Disclaimer: I do not own The Avengers, Captain America, Iron Man or Thor

A/N: This is based off movies, not the comics. Any coincidental comic facts are by accident. This is not intended to be considered canon in any way, shape, or form. It was written because I had way to much on my mind. Just enjoy it for being a story. It says move/comic crossover because Iron Man is not listed as a movie (God only knows why) NOT BECAUSE THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE COMIC. Also, I am not saying if this is slash or not. You decide. And if you don't like this story because of that, then STOP READING. The only arm I am twisting is my own, to get all my updates done in a timely manner.

Tony and Steve stood at the top of the Empire State Building, alone in a crowd of strangers. Tony said there were SHIELD operatives about and Steve believed him. "It's been a long six months," Tony said as they leaned on the railing and stared out at their city.

"It hasn't been boring," Steve replied, staring down the side of the building.

"I wasn't sure we'd make it, sometimes," Tony admitted.

"This is us," Steve said, "we win because we have to."

Tony bumped his shoulder lightly, "I didn't think you wanted to make it." He said quietly.

It was the first direct statement Tony had ever made about Steve's state of mind. "Six months ago, I didn't," Steve admitted. "You changed that."

"I didn't do anything," Tony said sharply.

It was an argument Steve knew he would lose. Tony hated it when people acknowledged things he did, outside of his technological skills. Instead, he changed the subject, "I've been approved to watch movies of the 21st century now. I was wondering if you could recommend some good ones?"

"We'll do a marathon," Tony replied and Steve could practically hear Tony's mind racing through the movies they could watch, and which ones Tony had conned the team into letting Steve see before he should.

"You're a good man, Tony Stark," Steve said in a quiet but firm tone. "A very good man."

"Don't say things like that," Tony replied, "you'll ruin my reputation."

Steve laughed.