The sun is setting, and they are on a train.

Riza Hawkeye sits across from her superior officer, smiling a bit as his head lolls to the side in his sleep.

She loves him.

She has known this for a while.

Riza can't remember when she knew, exactly: when she trusted him enough to show him her tattoo? When she asked him to burn it off? Or perhaps the first time she met the cocky young man who would become her father's apprentice?

Riza does know something else, however: she will never have children. And she will most likely never even be with him.

It is not for lack of his love. She knows this too, because who needs words when you have touches and gestures and meanings? But he would never truly be happy if they were together, not now. She knows he would loathe himself for putting her in even more danger. She would be used against him and he would be used against her. And children… She tastes the word on her tongue. Children are a luxury for people who do not have to change the world, she decides.

And she begins to smile more, because it is all she can do not to start shaking with excitement every time she thinks of their plans. That she, the man sleeping across from her, and their four subordinates could change Amestris forever is surreal.

She is content.

She has known this for a while.

Because Riza has his love and he has hers. She has wonderful friends- no, family- and a chance to change Amestris for the better, even after all she has done. What more could she ask for?

Roy stirs and picks up his head, blinking weary eyes. Riza snaps her gaze back to the window. The sun is just rising, and pink streaks the sky.

"Did you sleep well, sir?" she asks, looking out the window.

"No." He yawns dramatically. "Damn trains." But then his eyes sharpen and out of the corner of her eye, she sees his gaze turn to something like concern.

"Did you sleep at all, Lieutenant?"

"No, sir."

"Then sleep now, Lieutenant. I can't have my bodyguard at anything less than one hundred percent." They both know there is more to it than that.

"Yes, sir."

Riza closes her eyes, humoring him. She feels his warm gaze on her like a blanket, and despite herself, smiles. Yes, I am content, she thinks.


It's more than that.

I'm happy.