Hi i luv niki4444 is now writing...

...Being Free!

Read, Review, and above all else Enjoy!

Okay so I know I was going to have it rated T but I don't know where this will go so I' m giving M just in case. ;) Sorry if you wanted T!

Summery: She was different. She lived to fight; fought to live. Atem lived a half life, but he knew power when he saw it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Inuyasha as of now...but..

far off voice: Shut it and start the story everyone's been waiting for!

BIG Thanks to ThePandaHat who helped me figure out where to start this story :D (Atem or Past Atem)



Feudal Era



The wind blew past, the branches swung back and forth cutting a desperately running girl in the face, arms, legs, and stomach.

She had picked quite a night to follow Inuyasha. To find him with his clay figurine. To watch as he slowly draped her down and laid with her.

It wouldn't have been as bad if Kikyo hadn't known she would follow. Hadn't known she would see him with her. And hadn't set up a barrier that prevented her from moving and him from seeing her.

Her eyes... even they could not move, could not close as the couple slowly and deliberately declothed one another. As he... no she could not continue that thought, Kagome couldn't bear to! She had seen to much, heard to much, smelled to much.

She had watched as Kikyo asked. "What of my reincarnation?" And had waited with baited breath for his answer, all hope crashing and horror taking its place as Inuyasha stated. "She doesn't matter. She's just a jewel detector. She is nothing. She cannot compare to you in beauty, scent, or power. She is but a weak, needy, bitch."

She had tryed to cry but nothing came. She had tryed to call for help. She had silently screamed at him as he allowed Kikyo to drag him into the deepest pits of hell. She had waited, she had watched, and she had broken. As the earth closed over the hole... the fire, she had noticed a glint on the ground.

And a notebook with an arrow through one of the holes holding it to a tree not far from it. As she approached what she could only guess was a steel object.

Stopping as she recognized it. The Tetsusaiga sat not far from her, it was half transformed; half out of its sheath. 'But why?...' she had wondered, when it clicked. She had ran to the diary and started to read the last page with tears running down her cheeks.

The 27th day, The 11th full moon, of my 3rd awakened year.

Dear my sweet lovable Kagome,

I know I have hurt you... and I can understand if you will never forgive me. But... I have realized my mistake, I have realized my fortune.

With you all I have ever had to be is myself, but Kikyo... she could not accept me because of my heritage, because I'm a hanyou she refused to love me.

I have compared you to Kikyo all this time and I never understood what I was doing, how I was tormenting your soul. It wasn't until we came upon Midoriko's cave that I knew something I had never dared even let my mind consider.

I guess my brother is right I am weak, but I doubt its because I'm half human... no you have proved that assumption wrong my vixen. You're so strong, so spirited... but lets not talk of that yet.

I have asked many a time for you to take this damn rosary off. But in truth I know I don't deserve that luxury, you need this rosary. If you did not have your 'precious' then I would be wild and I would have killed you.

Key word my love, WOULD HAVE. I have come to a conclusion lately and that is that I Inuyasha Taisho love you with every fiber of my being. I know you Kagome, you would forgive me for my sin, for my heartlessness, but I cannot allow that.

So I have decided, I will go to hell where I belong... but I'm far from suicidal. I have not the nerve to take my own life so I will let Kikyo take it for me.

She will not know, she will never know. HEHE! Can you see it dearest? Her stupid, ugly face if she found out I'm smarter than people give me credit for? THAT I HAVE A BRAIN! Oh I'm laughing so hard I feel tears Kags! But I cannot cry I...

Kagome had by now started dripping tears on the paper, she could not continue on. 'He doesn't sound like himself. Why is he being so gentleman like? And he put the date on it! So according this it was... November 27, 3 years since the awakening. (lets just say 500 years in the past)

She was about to close the diary when she noticed something yet again. Part of it had different handwriting. More feminine handwriting.

Dear Kagome,

Well wasn't that sweet huh BITCH! Oh I wonder how Inuyasha will feel when he knows that I understand completely! If he ever figures it out.


I must wonder when he became so kind though. It was Disgusting. The thought that he could ever compare me to you.

I admit I only read a few sentences before I stopped for fear of throwing up... which I feel must be extremely hard for one such as me to do... I must apologise Kagome.

Ever since I was brought back I feel as though I am not one but 2 people. No not in the aspect that you are thinking of I understand the difference between us.

But the souls of the women are fighting my soul... my regrets and my hatred that is. At times I am almost happy and then ,but a few minutes later I hate everything around me.

I feel that it is the joy of the womens souls that brings me this. The soul relives all its happy memories, and then it runs out and I'm brought back to my hatred and dispair!

I wish that I could be alive again... be myself again so I can apologise to both and you and Inuyasha. I have done so much to my dear hanyou and I am about to do so much more. But you must understand Kagome, I must bring him to hell. If I do not my soul will never...

Your such an ugly girl. I don't see what my Inuyasha liked about you so very much. You're so normal, you are so weak...

Oh I must again apologise for my rudeness. I did not mean such a terrible thing! I... I cannot do this anymore Kagome! I must bring Inuyasha with me! The hatred has come up with a plan and I'm scared that my mind could even come up with such a thing! I'm suppose to be pure... not evil. But I will do it all the same.

I will put Inuyasha under a spell, and he will do all I command then we will mak...

Kagome closed the diary with a slam. And she ran unwilling to accept the dark truth of things. And that was how she ended up like she was now. Running not caring about the trees, or the branches, or the rocks.

She cried heavily as she jumped down the well. She quickly climbed the latter. Running with her face in her hands...that was until she bumped into someone. "Ughf!" She fell to the ground along with the other person. "Sorry." She managed to sob out. "Hey are you okay... whats wrong?" Glancing up she found the concerned face of a boy not much younger than her. He had 3 different colors of hair. Blonde in front, then a layor of black, and lastly red... and it was all spiky. He had innocent voilet eyes and was wearing a blue suit with a black shirt underneath and sneakers. "Fi Fineee its n no nothing." She stuttered still crying. "Gotta goooo.!" She got up and ran to her room.




'I didn't get her name'

'Yugi!' ' Oh hey Atem! Whats wrong?' ' Its... that girl, she intrigues me.' 'Atem... you just met her! How can she intrigue you?'

'She is different... she holds so much power. It could be dangerous, I haven't felt this much power since all 7 of the Millennium

items were together... except her's is pure.'

'well she seemed kind of sad and lonely, not dangerous.' Atem sighed. 'Please befreind this girl Yugi... I wish to understand her.'

' But won't we be using her.' Atem rolled his eyes. 'You don't have to pretend to be her freind, just be there.'

'Fine.. I'll do my best.


Okay I understand that probably wasn't what you were expecting, and why do I say that you ask. Because I didn't expect IT! But don't worry I have it covered. I understand completly what I'm doing. So you should get a LOT of Atem/Yugi/Kagome interaction next chapter... freindship that is.