
Time passed by slow for the mourning couple, Kazumi was stressed when she discovered that her twin died and lost the battle of cancer. She grieved about it for days that turned into weeks but eventually tried to move on and thought of what her brother would want for her. As for Naru, his parents arrived in Japan two days after Haruka was proclaimed dead, they were able to meet Kazumi and paid their respects to their deceased grandson. Naru kept Mai and Kazumi close to him at all cost since Mai's world was shattered over losing her son, he had to make sure that the brunette wouldn't do anything stupid. He was certain of watching over her even during the night, whenever she would have nightmares about Haruka and would scream and cry about it. He certainly took care of his daughter and Mai with no hesitations and took responsibility for them. Mai, on the other hand, grieved in pain, she would have dreams that would, later on, turn into a nightmare, blaming herself for Haruka's death. When Haruka was buried in England, she wasn't able to eat and work very well. Luella and Martin Davis were concerned over her actions and asked Noll to stay in one room together to calm her down, which Naru gladly accepted.

Despite the loss of the son, Noll wanted to reach out to Mai even in her darkest times. It took Mai 2 years to finally let go and accept, which led to Haruka's passing on. Mai and Kazumi brought light in the Davis Estate, Mai's bright attitude and Kazumi's laughter was a stress reliever for the three Davis inside. Noll couldn't help but notice that Mai finally returned back to her old self but could still see a scar in her. So, he finally decided to talk to her.

Mai finished her work in the office earlier than she expected, she returned to the Davis Estate and realized that Kazumi was still in school. She sighed as she walked into the Gazeebo in the middle of the garden at the backyard of the Estate. Mai sat there and listened to the breeze. The air was quite strong but later on calm. She gently leaned back to her seat and looked around at the flowers surrounding the gazebo. She closed her eyes resting it for a bit and suddenly could hear the grass as if someone was walking towards her. She opened her eyes and leaned forward looking around, seeing the raven-haired man walking towards the gazebo, his black shoes stepping on the platform of the gazebo and entered. He sat beside her and looked at her for a while before saying.

"How was work, Mai?"

Mai gently leaned on him placing her head on his shoulder and looked down closing her eyes. "I finished early, I suddenly got sleepy." She mumbled. Naru wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. His mouth was slightly opened before saying. "You shouldn't be sleepy in this time Mai." His husky voice said. Mai simply shook her head, "No, I just want an afternoon nap." Naru gave a small smile and let the brunette sleep for a while. He gently looked over at her palm noticing at it as it moved. His mind was completely set for what he had prepared.

Mai flinched noticing something under her palm, she sat up and didn't notice that Naru stood up. Mai clenched her palm into a fist carrying what's ever that was under her palm. She lifted it and opened her palm seeing a silver ring in front of her. To her surprise, it levitated and quickly dropped back to NAru's hands. Mai covered her mouth, letting her emotions free by crying tears of joy. She looked at the raven-haired man smiling softly to her kneeling in front of her. "Will you marry me?" Naru held the ring with his thumb and index finger looking up at her. Tears started to roll down her eyes and she nodded, Naru started to play along. "I didn't hear you, Mai." His husky voice said. Mai then smiled as she coughed lightly. "Yes, you idiot! I'll marry you!" Mai said before Naru slid the ring on her finger. They both stood up, Mai crying over such happiness as the man pulled her close to embrace her tightly.

It took Mai and Naru a year of engagement, Mai was focusing on her internship while Naru was busy inside the office as well, but when they would go home, they have Kazumi waiting for them before dinner. Mai eventually got her degree before getting married and finally started working as a field manager in cases, she would usually be dispatched into locations nearby England, under Naru's request to the chief scholar, Madoka Mori. They didn't rush things with the wedding, since Naru wanted his wedding with Mai to be perfect. Though there are times wherein Mai would want the wedding off because of Naru's attitude, he would beg her back and eventually make out after the fight.

During the wedding, Mai was stressed out, since she wasn't able to finish the case on time and had to go back to Scotland the next day. Rather than focusing on the wedding she was focusing on the case, Naru didn't want to see Mai before the wedding, because of superstitions, he doesn't believe it but he just wanted to make sure. So, rather than seeing her, he asked his daughter, Kazumi to go talk to her.

"Mum." Kazumi with her light blue flower girl attire walked towards the busy bride. Mai noticed her and placed her palm on her lap before turning to the child. "Yes, Honey?"

"Mum, it's your wedding day. If you continue this I'm afraid that you might end up just like that." Kazumi frowned and looked around, the bride's maids were done, Masako, Ayako, Kasai and Taka were done with their hair and makeup and even proceeded to the pictorials. Mai on the other hand was still on the white bathrobe. She sighed and tried to calm down before turning off her laptop and closing the folder.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

The wedding was simple but elegant, Mai chose blue for the motif to complement both Kazumi and Naru's eyes. It was a church wedding, Mai had to give up her religion for Naru which she fully wanted. She walked down the aisle gracefully, as she watched the man before the alter looking at her back. Kazumi was right in front of her as well, tossing the petals of the flowers as they walked. Mai was already more than half way when Oliver Davis suddenly marched up to her and walked with her to the altar.

"I've already waited long enough for this." Mai chuckled hearing his sentiments.

Married for only a week, Mai and Naru noticed that Kazumi was playing alone at the backyard of the Davis' Estate. Naru watched at her as Mai brought black tea for his afternoon snack. She gently placed it on the table before Naru could return back to the dining table and sit beside her. He sipped on his tea before looking at the young brunette who was munching over the biscuit.

"Tell Madoka you'll be in a leave after 5 months." Naru said calmly, Mai didn't understand what he meant. "What? But I want to be in cases, besides under what reason should I take a leave?" Mai said before sipping on her tea.

"Maternal leave." Mai jolted lightly and almost coughed up the tea that was to her, she swallowed it before spitting it out.

"Naru, I'm not even pregnant!" Mai said shyly as she placed the tea down looking at her wedding ring. "Oh, you'll be." The narcissistic man said with a small smirk on his face watching the tomato head girl blushing awkwardly.

And the raven-haired man was right, she did get pregnant. Mai was in labour for 8 hours, she wanted to give birth to the healthy baby boy naturally. Naru was there by her side holding her hand tightly before she could push. When the baby was out Mai passed out, which caused Naru to panic over the situation. The doctor calmed him down and told him it was normal.

Oliver Davis watched over his newborn son being embraced by the petite brunette lady on the hospital bed. Naru sat on the bed, while Kazumi sat as well at the other side. Kazumi looked over at the baby with her blue eyes and gently asked. "What's his name, mum?" Mai looked over at Naru before smiling back to Kazumi.


Epilogue Done!