Today's chapter was requested by "CherryYume" so onwards too…




.South Korea.


England walks up to the graves, South Korea beside him doesn't babble on greatly. South Korea isn't quite sure why he let England's graves stay there- he got rid of Japan's as soon as Japan left his land, but he didn't have the heart to get rid of England's when England had returned the Port Hamilton… Admittedly the land had been returned much earlier than the incident that caused these graves.

There are ten of them.

"Thank you…" England mutters and looks at South Korea from over his soldier. "I'm glad they're safe in foreign land."

Ten sailors and marines- it almost seems insignificant… compared to the amount of men England has buried in Turkey, in Egypt… all over the world… But even these ten England doesn't have the heart to just leave, to just ignore- he visits, whenever he can- England's ambassador's in South Korea have taken to visiting yearly as well…

"It's ok," South Korea mummers back- almost wants to add that the Island still belongs to England… only it kind of doesn't anymore…

They had met on this island. Back when South Korea was still oblivious to everything Western, back when all that was important to him was his family. He'd heard of the Western world of course, communicated with a couple of them, heard the complaints from those colonised in Asia- saw less of those colonised… they were strange times and that's when he met England.

"I'm England," was the simple and brisk introduction. "I was hoping you'd allow me to use this port as naval base to help keep Russia from coming into Asia."

He'd heard of England. Heard he had colonised Malaya, Singapore, India and his siblings, Hong Kong- of course he's also definitely heard of Russia… North Korea seemed to be infatuated with the man. China had warned him of the two fighting at the moment- best not to get involved. He's heard Japan's not fond of Russia either…

He ends up agreeing to the naval base. He enjoys walking around the building, enjoys England's men- the way they spoke was hilarious, he even enjoys England's company. England doesn't stay for too much longer. He packs up a lot of the base stuff after two years with a smile.

"Thank you for the help, but Russia isn't a problem now…" He had smiled, England carried on visiting on his visits to Asia though and there were a lot of visits. England introduced South Korea to faster communication through cables- China helps with setting everything up, but England shows him what to do, South Korea claims it as his own invention afterwards and England just shakes his head in amusement.

They enjoy the bizarre conversations and South Korea enjoys being introduced to England's sports… he claims he made them himself after he's got the hang of them. They get along quite well and England carries on visiting… well until Japan's invasion…

He's sure that's why they don't carry on their strange and lengthy conversations. England's allies with Japan… well when South Korea is first put under Japan's control. England doesn't do anything because he's friends with Japan- wouldn't dare. World War 2 they meet again for the first time in a long while, South Korea's quite shocked to see England appear as he did- he's sure a lot of Asia was, but Japan had stolen some of his Empire and he had wanted it back, so with blood dripping from almost every wound marked across his body- they'd later all find out they were from bombs, endlessly dropped bombs, he manages to get them away from Japan's control- it was an even bigger shock for the whole of Asia when China came in as backup.

South Korea manages to get a few words in among England's colonies worrying. They end up discussing the graves Korea had set up, what was to come of his land now, how Japan's set up graves of England's old port- old naval base. Everything revolved when it's less frantic- once everything's not being spouted out at once.

A couple of weeks after the war's finished, England visits the island again- brushes his fingers against each grave- South Korea watches the care England gives to each stone- England really cares about his people, his colonies, his everything…

"But I really mean it South Korea," England's looking at him straight on- not the graves, his precious everything's but South Korea. "I'm so grateful you've kept their graves here… you could have thrown them out with Japan's…"

South Korea smiles as much as he dubs is ok at a place of mourning… he's still not really sure about how Westerners deal with graves and deaths and all that, he's more used to optimism when someone dies in Asia, there's sadness, but a hope that they'll better- in Europe in all seems black as though if they don't stop praying the soul will get lost- will suddenly cease to be… Heaven seems like a hard place to work for in Europe…

"And I meant it when I said it was ok England," South Korea looks at each grave, they've always been cared for, people enjoy coming to visit the graves of some of England's bravest. "I doubt I could get rid of them even if I wanted to- after Korea created generosity!"

It's a stupid thing to say, but it's such a South Korea thing to say that England can't help but let a smile slip across his face, can't help but need to stifle a laugh- at least he can safely say his men were buried in the perfect place…




I haven't a clue what I wrote again! All I know is England had the Port of Hamilton as a naval base to stop Russia from controlling Asia (because for a while Russia and England were playing a "game" to be the stronger presence in Asia- England won and South Korea's island was the perfect place for naval operations against Russia) and that there's ten famous British graves there apparently! And they've been visited yearly by our ambassador… I may do some more research and make a better fic about this, because it's quite interesting! Anyways, hope you enjoyed… and that it makes sense!