she licks the underside of his shaft.

"Oh g-d...hell yes!" he admits, grabbing a handful of her curly hair and bunching it up as she takes him in her mouth. "I dreamed about much," he admits, gasping repeatedly at how amazing it is to see her act out his teenage fantasy.

Peyton smiles, flattered by his revelation.

Eventually, he pulls her head away, not wanting it to be over too soon.

He hops off the table and kisses her hungrily, then lifts her up onto the table and stands in front of it. He kisses her again and then tilts her back and slowly pushes into her. "Oh g-d...Luke," she moans, throwing her head back and wrapping her legs around him.

He runs his hands up and down her back, burying his head in the crook of her neck in that spot he knows drives her wild.

She leans back on her elbows, giving him an amazing view of her upper body. "You're so beautiful," he gasps as he continues to drive inside her.

He leans forward and lifts her body up a little closer to him, giving his mouth access to her chest and neck.

"Wow. That was amazing," he says as they catch their breaths. He pulls her into his lap and drapes the blanket he brought around them.

"As good as your fantasies?" she teases.

"Mmmm...ten times better," he admits unabashedly. She grins as he pulls her into a passionate kiss. He's so happy, but at the same time he's feeling a pang in his heart, knowing that in less than two weeks they'll be a whole country apart.