Disclaimer: See Prologue/Chapter One.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who has reviewed and added this story to their alerts/favorites. This is the last chapter and there will be a sequel although I'm not sure when that will be posted.

Chapter Eight

They hardly spoke to one another as they rested near the stream, collecting food, cleansing in the water, and collecting their own thoughts.

"There's only two left now," Draco remarked quietly. "Krum must have a wand. And so does Blaise."

"I know, but this needs to end and now. I'm tired of being in this arena and if I'm going to die then it will be today."

Even as the words spilled forth from Harry's mouth he knew they were true. He was indeed tired. Tired of killing others, of having to watch his every move in fear that something or someone were out to get him.

"So you think we should go back to the lake then?" asked Draco.

Neither of them wanted to, but what choice did they have? Blaise might have to be dealt with last, but they could at least try and take out Krum.

"Yes, don't you? There're two of us against Krum. He may be bigger and have a wand, but we've gotten this far, haven't we?"

"You're right." And with a determination Harry had never seen before in Draco's eyes he turned towards Harry and reached out for the wand, Harry acquiescing and handing it over. "Let's go."

Together they headed in the direction they had come from not an hour before. Harry wasn't sure if he was walking to his death or victory, but either way he would see that the seventy-fourth Hunger Games ended today, even if it meant that they had to walk into the unknown past the lake to get to Blaise.

When they reached closer to the clearing and the Careers' camp they paused, looking around to try and find Krum.

"I don't see him," murmured Draco. "Where on earth could he be?"

"Maybe he's hiding in the woods himself since he's the last Career. It would be a given he would be here so maybe he hightailed it out of there. It is the first logical place to look for him."

"True, but I don't know if Krum would go after us. He might let the Gamemakers decide our fate or wait for us to come after him. After all, he let Weasley and Chang come search for us. That must mean something."

Neither was sure what Krum's motives were and maybe they were both wrong. Perhaps he still decided to stay near the lake and cornucopia and was off searching in the forest for the moment.

"I say we just venture out in the open. I don't see him," said Harry.

It may have been stupid to be so vulnerable, especially to Krum who was a brute and was fierce with his weapons, but at that moment Harry didn't care. They walked towards the cornucopia and waited, poised to strike at any moment if Krum came out unknowingly.

They waited what seemed forever and Draco was just about to suggest that they sit down when Harry shoved him to the side, both of them tumbling to the ground. With furrowed eyebrows Draco turned his head to where they were standing to find Krum's spear stuck in the ground. There was no time to state thanks and they both stood up quickly, wand and bow and arrow ready.

When Krum came out of the woods Harry sent a bow towards him, but the tribute from 1 deflected it and sent it shooting to the side with his wand.

"Cast something," Harry muttered to Draco. The blonde sent a stinging hex, but Krum was prepared and dodged to the side while Harry missed his mark when Krum moved.

"Impedimenta!" shouted Draco, but somehow Krum managed to maneuver away from the hex and from the arrow that Harry shot.

"I only have two arrows left!" Harry cried, but they were all stunned, Krum included, when a beast from beyond the lake came forth.

Harry had only seen pictures of werewolves in books and they were more a beast of legend than anything else. When he was younger Sirius would tell him scary stories about werewolves that lived in the dark and dangerous places of the world, but none had ever been reported of being seen in District Twelve.

This werewolf was much larger than he had ever imagined one being. Its brown coat shone in the sunlight and its amber eyes glinted with menace and had a clear message: death. It didn't help the fact that the mangled body of Blaise Zabini was clenched between the werewolf's teeth.

"Run!" Harry screamed just as the cannon shot off.

The cannon seemed to ignite something within the werewolf and it dropped Blaise's body, its fierce eyes pinning down Krum and running towards him.

"No, no," shouted Draco to Harry. "Climb the cornucopia!"

The cornucopia's opening was flat at the very top and the tall structure sat upright on the end while the ridges in it provided a grip to climb. They both latched on and started to climb as fast as they could, hearing Krum yell spell after spell, but none of them the Killing Curse. It seemed that Careers didn't know the Unforgiveables after all.

Harry was out of breath when he reached the top and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the now screaming Krum. He and Draco watched in horror as the werewolf bit into Krum's leg and tried to drag him away. The wand that had been in Krum's hand was laying several feet away from him on the ground and despite his cries of agony he was still trying to reach for it.

"I have to do something," whispered Draco, his face frozen in panic and revulsion at what was passing before their eyes. The werewolf was now tearing into Krum's abdomen and the tribute was no longer trying to get his wand, but instead ward off the werewolf.

Harry said nothing as Draco aimed the wand at the werewolf and shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"

The growls coming from the werewolf and the sound of flesh being torn out of place ceased, but it did not stop the cries of pain coming from Viktor Krum.

"He won't live even if he wins," Harry stated softly, not once turning away from the dreadful sight in the clearing.

For the first time since Harry remembered seeing Viktor Krum the young man did not look at Harry with hatred, disgust, or the intent to kill. When the brown eyes looked at him in that moment he was pleading for his death and an end to the pain.

"It's not right," Draco agreed quietly and for a second time in less than a minute he pointed the wand and shouted the most Unforgivable curse of them all. "Avada Kedavra!"

The wounded Viktor Krum stopped moving and so did the cries from his pain. For a moment neither Harry nor Draco moved until realization dawned on Harry at what had just transpired.

Turning to Draco he said, "Draco, we did it. We won."

There was no triumph in his voice as he said the words, only acceptance of the fact. How could he feel victorious after all that he had seen and done in the arena?

A canon sounded and Viktor Krum's picture floated in the air moments before a hovercraft appeared to take the mangled body.
"Why didn't the hovercraft stop for us too then?" Draco asked after they watched the Ministry machine leave their line of vision.

Harry wasn't sure why nothing was happening either. Where was the Minister's voice announcing that the Hunger Games were over and won by Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, both tributes from District Twelve? Why did another hovercraft not appear to take them out of the arena?

"Maybe we have to climb down."

Even to Harry's own ears his suggestion sounded weak, but there was nothing left to do. They climbed down the cornucopia and almost as soon as they stepped onto the grass the voice of Minister Tom Riddle filled the air.

"Good evening tributes. There has been a sudden change in the rules of the seventy-fourth annual Hunger Games. The previous rule change has been revoked meaning only one tribute will be able to win. May the odds be ever in your favor."

No, it wasn't possible. Had Harry just heard right? Just now as both he and Draco thought they had won the Gamemakers and Ministry wanted them to kill one another?

The cry that had let forth from Draco's mouth startled Harry out of his reverie and he moved towards the hunched over blonde before him who was covering his face with one hand and clutching the wand in his other.

"Draco," said Harry softly but sternly. He put both hands on Draco's shoulders and watery grey eyes looked into his green ones. "They did this one purpose, don't you see?"

And Harry did. He laughed at the twisted irony of it all. The Gamemakers had made it so Harry and Draco would be the last two to survive so in the end their love story would be a tragic one where one would have to kill the other. The Ministry would eat up the tale of a tragic love lost in the Hunger Games to each other and it would be a news sensation across the country.

"They wanted this to happen, for us to be the last."

"To make one of us kill the other," said Draco, the pieces falling into place and Harry could see that he too understood. Draco began to shake his head and he tried to step away from Harry and out of his grip. "I can't kill you, Harry. I won't kill you!"

Harry only held Draco tighter and pulled him closer, his fingers wiping away the tears that were falling silently down Draco's pale face.

"And I won't kill you."

"We can't leave until one of us is dead and if we don't kill each other then the Gamemakers will decide for us!" Draco shouted, the panic in his voice rising with each word.

The wheels inside Harry's mind were whirling and he couldn't, wouldn't, let the Ministry win or decide their fates for them. He let go of Draco and ran to the wand that had been used for Krum, gripping it in his hand tightly.

"I won't let them win," Harry stated forcefully, hoping that every district heard his words. "We can't so we'll decide."

Draco appeared confused until Harry stepped forward towards him once more and wrapped an arm around his neck while his other hand lightly touched Draco's hand that was clutching the wand. He moved so close towards Draco that their lips were only centimeters apart.

"Even if one of us survives we didn't really win, did we?" Harry whispered softly so only Draco could hear. The blonde shook his head, but didn't respond. "I don't want to go back without you, Draco."

"And I don't want to go back without you, Harry," Draco said with a voice of urgency.

"So we won't without each other."

"But how?"

Harry squeezed Draco's wand hand tightly. "When I count to three we'll cast the Killing Curse at each other," he stated.

The blonde's breath caught for a moment and shut his eyes tightly before nodding.

What Harry did next was impulsive, but Merlin, if this was his last moment then he was going to do what he felt was right.

Harry leaned forward and pressed his lips to Draco's. Grey eyes opened in surprise, but they fluttered closed and his mouth opened wider, encouraging and accepting the kiss. Tongues tentatively explored each other and Harry pulled Draco even closer, wanting to remember this moment forever.

When he pulled away he looked into Draco's eyes and knew that this was right. With a nod to Draco and a nod back they pulled away from one another.

"On the count of three," Harry said. "One." Their wands were raised and pointed squarely at the other so there was no chance of missing. "Two." He looked at Draco and wondered what could have been if they both lived, but he would never find out. "Three."

"Avada Kedav-!"

"Avada Kedav-!"

"Stop! Stop!"

The voice jolted both of them and their wands wavered, the words to the curse falling silent on their lips at the sound of a panicked Albus Dumbledore reverberating about the arena.

"Congratulations!" they both heard.

Puzzled, Harry looked towards Draco who seemed just as confused as Harry. What on earth was going on? Did Minister Riddle not just announce minutes ago that there could only be one winner?

"The winners of the Hunger Games this year are Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, both hailing from District Twelve!"

Harry's jaw dropped and his hand slackened on the wand in his hand causing it to drop to the ground. He stumbled back a bit when Draco rushed forward and hugged him tightly. His own arms found their way around the blonde.

He was struck in disbelief at what happened and the questions that were running through his mind, the first and foremost was why the Ministry had so suddenly changed their minds?

The sound of the approaching hovercraft caused them to pull away and look up into the sky, both eagerly awaiting its arrival and the fact that they could finally leave the arena. The machine stopped above them and two long metal ropes descended. Harry grabbed one and Draco the other and they were being pulled up, but as they were doing so he felt a prick on his hand.

Suddenly his vision was going black until Harry was no longer conscious.

His vision was fuzzy and he was sure that he saw Snape, but before there was a chance to focus in on him everything went black again.

The second time he woke he thought that he saw Fleur, but her amber eyes disappeared from sight as his eyelids slid closed.

When he finally woke he jolted up from the cushioned doctor's table that he had been laying on. There was nobody in the room which he found slightly odd, but he swung his legs over the edge and stood up. He caught sight of himself in a mirror that was hanging on a wall and his eyes widened in surprise. The scar on his leg from the burn was gone and he appeared healthy, almost exactly like he did before the Games. His hair shone like it did after Lavender, Parvati, and Padma had done work on him and the dirt and grime from the arena was washed away. The only thing that didn't fit the picture was the all black clothing he was wearing.

Harry left the room and found himself at the end of a familiar hallway that was identical to the twelfth floor in the tower where he stayed for the pre-Games ceremonies. Walking to the end of the hall he found himself in the open area that was the dining and living area, but it was empty so he went to the window and stared out at the world passing below. It was evident that he was back in the Ministry and that this was exactly where he stayed when he and Draco first came here. He watched as the cars drove and people walked on the streets below. Life was still passing by as before, yet for Harry it seemed completely different. How could he not feel like he was living in some other realm after stepping out of the arena? His life would forever be affected by these Games, yet everyone around him would go on as usual.

"You're awake."

Harry turned away from the window, slightly startled at first until he saw his mentor. Harry relaxed a little, but he didn't move away from where he was standing.


"I can arrange for food to be sent up," Snape said and he motioned towards the table. "Why don't we sit?"


Harry sat with his back to the hall and Snape sat across from him. For a moment neither of them said anything until the older man decided he had enough of the silence.

"I suppose congratulations are in order."

Harry resisted rolling his eyes, but he nodded. "And I suppose I should thank you for saving both mine and Draco's lives. Speaking of Draco, where is he? He's alright, isn't he?"

"Yes," said Snape with a nod. "He is perfectly fine. His leg was properly healed and he's been awake a few hours longer than you."


Snape's eyes narrowed, not in suspicion, but as if he were examining a specimen he wasn't quite sure what to make of.

"First and foremost I hope you realize your actions at the end of the Games will have repercussions. In a sense you went against the Ministry and defied them. You tricked them in the Games and that has never been done before."

This bit of information hit Harry like a weight of bricks. Was that what people were saying – that he intentionally did it to defy the Ministry? If he really looked at it as an outsider perhaps it would appear that way, but that had not been Harry's intention when he had come up with the plan. Yes, he wanted to show that the Ministry would not control him, but he hadn't seen it as an act of defiance.

"What sort of repercussions?"

Snape shrugged. "I'm not sure, but the Ministry will surely be watching you more carefully. They won't want another revolution."

"Revolution?" said Harry as if the idea was preposterous. "I don't have the intention of starting a revolution against the Ministry."

"Perhaps you may not, but it may give others ideas, Harry." It was the first time Snape used his first name and Harry realized that what he was saying was a potential serious problem. He leaned forward a little to press the issue. "You did something nobody else has done in the Games and there will be consequences."

Harry was still baffled by this news, but there was nothing to be done about it now. He was alive and that was what mattered. If this came to be an issue in the future then he would deal with it then.

"Now," said Snape, leaning back into his chair. He smirked and Harry frowned at him, wary. "I must say you impressed me during the Games with your charades. I never thought you were a good actor, Potter."

"What?" Harry asked, utterly confused. Acting? He had most certainly not been acting in the Games so what was Snape talking about?

"Don't play stupid. With Draco. It seems you took my advice after all and made sure everyone believed in your act of love. People in the Ministry were falling for it over you two."

Harry sat back in his chair in disbelief before trying to speak. "I -," he began, but was interrupted by Snape.

"I didn't think you had it in you to make Draco fall even harder for you while fooling the rest of the country too. I would say you're more ruthless than you make yourself out to be."

The words stung and the suggestion that his feelings for Draco had not been real, but only for the Games hurt more than he thought. He needed to explain that this wasn't true, that what happened was real and there was something, whatever it may be, between he and Draco.


Harry's head whipped around at the sound of the voice and he paled instantly. Draco stood before him in the entrance of the room looking clearly shaken and confused.


"I'll leave you two," said Snape. Anger rushed through him towards his mentor and what Harry wouldn't give to hurt the man right now. He glared at the retreating figure and watched as Draco warily stepped closer to him while Harry stood.

"Draco," he started again, but the blonde cut him off.

"Is what Snape said true? That your feelings for me and the affection you showed me in the arena was a ploy?"

Harry could hear the desperation in Draco's voice for Harry to contradict what he was saying, but he couldn't lie to Draco. It had started out that way, but Harry had never really played along. He needed Draco to understand.

"At first, but it wasn't really like that Draco. When I found you and you were hurt I started to have feelings and -," said Harry.

Draco was shaking his head and backing up towards the exit.

"So it is true."

"Well yes, it was, but -," Harry began, panic rising inside of him. This wasn't coming out right and Draco didn't seem to want to listen, but he had to.

"Just stop," Draco said angrily, his voice cold. Hardened grey eyes looked at him and whatever trust had been between them seemed to have disappeared in an instant. "You lied to me, Harry, and led me to believe that we actually had something. And at the end…" he trailed off, shaking his head once more. The hurt he was feeling was evident in his tone and eyes.

"Draco," pleaded Harry stepping forward, but the blonde took a step back, trying to keep their distance.

"When we get back to 12 I want you to leave me alone," Draco said forcefully, perhaps for his own conviction rather than Harry's. His eyes were cool and hard. Unforgiving. "We both won and that's that. Goodbye, Harry."

"Please Draco," Harry cried, but it was too late. Draco had left the room and the relationship they had built between them appeared to be shattered.

Harry collapsed in the chair he had previously occupied, damning Snape and himself for what had passed. Why had he resented Draco so in the beginning and let Snape make the suggestion that they love each other? It's not like he had really followed along, but the initial plan had been revealed to Draco and the damage was done.

They would be leaving for District Twelve soon he imagined and when they got back he would try again and explain to Draco what had really happened. He would have to listen because if he didn't Harry wasn't sure what he would do.

Thoughts of what he did in the arena and the consequences that Snape spoke of did not even register in Harry's mind. The only thing that he focused on was winning Draco back.

The sun was beginning to set, illuminating the manmade structures outside. Tomorrow was a new day and what was most important was that he was alive to see it. Even though Draco was angry and hurt at him things still looked promising.

End Part One.