Chapter 1/Prologue-ish dealie?

Disclaimer: No, I do not own any portion of Axis Powers – Hetalia. Or Hetalia-Axis Powers, however it goes.

England was peacefully sipping a cup of Earl Grey (yes, spelled with an 'e') when a regal-looking owl burst through the open kitchen window, with a letter affixed to the leg.

Nervously, for he hadn't dealt with his magic community in years, he untied the letter from the owl. The bird of prey gave him a look, and England sighed, then set out some food for it to eat while he unfurled the parchment with shaking hands.

Dear Arthur,

It has been 14 years since our last talk, my friend! Recently, it has come to my attention that we are in need of a new A History of Magic professor, as Binns has taken a year long absence to visit and study the Goblin Wars in Sweden. I was wondering if you would like to take the position, as I've heard that you know much about History.

If you choose to join our staff, I will be waiting in my office next Monday at 1 o'clock to settle the agreement. If you'd rather not teach at Hogwarts, I understand, just send your rejection letter back with the owl.

Yours truly,

Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

England thought for a second, before clearing up his schedule for next Monday.

He was teaching at Hogwarts.

A/N: First chapter of first fanfic ever! Um, yes, one other nation will be teaching, but Dumbledore will mention it during their meeting, because it had only become an emergency AFTER the letter was sent. Guess which nation it'll be, cuz I already chose who. (Hint- He'll be doing Care for Magical Creatures.)

Hm, I should be updating pretty fast, but I can't make any promises to y'all.

Also, yes it takes place during Harry's 5th year. I think. I'll have to check.

Constructive criticism accepted, and probably needed. Flames, not so much.