
Based on the song by The Living Tombstone

This is my first fanfic ever, please feel free to R&R. I'd like to know what I can do better or what I did good so I can continue to do so in future chapters.


A lonely unicorn is walking through an abandoned city. His grey fur is stained with dirt and his dark green mane and tail are frazzled. It's easy to see it's been days since he slept properly, or had a bath.

On either side of his flank is a saddlebag, both of them covering his cutie marks. "He... hello, is anypony there?" he says as he walks around the town. "Ugh, it's useless, everypony is gone," he sighs discouraged "you're never gonna find anypony Tim, they all abandoned you." The grey pony brings up a journal from his saddlebag using his magic and starts writing.

Journal Entry 54, October 17th

I arrived at Fillydelphia today. Where the hell is everypony, the only signs of life are the small critters scattered around feasting off whatever food is left. I'd just wish I could find SOMEPONY who could tell me the damn story of what happened before I became so alone. I guess I just have to keep searching.

As he finishes his entry and shuts his journal he can hear his stomach growling at him, he's starving. He goes off to find some food and notices a small house catching attention, it feels familiar and he makes a mental note to check it out once he gets something to eat.

After a few minutes search he finds a restaurant with an almost full storage room. Satisfied he starts cooking some daisy soup.

"Mmm, that was some goooooood soup" he says patting his stomach, he packs down some bread and starts moving towards the house he saw earlier.

"Hello, is anypony here?" he whispers while slowly opening the door, "hello..? Oh great, another wild goose chase, this place is more abandoned than the rest of Equestria." he states while walking up the stairs "Maybe if I'm lucky there's a-" he freezes as he enters the room, he recognizes this, this very room, he used to live here, but not just before everypony disappeared, no, this was where he lived as a foal.

"It's all coming back now, my old bed, my toys," he sprints to the window "my old treehouse" he says with a smile.

He hurries downstairs, beaming, smiling more than he has for months, runs to the living room and stops. More memories, these however not as pleasant, his smile turns to a frown in less than a second "Oh no..."


A small grey foal is playing with his father, his dark green mane is kept tidy, his flank is blank, he has a small horn in his forehead and he's roughly 5 years old. His father has a black fur coat and a long purple mane and tail, he has a horn and his flank is decorated by a chalkboard. "Rawr, I'm a horrifying monster and I'm gonna eat you" he says, charging at his son. They crash and roll for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.

"Alright boys, calm down, dinner will be on in a minute." says a mare standing in the doorway to the kitchen, she has a lime fur coat, a long yellow mane tied in 'horsetails' and a short yellow tail, her flank decorated by a picture of a chef's hat.

"Mommy!" yells the foal while rushing towards his mother, before embracing her in a hug.

The 2 adult ponies go to the kitchen to talk while the foal keeps playing with his toys. Suddenly the backdoor slams open, the foal stands in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen, watching silently as 3 ponies in suits enter the kitchen through the backdoor, the middle one wearing a hat.

"Time's up," the middle pony says "the don wants his bits now."

"No, please I... I can get the bits for next week," pleads the father.

"Funny, that's exactly what you said last week, and the week before that." A small glow starts to emit from the inside of the middle pony's hat, which spreads to the father's neck. "Time's up" says the middle pony as he snaps the father's neck with a nasty CRACK.

The light moves on to the crying mother's neck, but then it suddenly stops. "Wait, how about we have some fun with this one first" says the middle pony with a smirk.

While the foal is watching, the 2 other ponies throw the mother on to the kitchen table and spread her legs wide. She looks at her son with tear-filled apologizing eyes, while the hatted unicorn starts thrusting his member inside her. As he finishes he makes way for one of the other ponies, who follows suit.

"Well that was fun," says the unicorn when they're all done, "but it's time to say goodnight" and with that he snaps the neck of the mother with yet another sickening crack "i guess we'll have to explain this to the boss somehow..."

At this point the foal is already miles away, he started running when the unicorn began raping his mother. He's not sure where he's going, but he's definitely sure it's as far away as possible.

-Flashback end-