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Title: Fall in Love this Christmas

Summary: 25 songs, 25 stories. All leading up to a Star Trek Christmas Day.

A/N: I bought Michael Bublé's Christmas album… Oh, my gosh. I listened through the whole dang thing (after Thanksgiving, of course!) and decided that if I wasn't going to be able to write anything else, I had to do this. Some of these songs will be from the Christmas album, and some of them will be from other holiday song sources. I'll put up a playlist at the end. Happy Holidays, y'all!


December 1

It began without warning.

Uhura noticed the Captain's…oddity while debriefing him on the body language of Tyrr'an natives. He was paying attention, sure, but his eyes refused to stay focused, and his foot simply wouldn't remain still. Once or twice, she even thought she heard humming.

She thought it was ridiculous, even for Kirk, and suggested that Spock investigate the matter further.

The First Officer made a valiant effort to understand the Captain's emotionally-driven moods on a daily basis, but this was almost beyond the logic of a Vulcan mind. The Captain, while always maintaining an air of positivity in order to boost crew morale was downright giddy.

Thinking his Captain ill, Spock suggested that Dr. McCoy inspect their leader, to prevent the sickness from spreading.

Len called Jim into his office that evening, shaking his head at Spock's message: "…signs of euphoria…inability to remain stoic…frightens Ensigns with overwhelming cheer…" The good doctor was well aware of the Captain's change in attitude.

December had begun, and not just any December. This was the first December in almost four years that hadn't been leading into another year of the mission. This December was IT: the end of a mission and the beginning of a nice, cushy shore leave (a.k.a. two months of recuperation before Star Fleet sent them all out again, but who was Leonard McCoy to complain?)

Only Len knew this news, because he just so happened to share quarters with the Captain and Jim had shared said news with him last night while they caught their respective breaths.

"We may even be home in time for Christmas, Bones. Think about it: our first Christmas together on Earth. You, me, Jo…it'll be a real family holiday, y'know? Just don't tell any of the crew yet; I don't want to get their hopes up so soon."

It had taken all of Len's stubbornness not to tell Spock exactly why Jim was acting so peculiarly. Quite frankly, he didn't want to think about the possibility, not until the confirmation was in his inbox.

But when Jim came waltzing into his office at 1900 hours with a grin the size of the Mississippi pasted on, Len couldn't help but crack a grin. When Jim crowded him against his desk and kissed him silly whilst humming, Len couldn't hold back a small chuckle that turned into muffled guffaws when Jim started dancing around his office, singing quietly all the while:

"You better watch out. You better not cry! You better not pout, I'm tellin' you why: Captain Kirk is coming to town!"