A/N: After much prompting and allaying my conscience by making her 18, I'm tackling my first M-rated Mark and Maddy scene.

Maddy sat on their couch as she waited for Mark to come in. Their couch- how odd was that thought? She looked around the house and realized this was going to be their home, Mark and Maddy Reynolds.

She laughed as she remembered their wedding reception. Her father was trying very hard not to get drunk because he'd just lost his daughter.

Mark exited the bathroom and smiled at his wife. Her heart slammed into her chest as she saw how his eyes slid over her body. She still had on her simple white wedding dress. He'd taken off his uniform jacket so his muscles were outlined beneath the white shirt he wore. Over the last two years, Maddy spent a lot of time resting her head against his shoulder and with his arms wrapped around her, but tonight would be different.

Tonight was their wedding night and it was going to be okay to take things further than the kissing they'd done up until this point. As a scientist, Maddy knew the logistics of sex… No, Mark refuses to refer to what they'll be doing as anything but making love.

Her grin widened as he walked to her, motioning for her to stay seated and he knelt beside her.

"Mrs. Reynolds." He had a sideways smirk on his face, the one that he had when they first met and it still made her heart race.

"Mr. Reynolds." Maddy felt her entire body tremble with anticipation. From the moment he said he wanted to marry her until now, she felt as if she was reining herself in. But not anymore. She started to lift her arms to pull him close, but he had another idea.

His arms slid under her knees and around her waist, causing her to grab him. "Mark!"

He gave her a quick chaste kiss and headed toward their bedroom. Maddy's heart began to race even faster. Her husband had held true to his promise two years ago to wait until their wedding night for anything improper to happen. She'd nearly died from restlessness over the years after leaving him with nothing more than intense kissing. Now that the door to their bedroom was opened and she saw the large bed covered in soft pillows and blankets before her, she quivered with insecurity.

As his strong arms, which held her through so much over the last two years, lowered her onto the softness, she couldn't help but ask, "Shouldn't you turn down the blankets?"

His eyebrows rose as he slid his arms out from under her legs. "The blankets?"

She looked at the fluffy white material and furrowed her brow. "I'd hate for it to… Get ruined."

Mark had a pained expression on his face.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammered. "The blankets are white and i-it's my first time…"

Mark grimaced and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her into his arms. "Maddy, I don't want to hurt you. It's going to kill me if you… if I make you…"

"Mark, it's okay. It'll only hurt the first few times according to Mom."

"Argh, you talked to your mother about our wedding night," he cried.

"It's better than talking to my dad or Josh," Maddy replied.

He pushed her back so he could look into her eyes. "Maddy, I promised to keep you safe."

"And you have," she replied, her hands coming up to cradle his face.

"I want tonight to be perfect. I want you to feel my love when I touch you."

"I already do," she replied as she leaned in to press her lips to his.

He pushed her back. "Maddy, I need you to understand that I'm, that I'll try to be as gentle as I possibly can."

"Of course you will, Mark. I love you and want to be with you. Some temporary discomfort is nothing like the pain I've felt when you've gone off to war and I didn't know if you were coming back." She leaned in and kissed him once more, this time he returned the gentle caress.

When they separated, he had a smile on his face. "I don't deserve a woman like you."

"I'm sure you'll rise to the occasion like you always do."

Both sets of eyes widened before they laughed. "Pun intended?" Mark asked.

"I really didn't think about it when I said it," Maddy replied, some of her insecurities fleeing at the sound of his laughter.

"We probably shouldn't be laughing at a time like this," Mark offered.

"Why not?" Maddy replied. "I'd think if we're going to be together that we'd want to be as true to who we are as any other time."

Mark's face was filled with awe. "You really are perfect." His hands tightened at her waist as he tugged her forward so he could kiss her deeply.

As Maddy felt herself being pushed gently down onto the bed, she smiled under the ministrations of his lips. Tonight I truly become Mrs. Madelyn Reynolds.


A/N: I haven't written smut in over a year so I might have lost my touch. Let me know if I should continue or not.