"Kate, kate!" a voice yelled. Kate turned around to see a familiar rabbit come near her. She felt her belly growl and tried to control it.

"Kate!" Her rabbit friend said, "You have to come see this awesome cabbage patch." Kate stared at her rabbit friend, and said "Cabbage patch?" Her friend hopped closer to her.

"Yeah, a cabbage patch. It's so cool. Come on!" Kate followed her friend from her old, dusty den through the forest to this garden of vegetables. She saw many vegetables growing on the brown fertile soil. How the vegetables shined on the ground. How the sun made steam rise from the water puddle.

"So...What exactly am I supposed to be seeing?" Kate said, lifting up one of her paws to see the dirt underneath her fur.

"Come closer." Her rabbit said bringing her to a carrot, "Doesn't it just look delicious?" Kate glared at the carrot and then felt her stomach growl again.

"Yes it does." Kate said, "and so do you." She muttered silently. Hunger slowly taking over her. She glanced at the rabbit, how he took a huge chunk of the carrot and chewed it slowly. Kate would slowly do the same.

"You want a bite?" the rabbit said. Kate knew this was the opportunity and opened her mouth slowly.

"Yeah, sure...I'll take a bite." She said biting down on the rabbit, making sure his entire body was in her mouth.

"He's better tasting then I thought" she thought, as she used her tongue to make his fur wet with her saliva. He tasted like carrots, vegetables, and meat. Oh so delicious meat. Her stomach growled again, the roar overpowering her. She tilted her head back and swallowed. Her throat muscles slowly bringing her prey down her throat. The muscles were indeed strong and slowly constracted the rabbit down her throat. He was covered in wet saliva, from head to toe. His body shivering as he thrashed inside her throat. Kate had enough of it so she swallowed, with the rabbits body slowly landing into her stomach. Kate felt her stomach bulge outward, and it felt heavy. Kate put a paw on her furry, round belly and rubbed it gently. The thrashing and crying inside were making it all better.

"Rabbi, you were so delicious." Kate said soothingly. She rubbed her round stomach and felt a burp escape from her rumbling stomach.

"Why did you eat me?" Rabbit questioned, pounding the inside of her stomach walls.

"Because you said to take a bite, so I did." Kate said giggling. She layed back and let her stomach lay in peace.

"I didn't mean it like that." Rabbi said with tears running down his face. He punched her stomach one more time, and sat down. Knowing that he was going to die.

"Cheer up!" Kate said, "At least you'll die with somebody." She put her paws on her stomach and closed her eyes. The rumbling of her stomach reaching her ears. Rabbi felt his body start to burn in her acids and just accepted fate...and soon, there was only silence. But little did kate know that 1)There was a guard dog watching the whole thing, 2)The guard dog hated foxes more than anything, and 3) Rabbi was one of his best friends.