Namaste! This is Lily, and this is my Lost OC Submission fic! Hurrah! :P Anyways, I am going to accept maybe five or six (5 or 6) people for this, and the OCs will go through the storyline of Lost with all of our favorite characters. So here is the form!

Name (first, last, middle if you want):

Sawyer's Nicknames:

Age (No younger than 7, no older than 70):

Marital Status:


Country of Birth:

Country and City They Were Living In Before the Crash:

Appearance (be detailed, give them something distinctive about their appearance, but don't make it like a page long. I'm sleep deprived and I need to stay awake, ok?):

Personality (details plz):

Background (what they were doing before the crash, etc. Like the stuff that would be in a flashback):

Quirks/Pet Peeves:



Occupation Before the Crash:

Social Status Before the Crash (social butterfly, loner):

Economic Status Before the Crash (rich, poor, middle class):

Role They Try To Take On The Island (For example, Jack and Locke try to be leader, Sawyer tries to be a loner, etc):

Family Members:

Relationship With Family Members:

Family Issues/Situations/Relationships:

Any Daddy Issues (you know I had to say that):

Who They Become Friends With On The Island:

Who They Are Enemies With On The Island:

Romance (any, and if so with who?):

Ok, all of that is required - sorry I know it's a lot but I need it all for what I'm planning. Everything below this line is optional but highly encouraged:

Opinions (about anything):

Favorite Things To Do Back At Home:

Favorite Things To Do On The Island:

Philosophical Nature (does s/he have a loving nature, a carefree nature, a pranking nature, a nurturing nature...):

Science/Faith (do they look at the facts or do they go with their gut? do they think it's coincidence, or fate?):

Any Talismans (like Charlie's DS ring, something they always carry with them):

Meaning/Reasoning behind their name:

Style of Clothing They Wear:

Physical Issues (deaf in one ear, extra toes, missing a finger, poor eyesight, etc):

Anything Else:

Ok, please submit your own Lostaway and see how they deal with The Smoke Monster, the time travelling, the deaths, the sickness, the Whispers...

Love Always,
